breast augmentation washington

hi dr murray here from absolute cosmetic medicine. i'm here to day to talk to you about breastimplants and more specifically the new pure furry brazilian breast implants. these are the average type of implants thatwe use or the usual ones we use. they are smooth and they have got cohesivegel in them. very important to get cohesive gel. this is a good example cohesive gel. when they are cut or ruptured, you can seethat they do not leak and are not fluid. so it is a sticky gel and this means it doesnot spread through your body if you have a problem.
as you are probably aware, there were problemswith cheap implants being imported into the country and they still use quite a lot overseas. they can rupture more often and when theydo rupture it can leak into the body. and they will have to be taken out quite urgently. so paying money for good quality implantsis worth it as you can see. that is a good implant. now this is the pure furry brazilian implant. it is a round one and you can get them inall different shapes.
but it is covered in polyurethane. so it is basically this but covered in polyurethane. now they have been used for over 20 yearsin some countries with very few problems. but probably the big advantage with them isthe lower rate of capsular contracture. now what happens when a breast implants goesinto the body it is covered in scar tissue. very light scar tissue that holds the breastimplant in place. this is great because you do not want themto move. the problem with the scar tissue is thickand cause the implant to become a poor shape and it also can be painful.
it can even go blue at sometimes and can getvery hard. so that what happens it contracts back thecapsule contracts back. now with the polyurethane, this blends in withthe capsule and in most cases avoids the capsule forming and becoming very thickand blends in the capsule. so that is the biggest advantage, is a lowrate of capsular contracture. we have a low rate of capsular contractureat absolute. but this is actually a very good implant touse. another advantage of it is that you can usea tear drop for an anatomical implant also called the natural implant.
a lot of people prefer these because theylook a lot more natural in the chest. the problem with using these in the smoothimplants can turn and it has been reported that 3-8% of natural implants or tear dropimplants do turn. that is obviously a nuisance because you havea perfectly good implant that looks funny and you have got to come back and take itout and put in a round smooth one. these are made so that when you hold themup they make a tear drop shape, which is a very clever idea but some people do stillprefer the fixed tear drop shape. so these are great because when they go in,they stick to the chest and they do not turn. as with anything nothing is perfect and iam sure that there be one person in the world
somewhere that will have one that turns. but on average this is the only type of teardrop implant to use because they stick. i call these the sticky implants. one of the other advantage with these as wellis that once they stick to the chest wall they do not move and they also stick to thebreast tissue. so the breast tissue over time does not becomefloppy and does fall down and what we call ptosis. so the furry brazilian implants will stickto the chest wall and they do not move or turn and also the breast tissue does not getas floppy or fall away from the breast.
it is good for girls with little bit of 'floppyness'as well. another one of the shapes that are made isa long tear drop. what this is, that it is high and long. so if you got a long chest and your breastsride low on your chest, this will blend in and make your chest not look as long and makeyour breast not as floppy. that is called the enhanced implant. it is a great idea for girls with long chests. the last one, but this is a tester one whichis usually covered in polyurethane, is evans implant or conical implant.
these can be used for girls with floppy breastsbecause they are very long from here to here and they help elevate the breast. these are quite good to consider if you wouldavoid a mastopexy. although you must be aware that mastopexyor breast lifts are needed in some patients and in the future that can happen. so that's the different type of implants,smooth round, all cohesive gel, polyurethane round, a polyurethane tear drop implant ornatural implant, the enhanced long tall implant and the advanced polyurethane implants thatis conical and gives the breast more lift. if you would like to know any more informationabout any of the above we have discussed,
do not hesitate to contact us on 9389 9099or go to our website and drop us an email at andwe would be happy to help you. so do not hesitate to pop in and see us. thank you very much.
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