best bra to wear after breast augmentation

in terms of breast feedingafter breast augmentation, it depends a little biton the approach that you take, but if you make the incisionunder the breast or you make the incisionin the armpit and you're goingunder the muscle, you are not touchingthe breast tissue at all. so i could say to you, if you could breastfeedwithout implants beforehand, you'll be able to breastfeedwith the implants afterwards.
you have to take intoconsideration, some women have troublebreastfeeding anyway, like, without implants. but if you couldbreastfeed without them, you'll be ableto breastfeed with them. some people are concernedabout the areolar incision 'cause that's kind ofclose to the nipple. what i do, when i dothe areolar incision, okay, i don't actually go downthrough the breast tissue.
what i actually do isi follow the skin down to the musclewhere i'm gonna put the implant. so even in that case, i don't touch the ducts,i don't touch the breast tissue. and i don't think that eventhe peri-areolar incision will affect breastfeeding. if somebody is-- if it's veryhigh on their list, that it's important thatthey be able to breastfeed, so, you know, we'll say,
maybe we'll avoid the areolarincision just to be sure. i've had a whole numberof patients that have become pregnantafter breast augmentation, and they were able to breastfeedwithout problems. i actually think thatthat is less of a consideration than tryingto prevent droopiness after breast augmentationwhen you've had kids. so what i adviseall my patients is this.
as soon as youbecome pregnant, as soon as you find out, youget the sturdiest granny bra that absolutelygives you the best support, and you wear itall through pregnancy and all through breastfeeding, until your breastshave regressed back to normal, because basicallywhat you want to do is you wanna fight gravity. if you leave your largebreasts unsupported,
the skin's graduallygonna stretch out and you will get droopiness. so i think that preventingdroopiness is actually more of a concern than not being ableto breastfeed. [music]
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