2 weeks breast augmentation
hi, this is dr. hourglass, and welcome toanother video in our channel wonder breasts. today we are going to discuss animation deformitiesafter a breast augmentation. in this channel we discuss everything relatedto breast surgery. welcome back. breast augmentation is a very common procedurein the united states, and there are different anatomical areas where breast implants can be placed. you can place the implant under the muscleor above the muscle. i prefer putting the implant under the musclebecause it is the best anatomical place for a foreign body like a silicone breast implant; it provides good coverage and helps prevent aesthetic complications. nevertheless, complications can occur withbreast augmentation surgery, and one of these is animation deformity after the procedure. when a breast augmentation is performed, themuscle of the chest is detached and an implant is placed under the muscle. the function of the pectoralis muscle is still going to be there, so when you compress...