
Ağustos, 2017 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

best breast augmentation surgeon

hi, i'm dr. frank lista and welcome to operatingroom number 1 here at the plastic surgery clinic. so lots of patients ask me about implantshape. so, basically, there are 2 different shapes of implants. implants can either beround or they can teardrop shaped. how do we choose? well, first of all, the numberone rule is, and if you've seen any of our videos so far you know the number one ruleis, create a breast that looks beautiful, that has a beautiful shape and looks natural.so, every patient gets an implant that's been determined to be the right implant for them.how do we decide that? well, first of all, implants can either be round or teardrop solet me show you an example. here's a round implant and here's a teardrop-shaped implant.you notice this implant is perfectly round. this implant has a shape that looks like ateardrop. now, this implant, the teardrop implant, is really useful for patients whohave droopiness, or if they have what we call constricted lowe...

best breast augmentation san diego

hi everyone! here we are in o.r. 1, this isthe number one operating room here at the plastic surgery clinic, and what a lot ofpeople have asked me to talk about is implant projection. so, people want to know, whatis the difference between low projection, medium projection, moderate plus projection,and high projection? what does that mean? lots of people think that projection meanshow high the implant stands. it doesn't. projection means how far out the implant projects orsticks forward in the frontways direction. let me show you 2 different implants. so theseimplants, these 2 implants are both 400cc implants. but this implant is a high projectingimplant, and this implant is a moderate projecting implant. so you see this implant sticks outmore in the front to back direction than this implant does. but they're both 400cc's. now,if they're both 400cc's the higher projecting implant is also narrower. so if you look atthese 2 implants you see how this one is narrowe...

best breast augmentation procedure

the decision to have breast augmentation isa very personal one. my goal as your plastic surgeon is to listen to your individual needsand to assist you in making the best choice. breast augmentation is a surgical procedureto enhance the size, shape, and the feel of your breasts. following breast augmentation,you'll enjoy improved self-esteem, confidence, and well-being. breast augmentation requiresan incision which allows for insertion of the implant. this could be made in the bellybutton, around the areola, in the underarm, or in the crease where the breasts meet thechest. in the tuba procedure, i use the invisible belly button scar technique to insert theimplants under the muscle. this is the latest advancement in breast augmentation surgery.a variety of breast implant types, textures and shapes are available, and in some, eventhe own fat can be used to increase the breast size. whether you're seeking breast augmentationsurgery to correct breasts of a different size, volu...

best breast augmentation pictures

[dr. craig jonov] hi, i'm dr. craig jonov.i am a board certified cosmetic surgeon, and i practice at the gallery of cosmetic surgeryin lynnwood, washington, just north of seattle. today we're going to discuss breast augmentation,or breast surgery. the questions become do we place the implants above the muscle, dothey go below the muscle? even a third is underneath the fascia. there's three potentiallyplaces to place the implant. the majority of the time above the muscle is limited, becauseall of the weight then is going to be added to the ligaments of the skin. the skin ligamentsare going to not be as strong, not hold up the breast over time, and it usually willfacilitate leading to more of a droopiness, or sagginess of the breast in a smaller periodof time. the move is to be putting under the muscleto give more support to minimize that dropping of the tissues. there's now people placingimplants underneath the fascia, which is in between. instead of just underneath...

best breast augmentation phoenix

hi everybody. i'm dr. david reath and i'mhere to discuss this week's truth-o-meter tuesday question.well, we have another question this week that references breast implants, and it's aboutsomething that i talk to patients a lot about and get asked a lot about.and what we said is that breast implants, to get the best result, must be placed underthe chest muscle--the pectoralis major muscle. and the answer is false.now, many many women do have breast implants placed beneath the chest muscle, and for manywomen this is definitely the preferred position. however, some women do have the option ofgoing on top of the muscle, and with that they can have an excellent result every bitas good as going under the muscle, and in some cases perhaps even better.the things we take into consideration is the amount of the original breast tissue we'restarting with, and whether we're using saline or silicone as implants.saline implants will almost always go underneath the muscle...

best breast augmentation phoenix az

breast reconstruction is a big part of mypractice, and when a women is diagnosed with breast cancer, her world is turned upsidedown. breast reconstruction, believe it or not,is one of the more fulfilling aspects of the entire care because it restores a woman towholeness. on that note, it's very important that yoube informed about what questions are appropriate to ask when this diagnosis is first made. now, keep this in mind: your general surgeon,the surgeon that's performing your breast cancer surgery, may not have offered you ormay not offer you breast reconstruction as an option. and so, sometimes it's in the patient's roleto go out and seek information to find out what choices they have as it relates to breastreconstruction. so when you're meeting with your general surgeonand deciding on your final course of treatment for the breast cancer, it's okay to ask thatsurgeon, "am i a candidate for breast reconstruction? and, if so, who would i see? who wo...

best breast augmentation miami

before the procedure begins sophie is lightly sedated-. this means that she will remain awake during the procedure, but she will be calm and relaxed.we then inject local anaesthetic to numb the area that we are going to treat. this waythe patient should feel no pain during surgery â the fat is then liquefied with a vaser probe. the technology used is ultrasound energy,which targets the fat cells and causes them to break up so that they are easily removed.the surrounding nerves and blood vessels are not damaged making the recovery process mucheasier. the local anaesthetic has now taken affectand sophie does not feel much except mild tugging. with the conscious sedation she isable to talk to us during the procedure. the liquefied fat is then extracted usinga tiny cannula with gentle suction process into a sterile system. â during this suctioningprocess the treatment areas are contoured for a natural result. the fat is cleaned and washed leaving us withsophie’s pure fat. the fat i...

best breast augmentation in utah

[james fernau] hi, i'm dr. james fernau, andfirst and foremost i'm a father of six beautiful children, and i am a board certified plasticsurgeon. a little bit about my upbringing i was born in wyoming, i went to the universityof wyoming undergraduate, and i graduated summa cum laude and then went to the universityof utah medical school and graduated at the top of my class. i then went to columbus ohioand did one year of general surgery after that, i did a four-year residency in otolaryngologyand [heading 00:00:44] at cancer surgery and became board certified in that field. i received further training and went backto the university of utah and i became board certified in plastic and reconstructive surgeryafter a two-year residency. i performed a cosmetic surgery fellowship in virginia beach,virginia with dr. richard mladick. i then settled in the pittsburgh area and i've beenpracticing here over 21 years. during my 21 years, i have practiced plastic and reconstructivesu...

best breast augmentation in texas

the procedure that i came to dr. lapuertafor was a breast augmentation. i can't say enough nice things about dr. lapuerta andthis staff. his facility is easily accessible as is he and his staff. always kind, caringand never rushed, always will listen if you have something to say. i was not nervous atall. the staff is very informative and put me right at ease and i trust dr. lapuerta.i would recommend dr. lapuerta to anyone who would listen and have done so. i believe inhis staff and the quality of his work, his bedside manner and i trust dr. lapuerta enoughto recommend him to others. the results are beyond my expectations. iam more than happy with the results. i would say the procedure has changed my outlook onlife. i think i walked with my shoulders back a little more. i'm certainly more confidentin how i look. i do consider dr. lapuerta and his staff friends.

best breast augmentation in michigan

today, i'd like to talk to you about the differencebetween a breast lift and a breast implant. some times, the lines between these two proceduresgets easily confused, both with patients and with surgeons. it's hard to know what youreally mean. not in the tebbetts world. tebbetts makesall decisions based on measurement, whether we're augmenting, lifting or reducing a breast.when you plan operations by the numbers, you take away all the guess work. so let's look at some of the things that mightdetermine which procedure is best for you. a mastopexy seeks to make the breast perkierand firmer, not bigger. while, breast augmentation, makes what you have bigger simply by usingan implant, but, that's all it is, simply bigger. a breast implant was never meant tolift a breast or to remove excess skin. so it's really really really important notto ask a procedure or surgery to do something it was never meant to do. a breast that needsa mastopexy might look something li...

best breast augmentation in florida

breast implants lipo in the whole tummy area with fat put into my buttocks and my cheeks i was unbelievably impressed yes i can see it in my clothes i can see it in everything i wear if you can get that hour glass back into thebody your clothes look great everything looks great cause i had been like a size 2 my entire life and then i just couldn't beat it i could not beat it for me the waist my husband the boobs and the butt but for me the face and the waist absolutely and i would say waist one face two because i've been a size 2 my entire life i weighed 100lbs between 110lbs and 112 forover 40 years over 40 years i weighed that and then i hit menopause and i put 10lbs on and i don't care how much exercise i did or what i did eat or what i didn't eat orhigh protein you know i couldn't i got fat i got a tire i had never been heavy in the waist and that bothered me so yeah i'm pretty happy

best breast augmentation in california

so, how long does it take to recover froma breast augmentation? every patient is a unique individual, andtherefore, every recovery is unique. however, a majority of my patients by theend of the week say that the majority of their pain has subsided. i like to have my patients up and walkingthe night of surgery, and i encourage them to use their arms to prevent stiffness. i find that, by the end of four weeks, thevast majority of my patients can resume most normal exercise activity. between two weeks and four weeks is a gradualprogression as the patient feels comfortable. i like to follow my patients regularly inthe first month in order to assess her progress, level of comfort, and to discuss conceptssuch as long term breast implant massage in an effort to maintain softness and subsequentscar care. if you are interested in breast augmentation,it would be my privilege to see you to, discuss with you the nature of the surgery, and toanswer any questions you may have. i'm dr. jay o...

best breast augmentation doctors

breast augmentation breast implants plastic surgery breast enlargement breast plastic

best breast augmentation doctors near me

placidway is the leading medical tourism companythat helps you compare and customize the most affordable treatments worldwide. placidwayisabella is a young woman who wants to look like her favorite hollywood star. that's why she decided to have cosmetic surgery. isabella has never been operated before, andshe wants to do it in a place that provides security, comfort, and excellent results. thanks to placidway, the leader in medicaltravel, isabella can have her surgery at the dr. angeles plastic surgery, in quezon city,philippines. surgeries offered by dr. angelesplastic surgery liposuctionreconstructive surgery plastic surgery is an art that embraces theharmony of knowledge, skill and interpretation. dr. arnold angeles combines new and traditionalalternatives in his practice, giving you what you want and how you want it. these services are catered to the individual,delivering impressive results. if you want to know more, contact us. subscribe to our you tube channel and getins...

best breast augmentation doctors in utah

breast augmentation can enhance the volumeand shape of a patient’s breasts. dr. alizadeh talks about the different breast augmentationmethods, and explains what’s involved in achieveing a safe and attractive result. breast augmentation is really an option forwomen to be able to enhance the shape, projection and symmetry of their breasts. originally, i had my first breast augmentationwhen i was 21, and at that tiem what was available was saline implants. so i had saline implantsput in but then 17 years later it was time to get my breast implants replaced. so, istarted doing research and i found out that silicone breast implants are very safe andthat they were now available on the market for me to be able to switch out. so the idea of doing a breast augmentationis to be able to go in and use a saline implant and for the most part, women that have a fairamount of breast tissue and can cover the implant, are great candidates for breast implantsusing saline. women that don’t have...

best breast augmentation doctors in minnesota

i'm dr. ali mosharrafa at mosharrafa plasticsurgery. i'd like to tell you a little bit about whoi am and where i come from. i was born in the twin cities in edina minnesota,grew up there through high school. i went to texas in austin for my undergraduateand baylor college of medicine in houston, texas for all of my medical training. in fact, my plastic surgery training was donewith some of the pioneers in cosmetic surgery. i'm so fortunate to have had that experience. i moved to the phoenix area in 1996 and startedthis practice. i built it from nothing. i'm so proud of the team we have today. we're surrounded by people that are compassionatecaring and genuinely care about each patient that walks through our doors. this is a practice that does all aspects ofcosmetic surgery and breast reconstructions, and i personally attend to all the clinicalneeds of all of my patients. that's the unique thing about our practice. i take care of all my patients personally,a...

best breast augmentation doctors in houston

hi, this is dr. hourglass, and welcome toanother video in our channel wonder breasts. today we are going to discuss implant volume. in this channel we discuss everything related to breast surgery. welcome back. choosing the most appropriate implant for you is the most important decision when performing a breast augmentation. i have previously discussed the different measurements that i use to determine the most appropriate implant for you. patients get confused regarding the number of cc and how this will translate into a cup size. breast implants are sized in cc, or cubic centimeters, which is a measurement of volume. for example, if you want a 400 cc implant, there is 400 ml of volume in that particular implant. now, to decide which implant is most appropriatefor you, i recommend watching the previous videos where i have discussed this. what i wanted to talk about today is the difference between different implant volumes and howthis translates into a breast cup size. let’s say...

best breast augmentation doctors in atlanta

00:03comm: how's this for being body conscious? plastic surgeon david matlock has createdhis ideal woman, suing plastic surgery. his driving himself, and wife veronica, to haveperfect bodies through surgery he performs and a gruelling daily diet and workout routine. 00:21comm: veronica met david when she came to him for a vaginoplasty after having her daughterisabella, but david offered more. 00:28veronica: he says, would you be interested in a wonder woman makeover? i'm like, what'sthat? and he's like, lipo of the chin and the arms and the thighs and the da, da dada. y'know, brazilian butt. 00:40david: she opted for everything i suggested. even marriage. 00:47veronica: yes, he proposed on the first date. 00:51comm: since then david has performed a number on procedures on veronica. 00:55veronica: i had the laser vaginal rejuvenation, liposuction of multiple areas, brazilian buttaugmentation. i feel like i'm a walking advertisement for him. 01:03comm: in his...

best breast augmentation doctors houston

hi, this is dr. hourglass, and welcome toanother video in our channel wonder breasts. today we are going to discuss what are gummybear implants? in this channel we discuss everything relatedto breast surgery. welcome back! manufacturers continue to improve the consistency and quality of breast implant. recently, a new generation of implants called the gummy bear implant debuted into the market, offering more cohesiveness and essentially making it one of the best available implants today. a gummy bear implant has more cohesive silicone and crosslink to it, making an otherwise normally viscous gel look and feel firmer than usual. it still uses the same silicone material as its predecessors; the only difference is in the change in consistency. the allergan 410 is an example of a gummy bear implant. there are certain differences among generations of implants. for example, the implant shell or the actual bag plays a very important role in the function of an implant. the shell has a spe...

best breast augmentation dallas

the whole calling in, onthe phone and then going and meeting with a target there not because he feltlike he built very welcome and realize it gives you encouragement tell you how great you look. my first surgery was plastic surgery was breast augmentation. grave was something that i had wanted tohear that but not everything can really get it and then that i was 40 years oldi wanted to do it and then how how it covered and open manner and everythingthey do care about and he thought i mean the phone calls and how you are he isnot not want a lot i was thinking being it at all he is not your typical cosmetic surgery doctor. he is the best plastic surgeon in dallas tx. the company by everybody and everythingthat they're all very my everybody at the hospital holly upon call i would tell me howlucky i get a lot of compliments but people not that but i was chillin withmy i did it by myself three boys and i want to get rid of thatyou can't get rid of with exercise got everything th...

best breast augmentation before and after

hello, you've reached placidway! theleading health tourism company where you can compare the most affordabletreatments worldwide. subscribe to our you tube channel access to all of our latest health videos. being pregnant and giving birth are the most wonderful things in a woman's life. despite that after pregnancy and breastfeeding your bodywill inevitably change and this can affect your self-esteem, self-confidencesocial and even professional life. but don't worry! there are plenty of medicalcenters that offer special packages for moms who want to regain their figure.eliminated securities and feel comfortable with themselves again! themommy makeover consists in several procedures into making mommy's look andfeel great. the makeover package usually consists inthe following surgeries: tummy tuck - tightens the abdominal muscles, removesthe excess again and excess fat in order to flatten the abdomen. liposusction - removes the excess localized fat. contures the woma...

best bra to wear after breast augmentation

in terms of breast feedingafter breast augmentation, it depends a little biton the approach that you take, but if you make the incisionunder the breast or you make the incisionin the armpit and you're goingunder the muscle, you are not touchingthe breast tissue at all. so i could say to you, if you could breastfeedwithout implants beforehand, you'll be able to breastfeedwith the implants afterwards. you have to take intoconsideration, some women have troublebreastfeeding anyway, like, without implants. but if you couldbreastfeed without them, you'll be ableto breastfeed with them. some people are concernedabout the areolar incision 'cause that's kind ofclose to the nipple. what i do, when i dothe areolar incision, okay, i don't actually go downthrough the breast tissue. what i actually do isi follow the skin down to the musclewhere i'm gonna put the implant. so even in that case, i don't touch the ducts,i don't touch the breast tissue. and i do...

best bra for breast augmentation

hi, this is dr. hourglass, and welcome toanother video in our channel wonder breasts. today we are going to discuss breast cleavageduring a breast augmentation. in this channel we discuss everything related to breast surgery. welcome back! many times, patients come to my clinic andthe first thing they complain about is seeing pictures online where some patient has anextremely large gap between the breasts. they criticize that surgeon for what they considera less than satisfactory outcome, but i can tell you that the gap between the breastshas nothing to do with the surgeon and everything to do with the patient’s anatomy. if you look closely at a patient who has a gap between the breasts, they had this gap prior to the surgery. the origin of the breast starts significantly away from the midline, and when you insert an implant, it is placed at the center of the breast, from the origin of the breast all the way to the lateral fold of the breast. the surgeon cannot cut away your who...