best breast augmentation in utah

[james fernau] hi, i'm dr. james fernau, andfirst and foremost i'm a father of six beautiful children, and i am a board certified plasticsurgeon. a little bit about my upbringing i was born in wyoming, i went to the universityof wyoming undergraduate, and i graduated summa cum laude and then went to the universityof utah medical school and graduated at the top of my class. i then went to columbus ohioand did one year of general surgery after that, i did a four-year residency in otolaryngologyand [heading 00:00:44] at cancer surgery and became board certified in that field. i received further training and went backto the university of utah and i became board certified in plastic and reconstructive surgeryafter a two-year residency. i performed a
cosmetic surgery fellowship in virginia beach,virginia with dr. richard mladick. i then settled in the pittsburgh area and i've beenpracticing here over 21 years. during my 21 years, i have practiced plastic and reconstructivesurgery. the second half of my career i have focused on cosmetic surgery primarily. i performforehead lifts, face lifts, upper and lower eyelid lifts, neck lifts, breast augmentations,breast lifts, breast reductions, tummy tucks, liposuction of all areas. one of thing that separates me from otherplastic surgeons is i stay on the cutting edge of plastic surgery, and i acquire muchof the high-tech equipment such as the fraxel laser, the erbium sciton laser, the veinwavelaser for small vessels, the isolaz laser
for acne and intense pulsed light treatmenttherapy. recently we have require the neograft hair transplantation unit which performs hairtransplantation without any incision. another advantage is that i have trained internationally,i have trained with the dr. raul gonzalez and ribeirao preto, brazil, and have perfectedthe fine art of body contouring including the brazilian buttock lift, the [pam perillermassive pexier breast lift 00:02:49], and most recently the xyz technique for buttockimplants. i've been very fortunate with my career tobecome a member of the american society of plastic surgeons, and the american societyof aesthetic plastic surgeons, and the international society of aesthetic plastic surgeons, andthat is where i was able to meet dr. raul
gonzalez and many of my international colleaguesand learn their specific techniques which have greatly enhanced the techniques whichi have learned in america. some of the very specialized techniques whichi have perfected include the xyz brazilian buttock implant which is place within themuscular [jerve of the buddhist 00:03:39] muscle giving a near perfect result in everycase. the brazilian buttock fat grafting to enhance the buttock by liposuctioning theabdomen and hip rolls in using this fat in a closed and sterile fashioned to enhancethe contour of the abdomen, the hip rolls, and the buttock and in many cases we use thatfat to augment the breast. one of the important concepts of the glutealaugmentation is women obtain breast implants
frequently and in many cases the buttock hasneglected. if you study greek mythology and look at many of the statues and sculpturesyou see a beautiful breast contour and a beautiful buttock contour. in today's society we seethat this image is starting to come back, and the very thin female model images startingto fade out. i believe that this is very important to balance the breast with the buttocks, therefore,we see a great emphasis on buttock implantation, which typically is performed in women withvery little fat and women with a moderate amount of fat. the fat can be liposuctionfrom the hip rolls and the abdomen place in the buttock without problems giving very nicecontours. other specific techniques which i specializedin are body implants, these includes; deltoid
implants, bicep and tricep implants, pectoralimplants for males, and calf implants using an anatomical calf augmentation placing theimplant over the medial gastrocnemius muscle and the lateral gastrocnemius muscle givinga very pure and natural contour to the calf muscles. throughout the years i have perfected theuse of many fillers including the use of restylane, juvederm, voluma, radiesse, sculptra, andartefill, and even permanent lip implants to enhance the lips on a permanent basis. also, we use botox, dysport, and xeomin, andwe typically form a very precised and detailed treatment plan for each patient that whichwould include where and what type of filler
will be placed and at which time these fillerswill be placed. typically we also perform fraxel and erbium laser resurfacing to eradicatefine wrinkles and or if patients are losing volume in their face and their lips we placethe four match of fillers. we take a very personalized approach to ourpatients, we treat them as if they were a family, we like to roll out the red carpetand pamper a patients. for example, patients that fly in from the west coast or from overseas,we put them up at a five-star hotel and we provide transportation back and forth fromour facility. we are very proud to do this and honored to have patients fly from greatdistances to have us perform our specialized procedures on them.
one of the very important aspects of my practiceis patient safety, and for the american society of aesthetic plastic surgeons i am on thepatient safety committee and this is a paramount importance for every patient for every procedurethat we perform. in addition to many of the cosmetic procedureswhich i have talked about, i use perform reconstructive surgery for patients that have been devastatedby cancer reconstructing their face, parts of their body, breast reconstruction for thosewomen that have had mastectomies, and this is a very gratifying aspect of my practice. i thoroughly enjoy taking care of my patients,i have a close relationship with all of them, i listen to their needs, and try and makethem happy. my staff is wonderful, i have
wonderful office manager, and mary marketingmanager, and britney wonderful registered nurse, and sheila my surgical technician whichis work with me over 15 years and actually performed my neografter transplant, and sherry,and i have outstanding aesthetician cindy who is also laser certified, and i couldn'tbe any more proud of my staff at the present moment. they are very loyal and they treatmy patients like i treat them and it is family [tech vevisfer 00:09:28] that we are veryproud of. i'm dr. james fernau, a board certified plasticsurgeon and we welcome you to our practice, and we would love to have you come in fora consult. i think you'll be very satisfied with the knowledge that we will give you andwith the time that we will spend with you
as well.
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