underwire after breast augmentation

underwire after breast augmentation

in this clip, we'll talk about further recoveryafter breast reduction. at the visit, at about ten days to two weeks, the sutures or stitcheswill be removed. generally, most plastic surgeons use a lot of sutures or stitches that arevery fine and small, and run underneath the skin, so that they don't leave the marks,what you might sometimes have heard as "hatch marks" that go across an incision. really,you should only see the line itself, and not other marks, generally. anyway, once they'reremoved or they dissolve, various techniques are utilized to keep the scar healing as wellas possible. in our office, we use tape, which is an occlusive type treatment, to keep thescar nice and flat and protected, protected from the sun, and of course, the patient willbe showering at that point, and increasing

their activities, pretty much, ad lib. theywill use a supportive, soft bra, and avoid any type of an underwire type bra, for generallya few weeks until the incisions have healed completely, to avoid excessive pressure inareas where the incisions are still healing. the next step, is that we'll start using somescar treatments and those would be a topical treatments, such as vitamin e, silicone, thatwould be utilized to help minimize the long-term effects of the scar.


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