zumba after breast augmentation

breast enhancement, or augmentation mamoplasty,is a cosmetic surgery performed to enhance the size and shape of breasts. the chief objectivein doing so is to increase the person's sex appeal. breast enhancement has been in the centerof controversy for three decades. it is supposed to be a risky procedure, causing certain disordersin the anatomy of the person, and the debate is whether it is prudent to gamble with healthfor the sake of obtaining that elusive hourglass figure. that notwithstanding, it is the second-mostcommon prosthetic procedure, and in the year 2003 itself there had been 280,401 breastimplants in the us alone. though the debate over breast implants isa fairly contemporary phenomenon, the surgery
itself is not that modern. historical evidencesshow that japanese women used to inject silicones directly into their breasts during the worldwar ii. before the discovery of silicone as an implantmaterial, other materials such as paraffin were used for breast implants. thomas croninand frank gerow, two plastic surgeons from houston, were the first to develop siliconeas a transplant material with the dow corning corporation in 1961 and the first transplantwas done on a woman in 1962. one of the chief objections in this cosmeticprosthesis is the use of silicone gel, which has been restricted as an implant materialby the food and drug administration in the us. breast implants have been suspected ofcausing autoimmune disease, however there
is no documentation to validate this fact.known hazards of breast augmentation are asymmetry, visibility, palpability, rupture, deflation,infection, scarring, and hardening of the capsule of the implant. the strongest objection against breast implantscomes from feminist groups who view it as a subjugation of women to men to pander totheir sexual desires. it is not unknown of starlets and media women who undergo suchsurgeries to boost their careers; and in the process, giving vent to the allocution thatit is a man's world.
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