breast augmentation vs implant

let me take you through a breast first of all you've got who are the manufacturers, we've already discussed that, allergan andmentor. secondly, the fillers, saline vs. silicone. saline was the only thing we hadon the market from '91 to 2006 and it ripples, it has a valve, it will leak. and when youlay on it the softest saline still feels like your laying on a waterbed. with silicone,you've got a really good chance of having an incredibly soft breast that looks and feelsjust like a breast. i finally broke away, i just won't do saline anymore. the covering,textured vs. smooth, ok, there are some urban legends out there that drive me nuts. texturedimplants were supposed to stay soft and a lot of companies have put a lot of money intotextured implants. it's kind of like to tobacco
industry, they put a lot of money into convincingus tobacco didn't cause cancer until they finally surrendered and admitted that it did.textured implants are not good implants. there are some real problems with them, which you'llhear about in the next couple of years. smooth implants stay soft, look good, feel good,so i won't do textured, and i'm willing to bet textured won't be around 10 years fromnow. shape. tear drop vs. round. tear drop or anatomic implants are shaped. they haveto be put in a certain way. and so all tear drop implants have to be textured. if forno other reason you shouldn't have textured but on top of that there was a great, backin dallas, 1995, there's this little short guy whose a plastic surgeon, dr. hamid andhe got up on stage and showed 100 mammograms
lateral view, showing the smooth, round implants,partially under the muscle look tear dropped because the muscle pushes on the upper portion,lower portion bulges they look tear dropped. anyhow, tear dropped implants i think arenot a good idea. so we use round, partially sub-pec, they look tear drop because they'reround no matter how you put them in they're always correct. they can't be diagonal. iput in 50 tear drop implants, i took out 50 tear drop implants because nobody ever thankedme for a diagonally shaped breast. here we have a silicone, breast augmentation throughthe armpit, under the muscle with a round, smooth implant. and you can see it. it gentlyrolls down from the clavicle down to the nipple and you don't get that abrupt turnout thatyou get when it's over the muscle. here's
another breast augmentation and as you cansee, the distance from the nipple to the inframammary fold is short. once you get the implants in,it's much longer so this is what you're looking for in a breast augmentation.
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