
uneven nipples after breast augmentation

hi, this is dr. hourglass, and welcome toanother video in our channel wonder breasts. today we are going to discuss breast asymmetries. in this channel we discuss everything related to breast surgery. welcome back! one of the most frustrating part of being a plastic surgeon is getting women to understand that their breasts aresisters, not twins. what do i mean by this? whenever you have a breast augmentation, youneed to understand that prior to surgery, 100% of women on earth have some sort of asymmetry in their breasts, and this is absolutely normal. it is not that i am criticizing; it is just the way it is, the way god makes everybody. every part of the body is asymmetric. asymmetries can come in many different forms. minor asymmetries can be a slightly larger areola on one side, nipples that are asymmetric and slightly difference in volume, sagginess in one breast, constricted breast on one side, mismatch in the inframammary fold, mismatch in the lateral mammary fold, breast ti...

uneven breast augmentation

hi there, are you considering having a breast lift, also known as mastopexy? at face+body cosmetic surgery of miami our operations are done exclusively in a hospital environment by qualified and experienced industry-leading board-certified plastic surgeons. this is vitally important future patients like yourself because the outcome of your breast lift is largely dependent upon the skill and experience of the surgeon performing the operation. our surgeons have performed literally hundreds of breast lift procedures with successful beautiful and healthy results. if you want to learn more about how the breast lift surgery is done, click on "view procedures and treatments" located below and to the right of this video. also, scroll down this page to review a gallery of our satisfied breast lift patients. the results speak for themselves. be sure to visit the plastic surgery 3d animated video library which will help to guide you through a variety of surgical procedures perfo...

underwire bra after breast augmentation

there are men who do housekeeping here. sometimes. every day. there are men who do housekeeping these days. there is a man like me, who watches his wife do it. so all of us are here. the stories of real men doing housekeeping! (oh my) mr. house husband! (men doing housekeeping - mr. house husband) you sent a video that you staged. staged? me? (a video that mr. yeomchang sent?) let's take a look. i am carrying my youngest son... where are you headed? to take him to get a flu shot. as you can see, i am a very family-oriented man. he's trying to show that he does housekeeping, too. you're trying really hard to keep your place here. did your wife consent to this? no, i just filmed it. your son is crying. what are you doing? just for this show. he was crying because he got scared. how can you be smiling? you should've comforted him. you should've comforted him, not film it. what are you doing while your child is crying? it was my duty to film this video. (so many ...

underwire after breast augmentation

in this clip, we'll talk about further recoveryafter breast reduction. at the visit, at about ten days to two weeks, the sutures or stitcheswill be removed. generally, most plastic surgeons use a lot of sutures or stitches that arevery fine and small, and run underneath the skin, so that they don't leave the marks,what you might sometimes have heard as "hatch marks" that go across an incision. really,you should only see the line itself, and not other marks, generally. anyway, once they'reremoved or they dissolve, various techniques are utilized to keep the scar healing as wellas possible. in our office, we use tape, which is an occlusive type treatment, to keep thescar nice and flat and protected, protected from the sun, and of course, the patient willbe showering at that point, and increasing their activities, pretty much, ad lib. theywill use a supportive, soft bra, and avoid any type of an underwire type bra, for generallya few weeks until the incisions ha...

under muscle breast augmentation

hi, this is dr. hourglass, and welcome toanother video in our channel wonder breasts. today we are going to discuss animation deformitiesafter a breast augmentation. in this channel we discuss everything relatedto breast surgery. welcome back. breast augmentation is a very common procedurein the united states, and there are different anatomical areas where breast implants can be placed. you can place the implant under the muscleor above the muscle. i prefer putting the implant under the musclebecause it is the best anatomical place for a foreign body like a silicone breast implant; it provides good coverage and helps prevent aesthetic complications. nevertheless, complications can occur withbreast augmentation surgery, and one of these is animation deformity after the procedure. when a breast augmentation is performed, themuscle of the chest is detached and an implant is placed under the muscle. the function of the pectoralis muscle is still going to be there, so when you compress...

umbilical breast augmentation

hi everybody, i'm dr. david reath and i'm here to discuss this week's truth-o-meter tuesday question. well we asked about breast augmentation and a different approach to breast augmentation the approach of placing implants through an incision in the belly button. otherwise known as a tuba or trans-umbilical breast augmentation. and what we said what that this is a major step forward and is something that is highly recommended highly recommended, makes a lot of sense, the breast implant manufacturers are behind it one hundred percent. well the answer is false. this is not a good way to do a breast augmentation for a number of reasons. the breast implant manufacturers do not recommend it at all and it's impossible to use silicone implants through that incision. it really to me makes no sense because you cannot see the area that you are dissecting, you cannot see where you are placing the implants, you don't have control over bleeding, in the space should t...

ubc breast augmentation

walked by developers all profits walk by developers all profits is one of the disease intersections andsee reveals to become a pedestrian specific two weeks ago taken word intrinsicallydissident section it says here that save money just seventeen this is moneyline citizen online walkerfinalizing the chances are that the first lady the purpose of the intersection is stillin a conflict investors brands about thirty thousand decedents prossereveryday mysticism immediate however not everyone's just it looks good on its own the right texan desi implemented the whole directionprocess fallen successively halifax contends because of a fifty thousand dollarsinstalls teamwork families policy is smaller than officiallybenefit with the survivors are high but again i think this demonstrates thatchanging in the courtroom attitude within the city and our transportationdivision that is not all about cars professorsare priority as well as well as psycho sectors in transit whether market suchs...

types of breast augmentation

we're inflating the right breast through the umbilicus without any visible incisions that's going to slowly fill the right breast with saline or sterile salt water and we do it with a very meticulous infiltration system that tells us exactly how many cc's we're putting in and as you can see, the breast is slowly filling to the final size that i'd like it to be which is 310 cc's.

types of breast augmentation procedures

i'm often asked, "what is the best breastimplant?" there really is no definitive answer to thatquestion, because there is now a great variety of breast implants both round in shape, smoothand rough surfaced, saline filled, and silicone gel filled. the best implant is really the best implantfor a given patient given her body, build, and her unique situation. for example, if a patient has a fair amountof breast tissue and desires for the most natural, soft breast augementation, she maychoose a smooth, round implant. that implant has more mobility than a roughsurface implant and feels softer. however, it may show more wrinkling in a verythin individual than a shaped or textured implant that has a thicker gel. textured, shaped implants by definition havea more solid gel so that they hold their shape. by virtue of that more solid gel they aresomewhat firmer than some of the round smooth options for example. so the ideal implant for a given individualreally should be deter...

tummy tuck and breast augmentation

hi, this is dr. hourglass, and welcome toanother video in our channel superhourglass. today we are going to discuss abdominal drainsthat are placed during a tummy tuck. in this channel we will discuss everything you needto know to get the hourglass shape you’ve always wanted. welcome back. probably you have asked yourself why it is essential to have abdominal drains for about a week after a tummy tuck. when a tummy tuck is performed, the fat layer is detached from the fascia that covers the muscle. the dissection is very extensive, requiring detachment of the bellybutton, and continues from the lower abdomen all the way to the upper abdomen. anytime there is a potential space that is created during surgery, in other words, a space that was not there prior to surgery, the body reacts by filling this area with fluid. this fluid accumulates, causing inflammation and sometimes a seroma or a fluid cavity that can cause liposuction deformitiesand unsatisfactory results if not drained....