
Mart, 2017 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

2 weeks breast augmentation

hi, this is dr. hourglass, and welcome toanother video in our channel wonder breasts. today we are going to discuss animation deformitiesafter a breast augmentation. in this channel we discuss everything relatedto breast surgery. welcome back. breast augmentation is a very common procedurein the united states, and there are different anatomical areas where breast implants can be placed. you can place the implant under the muscleor above the muscle. i prefer putting the implant under the musclebecause it is the best anatomical place for a foreign body like a silicone breast implant; it provides good coverage and helps prevent aesthetic complications. nevertheless, complications can occur withbreast augmentation surgery, and one of these is animation deformity after the procedure. when a breast augmentation is performed, themuscle of the chest is detached and an implant is placed under the muscle. the function of the pectoralis muscle is still going to be there, so when you compress...

2 weeks after breast augmentation surgery

hi, this is dr. hourglass, and welcome toanother video in our channel wonder breasts. today we are going to discuss the naturalhistory of breast augmentation. in this channel we discuss everything related to breast surgery. welcome back. when a breast augmentation is performed, you need to realize that the way your breasts are going to look right after surgery is not going to be the same as they are going to look a couple of months after surgery. in addition, depending on the type of breasts that you have and the firmness of your breast before surgery is going to be the look that you are going to have after surgery. so let me explain this to you. let us say that you are cup-a and you want to go to a cup-c. your breast pocket will be surgically dissected and an implant will be placed. typically, you are going to need around a 400 cc implants to go from an a-cup to a c-cup, but because the space where the implant was placed is small initially, your breast are going to look funny, v...

2 stage breast augmentation

there are a number of times where patients come to me requesting revision of previous breast surger. either they'relooking for an implant to be removed and replaced, maybe switching from saline to silicone, or they had a previous augmentation years ago and for example they are left with a little of asymmetry nipples are a little different in position orthe implant on one side may have migrated a little bit in terms of position, or maybe it was always a little bit asymmetric. it doesn't always mean that the previous surgeon did a bad job or made a mistake a lot of times it's just differences in the anatomy between the two sides, which are often very natural and exist in a lotof patients what i tell patients is if you can imagine that we all have some differences between our two sides none of us are perfectlysymmetrical imagine during surgery when you go inside, and people are also different on the inside as well and so that's one reason why a lot of times there ...

2 months breast augmentation

[cindy] i've had breast enhancement, and mydoctor was dr. jonov at the gallery. my entire life i was athletic slim. i've wanted somethingdifferent. i wanted to be a little bit more i guess voluptuous. i'm still thin. i'm stillslender, but to have a few more curves and not always be just so athletic and so flatas i've always been. when i came in for the consult he was supernice. he made me feel comfortable, which is really important for something like that,something so personal. from the there i just decided and it was done. he knew right awaywhat would be the best for me. i said i want something that was natural looking. i wantsomething that will still make me look proportionate, but i still want to feel more feminine. hegave me the options and he knew exactly what to do. everyone made me feel real comfortable assoon as i walked in. it went by super quick. i think i was in and out within an hour. therecovery was pretty quick. within two weeks i felt like i was ...

2 months breast augmentation before after

the women i see for breast augmentation, everysingle one of them says, "i don't want to be too big." my job is to help them figureout what that means, because everybody's concept of what 'too big' is is very different. myjob is to give them education and options. i think there's a whole lot of stuff thatgoes on here that's really important for breast augmentation. i think the operative portionis important too; but the operative portion, once we've made a plan here, is much morestraightforward. the hard part, the decision making, the information,all the choices, all that happens here, and i really want to help the patient figure outwhat it is she wants. sometimes they want me to just tell them what they need, but iwant to help them figure out what it is that they want and what they're hoping to get outof breast augmentation. so, when it comes to figuring out an actual size implant we'regoing to put in for a patient, then we're going...

1 year after breast augmentation

hi, this is dr. hourglass, and welcome toanother video in our channel wonder breasts. today we are going to discuss rupture of siliconeimplants. in this channel we discuss everything relatedto breast surgery. welcome back. one of the complications that can occur withsilicone breast implants is rupture of the implant. people are concerned that if there is a rupture,the silicone will harm your body and cause problems or disease as it is exposed to thesurrounding soft tissue. the silicone breast implants currently onthe market are better than the ones we had twenty or thirty years ago. with advances in surgical instruments as wellas better implants, the risk of rupture is very low. rupture of an implant can occur, but it ismost likely to happen years later as the implant ages or if you have a major impact to thebreast during an accident or trauma. but what happens if the implant ruptures? will it cause harm? can you die? can you develop an immune disease? the answer to these question...

1 week breast augmentation

hi, this is dr. hourglass, and welcome toanother video in our channel wonder breasts. today we are going to discuss the naturalhistory of breast augmentation. in this channel we discuss everything related to breast surgery. welcome back. when a breast augmentation is performed, you need to realize that the way your breasts are going to look right after surgery is not going to be the same as they are going to look a couple of months after surgery. in addition, depending on the type of breasts that you have and the firmness of your breast before surgery is going to be the look that you are going to have after surgery. so let me explain this to you. let us say that you are cup-a and you want to go to a cup-c. your breast pocket will be surgically dissected and an implant will be placed. typically, you are going to need around a 400 cc implants to go from an a-cup to a c-cup, but because the space where the implant was placed is small initially, your breast are going to look funny, v...

1 week after breast augmentation

hi, this is dr. hourglass, and welcome toanother video in our channel wonder breasts. today we are going to discuss inframammarybreast augmentation. in this channel we discuss everything relatedto breast surgery. welcome back. previously, we discussed periareolar breast augmentation. this week we are going to talk about inframammary breast augmentation. the inframammary location is at the lower part of the breast and is also called the mammary fold. when breast augmentation is performed, an incision can be placed at the fold for breast implant insertion. when a surgeon takes this approach, the incision is placed at the inframammary fold or lower, depending on the distance between the nipple and fold, taking in consideration a shifting of the incision site once the implant is inserted. an incision is performed and dissection is continued until the muscle of the breast is identified. this muscle is detached and the implant is placed through this incision. the inframammary fold incis...

1 month breast augmentation

hi, this is dr. hourglass and welcome to a new video on our channel, wonder breasts. today we are going to discuss implant displacement after breast augmentation. in this channel we discuss everything related to breast surgery. welcome back. in our society, everybody wants to look sexy and women want bigger breasts and a nicer shape. but when it comes to breast augmentation, bigger is not necessarily better. even though your breasts might handle bigger implants than your anatomy dictates, having bigger breast implants can lead to different complications. one complication that occurs with time if your breast implants are bigger than your anatomy can handle is a lateral shift of the breast implant when you lie down. in this video, you can see how the implants shift to the sides when the patient lies on her back. notice the gap between the breasts. so, why does this happen? when a breast implant surgery is performed, the implant is placed through different anatomical incisions, and t...

1 day post breast augmentation

hi, i'm dr. frank lista and welcome to operatingroom number 1 here at the plastic surgery clinic. so lots of patients ask me about implantshape. so, basically, there are 2 different shapes of implants. implants can either beround or they can teardrop shaped. how do we choose? well, first of all, the numberone rule is, and if you've seen any of our videos so far you know the number one ruleis, create a breast that looks beautiful, that has a beautiful shape and looks natural.so, every patient gets an implant that's been determined to be the right implant for them.how do we decide that? well, first of all, implants can either be round or teardrop solet me show you an example. here's a round implant and here's a teardrop-shaped implant.you notice this implant is perfectly round. this implant has a shape that looks like ateardrop. now, this implant, the teardrop implant, is really useful for patients whohave droopiness, or if they have what we call constricted lowe...

1 day after breast augmentation

if you have a saline implant, chances areone of these days you're going just wake up and have a flat tire. one breast just simplyisn't there any more, it's flat as a pancake. deflation is a real risk of having a salineimplant and unfortunately a lot of patients weren't told this before they actually hadthem so when it happens, boy do they panic. first thing is don't panic, it's just saltwater and your body will absorb it, so having a deflated implant is not an emergency butit certainly is something that needs to be taken care of. now you need another operationand you need to start making some plans. first, call your surgeon's office and letthem know what's happening. a deflated implant is not an emergency, however it needs to bedealt with in a timely manner, it needs to be dealt with fairly quickly. dr. tebbettdoesn't like for a deflated implant to stay in a breast longer than 3 or 4 weeks. thelonger the implant device stays in the breast, the m...

1 day after breast augmentation pictures

hi, this is dr. hourglass, and welcome toanother video in our channel wonder breasts. today we are going to discuss rippling afterbreast augmentation. in this channel, we discuss everything related to breast surgery. welcome back! rippling is an aesthetic complication thatcan occur after a breast augmentation. every type of breast implant will ripple excepthighly cohesive silicone breast implants. so what is rippling? if you look at this clip, when an implant is vertical, gravity and the cohesiveness of the implant filling material tend to deform the implant. when the implant is in the breast pocket, the interactions between the implant and the soft tissue cause traction, and the ripples of the implant can be seen through the skin. for example, if you look at this patient, when she is leaning forward you can see the rippling phenomenon. this is most often visible in patients who have very little soft tissue covering the implant. this patient has a silicone breast implantabove the ...

0 finance breast augmentation

cosmetic procedures charlotte north carolina piedmont plastic surgery and dermatology,please visit us online at http://ppsd.com. we offer a plethora of cosmetic procedures,from surgery to minimally invasive procedures. whether you’re looking for a refreshed lookor a full facelift, let piedmont plastic surgery and dermatology provide you with consultationto educate you on the many cosmetic procedures we offer. please visit http://ppsd.com online. withoffices conveniently located in charlotte, gastonia, shelby and hickory north carolina.

zumba after breast augmentation

breast enhancement, or augmentation mamoplasty,is a cosmetic surgery performed to enhance the size and shape of breasts. the chief objectivein doing so is to increase the person's sex appeal. breast enhancement has been in the centerof controversy for three decades. it is supposed to be a risky procedure, causing certain disordersin the anatomy of the person, and the debate is whether it is prudent to gamble with healthfor the sake of obtaining that elusive hourglass figure. that notwithstanding, it is the second-mostcommon prosthetic procedure, and in the year 2003 itself there had been 280,401 breastimplants in the us alone. though the debate over breast implants isa fairly contemporary phenomenon, the surgery itself is not that modern. historical evidencesshow that japanese women used to inject silicones directly into their breasts during the worldwar ii. before the discovery of silicone as an implantmaterial, other materials such as paraffin were used for breast implants. ...

zip up bras after breast augmentation

in this clip we will talk about the initialrecovery and after care for my breast augmentation surgery. typically, a patient will returnto the office within two or three days for an initial examination to ensure that allis well, that the implants are in good position, that there has not been any excessive bleedingor swelling, and that the patient is comfortable. at that time, we discuss the specifics ofexactly what was decided at surgery, because sometimes there are some changes at the lastminute in terms of the size. but there really should not be any surprises for the patient.but at that time you, we let the patient know exactly what size they have and give theman information card so that they can have that for their records for the future, sothat if there is any problem, they can always refer back to what they have in their breasts.and then the patient is instructed to start showering and being as active as possible.and then generally we start the patient on a massage routine wh...

zinger pain breast augmentation

announcer: president bill clinton. (sustained cheers, applause.) thank you very much. thank you. thank you. thank you. thank you. thank you. thank you. now, mr. mayor, fellow democrats, we are here to nominate a president. (cheers, applause.) and i’ve got one in mind. i want to nominate a man whose own life has known its fair share of adversity and uncertainty. i want to nominate a man who ran for president to change the course of an already weak economy and then just six weeks before his election, saw it suffer the biggest collapse since the great depression; a man who stopped the slide into depression and put us on the long road to recovery, knowing all the while that no matter how many jobs that he saved or created, there’d still be millions more waiting, worried about feeding their own kids, trying to keep their hopes alive. i want to nominate a man who’s cool on the outside — (cheers, applause) — but who burns for america on the inside. i want — i want a man who b...

zinc after breast augmentation

[ silence ] >> ok, and i'm jeff spieler. i will be givingthis training course. and everybody-- i'm sorryfor those on the phone. everything that we haveis actually available electronically but i was notaware that we would need that. so you can get allof the materials-- almost everything'savailable electronically. that which isn't, there's plentyof copies in-- you can get them. we'll bring themback to crystal city or the rrb [assumed spelling]depending on where you are. so i guess it's aboutthe third-- is the sound checkworking all right? >> yes. >> ok. so we're goingto be taped today. >> i'm not exactly sure why buti sort of wish the last one was because it was such agood success and i had such good jokes that everybodyreally enjoyed themselves. >> share them in. >> but i got to see if ican remember those jokes that i've put intothe technology. so let me begin byintroducing myself. i have worked in theoffi...