zip up bras after breast augmentation

in this clip we will talk about the initialrecovery and after care for my breast augmentation surgery. typically, a patient will returnto the office within two or three days for an initial examination to ensure that allis well, that the implants are in good position, that there has not been any excessive bleedingor swelling, and that the patient is comfortable. at that time, we discuss the specifics ofexactly what was decided at surgery, because sometimes there are some changes at the lastminute in terms of the size. but there really should not be any surprises for the patient.but at that time you, we let the patient know exactly what size they have and give theman information card so that they can have that for their records for the future, sothat if there is any problem, they can always
refer back to what they have in their breasts.and then the patient is instructed to start showering and being as active as possible.and then generally we start the patient on a massage routine where the implants are movedand mobilized a bit to help them to accommodate to the space that's been created beneath themuscle. at that point the patient is generally off pain medicine, and completing a shortcourse of antibiotics and starting to get back to their normal routine. they have apost surgical bra, which is a soft, sports type bra, and we have the patient wear thatpretty much full time for the first week or so, and then gradually to wean off of thatand then into a normal bra shortly thereafter.
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