
Aralık, 2016 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

breast augmentation washington

hi dr murray here from absolute cosmetic medicine. i'm here to day to talk to you about breastimplants and more specifically the new pure furry brazilian breast implants. these are the average type of implants thatwe use or the usual ones we use. they are smooth and they have got cohesivegel in them. very important to get cohesive gel. this is a good example cohesive gel. when they are cut or ruptured, you can seethat they do not leak and are not fluid. so it is a sticky gel and this means it doesnot spread through your body if you have a problem. as you are probably aware, there were problemswith cheap implants being imported into the country and they still use quite a lot overseas. they can rupture more often and when theydo rupture it can leak into the body. and they will have to be taken out quite urgently. so paying money for good quality implantsis worth it as you can see. that is a good implant. now this is the pure furry brazilian implant. it is a round one and you c...

breast augmentation waco

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breast augmentation wa

[cindy] i've had breast enhancement, and mydoctor was dr. jonov at the gallery. my entire life i was athletic slim. i've wanted somethingdifferent. i wanted to be a little bit more i guess voluptuous. i'm still thin. i'm stillslender, but to have a few more curves and not always be just so athletic and so flatas i've always been. when i came in for the consult he was supernice. he made me feel comfortable, which is really important for something like that,something so personal. from the there i just decided and it was done. he knew right awaywhat would be the best for me. i said i want something that was natural looking. i wantsomething that will still make me look proportionate, but i still want to feel more feminine. hegave me the options and he knew exactly what to do. everyone made me feel real comfortable assoon as i walked in. it went by super quick. i think i was in and out within an hour. therecovery was pretty quick. within two weeks i felt like i was ...

breast augmentation w fat transfer

[text on screen]: miami breast center, plastic & reconstructive surgery innovators in breast augmentation. roger khouri md, facs. after a 5 year, 50 patient study we proved that fat grafting to the breast is safe & effective. our technique starts with: external expansion of the breast to enlarge a recipient scaffold making room for successful single stage large volume fat grafting breast tissue expansion using the brava system brava expansion gentle liposuction separation of fat meticulous lipografting the expanded scaffold baseline, brava expanded scaffold, final result after fat grafting breast augmentation with the benefit of lipsuction before. after. soft, natural autologous fat graft permanent breast augmentation innovators in post mastectomy breast reconstruction continuous pre and post graft brava external breast expansion serial outpatient lipografting gentle liposuction followed by separating the fat minimally invasive autologous mastectomy incisionless (miami) ...

breast augmentation vt

my name is dayna dotel and my age is 28 what i do for a living is i'm a senior title loan agent and i am actually the only girl so you know it is a lot of competition my daily routine is work and do mymother routines and whatever free time i have try to do my hair i would clean my house you know, i barely have free time but i try to you know worry about myself when i have time but once you have a kid it's very hard. i have a friend she told me about vanity but she wasn't able to get her procedure done in time and me i can wait, i'm very anxious and i got it done before she did my motivation was to be able to wear whatever i wanted you know not to like oh my god i can'tget that because i can fill it up on top like it should, you know and and now i look great on a bathing suit it's so much better that was the only thing i did and i'm so happy oh my god! i can explain how happy i am i can wear anything i want and i don't have to wear a bra which is t...

breast augmentation vs implants

there aredifferent approaches to dealing with a retrodisplaced or a receding chin. there's a whole worldof implants, and then there's a whole worldof using your own bone to be able toreshape your chin. to give it more projection. to give youa better profile and to give you betterproportionality to your face. each of those approaches,the implant approach versus what we callsliding genioplasty, has its own advantagesand its own disadvantages. and the decision as to what isbest for you as the patient, really comes downto a number of factors. and can only really beaccurately determined during the consultation. an augmentation genioplastyis when we use an implant to simulate or to mockthe moving forward of the chin, or the reshaping of the chin. and there's a myriadof different sizes and styles of implantsthat you can use, depending on what shapeyou want your chin to be, how far you want it projected. the main disadvantageof using an implant is that you haveforeign materia...

breast augmentation vs implant

let me take you through a breast augmentation.so first of all you've got who are the manufacturers, we've already discussed that, allergan andmentor. secondly, the fillers, saline vs. silicone. saline was the only thing we hadon the market from '91 to 2006 and it ripples, it has a valve, it will leak. and when youlay on it the softest saline still feels like your laying on a waterbed. with silicone,you've got a really good chance of having an incredibly soft breast that looks and feelsjust like a breast. i finally broke away, i just won't do saline anymore. the covering,textured vs. smooth, ok, there are some urban legends out there that drive me nuts. texturedimplants were supposed to stay soft and a lot of companies have put a lot of money intotextured implants. it's kind of like to tobacco industry, they put a lot of money into convincingus tobacco didn't cause cancer until they finally surrendered and admitted that it did.textured implants are not g...

breast augmentation vs breast lift

hello, my name’s adrian richards, i’ma plastic and cosmetic surgeon and the surgical director of aurora clinics based in the unitedkingdom. today i’m going to be talking you through an operation i did on this lady whopreviously had implants inserted under the muscle. as you can see from these profiles,the implants are very high with the breast being rather low and this leaves an effectknown as the double bubble effect with the upper bubble being the implant higher andthe lower area being the nipple. what i’m doing in this case is performingan uplift procedure, this is the skin i’m going to remove and i’ll lift the nippleto that new position there. so the first stage really is to remove her implant and i’mgoing to do that through this incision here. so the first stage really is to remove thetop layer of the skin over that incision and the reason for this is it gives me a goodlayer of skin to stitch to. so this is an area of de-epithelialised skin and i’m goingto cut...

breast augmentation vs breast lift cost

hello, you've reached placidway, leading medicaltourism company, where you can compare the most affordable treatments worldwide! subscribe to our you tube channel and getinstant access to all of our latest health videos. a breast lift is a procedure aimed at restoringa firmer and more aesthetically pleasing shape to sagging breasts. if you are considering travel abroad for breastlift surgery, mexico is your place!. in centro plastica center, the price startsat 3,900. for other way, in panama plastic surgery pricesrange from 4,000. also from $4,000. you can have breast liftin maurice aceves center. but in busto ideal clinic, prices range from$5,000. and finally in surgimed, breast lift and implantsprice range from $6,900. benefits of breast lift. firmer and higher breasts. improved confidence and self esteem. the breasts appear larger due to the factthat they are higher and firmer. improved quality of life by removing the negativebody image. no doubt to contact us for more info...

breast augmentation vlog

hi, i'm dr. frank lista here at the plasticsurgery clinic and we're doing consultations today where patients come in and talk to meabout surgery. and i've had a few patients in the last couple of days ask me the samequestion: "can my body reject a breast implant?" well, here's a breast implant. this is a cohesivegel breast implant, one of the most common implants that we use. they also come in saline.so the short answer is no. you can't reject a breast implant the way you would rejectan organ, like a kidney transplant. that reaction - rejection - is an autoimmune reaction, ora reaction where your immune system attacks the organ. that doesn't happen with breastimplants because they don't initiate an autoimmune response. so the answer is no, you can't getrejection, and i've never seen it, i've been a plastic surgeon for 25 years and i've neverread about it in the medical literature. your body, though, can react to an implant, giv...

breast augmentation visualization tool

my work is about the behaviors that we all engage in unconsciously, on a collective level. and what i mean by that, it's the behaviors that we're in denial about, and the ones that operate below the surface of our daily awareness. and as individuals, we all do these things, all the time, everyday. it's like when you're mean to your wife because you're mad at somebody else. or when you drink a little too much at a party, just out of anxiety. or when you overeat because your feelings are hurt, or whatever. and when we do these kind of things, when 300 million people do unconscious behaviors, then it can add up to a catastrophic consequence that nobody wants, and no one intended. and that's what i look at with my photographic work. this is an image i just recently completed, that is -- when you stand back at a distance, it looks like some kind of neo-gothic, cartoon image of a factory spewing out pollution. and as you get a little bit closer, it starts lookin...

breast augmentation virtual

my name is theresa pinson. i'm a nurse practitioneras well as a certified aesthetic consultant. what i do in the practice is i try to meetwith each patient individually, when they come in for their first consult, their initialconsult, and i spend time listening to their needs, what their concerns are, whether it'dbe they're here for injections, maybe they want to do botox, or fillers, or if they'rehere for a surgical consult with dr. tehrani, breast augmentation, we do a lot of abdominoplasty,mommy makeover. i just spend some time talking with them, and getting them comfortable withthe idea that they have to expose themselves to someone, their insecurities and what bothersthem about their body. so i kind of am the first point of contact, and so i'm there tosort of build a relationship before they meet dr. tehrani. dr. tehrani is a board certifiedplastic surgeon, and i feel very honored to work with him. as a nurse practitioner, iam only as good as the doctor i...

breast augmentation virginia

hi, there. my name is veronica. so when you don't feelfeel comfortable in your own skin you actually lose that confidence thatyou you once had and you just feel like there's something you can do about it you know and finding doctor suh i think it's rare i don't think there is a lot ofpeople in her profession that have the care that she had forpeople the desire to really get to know her patients the desire to really know how they feellike you know i got very lucky to actually meet dr. suh she's amazing i don't know how else to thank her other than telling people how amazing she is she's actually the real deal, you need to get hold of her, she's amazing avail your 20 percent discount on firstprocedure and 30 percent on 2nd my call us now at703 424 9352 and schedule your complimentaryconsultation with doctor suh

breast augmentation virginia beach

breast implants lipo in the whole tummy area with fat put into my buttocks and my cheeks i was unbelievably impressed yes i can see it in my clothes i can see it in everything i wear if you can get that hour glass back into thebody your clothes look great everything looks great cause i had been like a size 2 my entire life and then i just couldn't beat it i could not beat it for me the waist my husband the boobs and the butt but for me the face and the waist absolutely and i would say waist one face two because i've been a size 2 my entire life i weighed 100lbs between 110lbs and 112 forover 40 years over 40 years i weighed that and then i hit menopause and i put 10lbs on and i don't care how much exercise i did or what i did eat or what i didn't eat orhigh protein you know i couldn't i got fat i got a tire i had never been heavy in the waist and that bothered me so yeah i'm pretty happy

breast augmentation virginia beach va

falling more call copyrighted programs created by reobandit the believe landlord cousin a lot and itcan be here region is they'd the you're seven forty one forty onewill be an with return they who lives in the calling all carpenterand why they were perfect but that the real brenda cracked company uh... typical un i am a failed i've got twenty five thousand-mile here i started using rio grande effectkathleen because it is up there so it's among police officers they've got parker factor and by the newyear than i do they often multi kathleen and i do all i get which apartment alright riogrande right cardinal without when i can't think about the cynthiaconf forty have to be fair to rethink their full lately the week that definitely willpower uh... read the book well though they say women don't read what made me relive them because at long list of cities and countiesusing the epidemic that gasoline is what got me started i don't remember any other oil ...