breast augmentation vs implants

breast augmentation vs implants

there aredifferent approaches to dealing with a retrodisplaced or a receding chin. there's a whole worldof implants, and then there's a whole worldof using your own bone to be able toreshape your chin. to give it more projection. to give youa better profile and to give you betterproportionality to your face. each of those approaches,the implant approach versus

what we callsliding genioplasty, has its own advantagesand its own disadvantages. and the decision as to what isbest for you as the patient, really comes downto a number of factors. and can only really beaccurately determined during the consultation. an augmentation genioplastyis when we use an implant to simulate or to mockthe moving forward of the chin, or the reshaping of the chin.

and there's a myriadof different sizes and styles of implantsthat you can use, depending on what shapeyou want your chin to be, how far you want it projected. the main disadvantageof using an implant is that you haveforeign material in your face, implanted in your face. a lot of people don't feelcomfortable with that. it doesn't feel --it's not as strong,

it's not as resilient. so if you are very active andyou're doing a lot of sports, particularly contact sports, it's not as resilientas the sliding genioplasty. and it adds bulk. so again, if you'rea young female patient and you want to maintainsort of a slender appearance, there are implantsthat can help you. little button implants,as they're called.

but really in my opinion,i think a sliding genioplasty gives you the mostnatural appearance. and of course, it gives youthat tightening of the neck and the soft tissues. because there's no questionabout it, implant is asmaller operation. it's an easier operation. there is anadded risk of infection, which is a bit higher than it iswith a sliding genioplasty.

but ultimately,the decision to go ahead with one or the otherreally comes down to what's going to give youthe best aesthetic result, and what's going to besafest for you. and the cephalometricsallow us to make that determinationon a very accurate mathematical and scientific basis.


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