breast augmentation wa

[cindy] i've had breast enhancement, and mydoctor was dr. jonov at the gallery. my entire life i was athletic slim. i've wanted somethingdifferent. i wanted to be a little bit more i guess voluptuous. i'm still thin. i'm stillslender, but to have a few more curves and not always be just so athletic and so flatas i've always been. when i came in for the consult he was supernice. he made me feel comfortable, which is really important for something like that,something so personal. from the there i just decided and it was done. he knew right awaywhat would be the best for me. i said i want something that was natural looking. i wantsomething that will still make me look proportionate, but i still want to feel more feminine. hegave me the options and he knew exactly what
to do. everyone made me feel real comfortable assoon as i walked in. it went by super quick. i think i was in and out within an hour. therecovery was pretty quick. within two weeks i felt like i was whole again, which was reallyimportant. then i started playing soccer in about ... it was less than three months. hegave me the okay and i started playing again. i would definitely recommend dr. jonov andthe gallery. you live life once so if you're going to get something done to make yourselfhappy, why not, why not? my husband absolutely adores them.
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