best bra for breast augmentation

hi, this is dr. hourglass, and welcome toanother video in our channel wonder breasts. today we are going to discuss breast cleavageduring a breast augmentation. in this channel we discuss everything related to breast surgery. welcome back! many times, patients come to my clinic andthe first thing they complain about is seeing pictures online where some patient has anextremely large gap between the breasts. they criticize that surgeon for what they considera less than satisfactory outcome, but i can tell you that the gap between the breastshas nothing to do with the surgeon and everything to do with the patient’s anatomy.
if you look closely at a patient who has a gap between the breasts, they had this gap prior to the surgery. the origin of the breast starts significantly away from the midline, and when you insert an implant, it is placed at the center of the breast, from the origin of the breast all the way to the lateral fold of the breast. the surgeon cannot cut away your whole breastand move it to the side so you can have cleavage after surgery. if you attempt to create cleavage during surgery, you can get into significant problems with what we call symmastia: both breasts will be connected through the midline and the implants will be displaced towardthe midline,
creating the look of three breasts instead of two. let me show you a patient with a gap beforesurgery and how the gap still shows after surgery. if i draw a line through the origin of the breast and put a circle where the implant is going to be located, you can see that the patient will have a gap after surgery. now let’s take a look at a patient whose breastswere close together before surgery; after the implants, she developed nice cleavagewith absolutely zero effort from the plastic surgeon. so, if you have a gap between yourbreasts, there is actually a good solution for you, and it is called victoria's secret. that is what a bra is about.
you put on a bra, you are going to have cleavage. most people do not walk around nude showing their breasts to everybody. you need to understand the limitations ofsurgery. if a surgeon attempts to detach the origin of the pectoralis major muscle in those patients with a large gap, this can create what we discussed before: a problem that will be very difficult to correct. as you can tell from what i described, creating surgical cleavage is not a good surgical practice. be realistic about what you are going to get from the surgery and what you are trying to achieve. take a look at your breasts before surgery and wherethe breast origin starts.
you can draw a line and see before surgery how big the gap will be after surgery. by understanding your breasts and your breast anatomy, you will recognize that creating surgical cleavage is not going to be possible. in this video, we discussed cleavage. next week we will discuss the use of breast straps to help accommodate an implant after surgery. remember to comment below, share this video, like this video, and subscribe to our channel for more information, here at the wonder breastschannel, only on youtube. also, you can log on to our website,
for more information about your procedures and to see amazing surgical results. remember to log on to our hourglass tv for more information about your surgical procedures. on monday we have bootyman for everything related to buttock enhancement procedures. tuesdays: wonder breasts where we discuss topics related to cosmetic breast surgery. wednesdays we have star bodies. if you want to have a star body log on to our hourglass tv. thursdays: hourglass or you’re going to see me doing live surgeries with before and after pictures. also shoddy where we discuss cases that require cosmetic surgical revision. and friday superhourglass for topics related to have that hourglass figure that you want. and finally live broadcast surgeries every day of the week on facebook live, periscope and snapchat.
all these and more in the hourglass tv!
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