breast augmentation virtual

my name is theresa pinson. i'm a nurse practitioneras well as a certified aesthetic consultant. what i do in the practice is i try to meetwith each patient individually, when they come in for their first consult, their initialconsult, and i spend time listening to their needs, what their concerns are, whether it'dbe they're here for injections, maybe they want to do botox, or fillers, or if they'rehere for a surgical consult with dr. tehrani, breast augmentation, we do a lot of abdominoplasty,mommy makeover. i just spend some time talking with them, and getting them comfortable withthe idea that they have to expose themselves to someone, their insecurities and what bothersthem about their body. so i kind of am the first point of contact, and so i'm there tosort of build a relationship before they meet
dr. tehrani. dr. tehrani is a board certifiedplastic surgeon, and i feel very honored to work with him. as a nurse practitioner, iam only as good as the doctor i'm in collaboration with, and he's wonderful. we do everythingfrom, as i said, cosmetic injectables to combined procedures where we may do a breast reductionor breast augmentation along with an abdominoplasty. we have a state-of-the-art or facility that'sjoint commission accredited, and we have standard processes for all of our instrumentation,sterilization, those sorts of things, so we're very safe, and it's just a wonderful facility.
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