types of breast augmentation procedures

types of breast augmentation procedures

i'm often asked, "what is the best breastimplant?" there really is no definitive answer to thatquestion, because there is now a great variety of breast implants both round in shape, smoothand rough surfaced, saline filled, and silicone gel filled. the best implant is really the best implantfor a given patient given her body, build, and her unique situation. for example, if a patient has a fair amountof breast tissue and desires for the most natural, soft breast augementation, she maychoose a smooth, round implant. that implant has more mobility than a roughsurface implant and feels softer.

however, it may show more wrinkling in a verythin individual than a shaped or textured implant that has a thicker gel. textured, shaped implants by definition havea more solid gel so that they hold their shape. by virtue of that more solid gel they aresomewhat firmer than some of the round smooth options for example. so the ideal implant for a given individualreally should be determined after lengthy discussion between patient and surgeon regardingthe wide variety of options that currently exist. i'm dr. jay orringer at the renaissance medicalcenter for aesthetic surgery, if you have

questions regarding this procedure, or anyother plastic surgical procedure, please feel free to contact us at 310-273-1663 or visitour website at www.drorringer.com.


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