1 day after breast augmentation

if you have a saline implant, chances areone of these days you're going just wake up and have a flat tire. one breast just simplyisn't there any more, it's flat as a pancake. deflation is a real risk of having a salineimplant and unfortunately a lot of patients weren't told this before they actually hadthem so when it happens, boy do they panic. first thing is don't panic, it's just saltwater and your body will absorb it, so having a deflated implant is not an emergency butit certainly is something that needs to be taken care of. now you need another operationand you need to start making some plans. first, call your surgeon's office and letthem know what's happening. a deflated implant is not an emergency, however it needs to bedealt with in a timely manner, it needs to
be dealt with fairly quickly. dr. tebbettdoesn't like for a deflated implant to stay in a breast longer than 3 or 4 weeks. thelonger the implant device stays in the breast, the more complicated the next operations willbe, plus who wants to stuff one half of their bra and not the other and deal with tryingto make it all look normal? i mean, you're going to be fairly motivatedto get this done quickly too. the surgeons office should start making calls for you anddoing some research. when we get a call like this, we contact the manufacturers and findout where the patents are in their warranties. if you have a saline implant you have a warrantywhether you know it or not and this warranty follows you via your social security numberso if you can't make it back to the surgeon
that originally did your augmentation, yourwarranty can still be in effect, so be sure and tell the office the surgeon's office whattype of implant you have and the manufacturer and your social security number and they canhelp you do some research and figure out what financial assistance you might be able toget. but remember and be prepared to pay all ofthe expenses up-front, getting a refund or a reimbursement from the manufacturer oncethey receive the deflated, explanted device. now the big question. do you replace one orboth? usually the answer to this lies in how long you've had your implants. the longeryou've had them the more motivated your going to be and your going to really want to replaceboth so that you're not waiting for the next
shoe to drop or the next flat tire to happen,so the longer you've had your implants the more sense it makes to go ahead and replaceboth at the same time. now, what do you replace them with? today,we have so many implant options. for us, for our patients, when they have a deflation werecommend that they switch both out to silicone. but talk with your surgeon to discuss youroptions and see which implant option would be best for you. the surgery itself should be fairly simple,the surgeon will make an incision in the intramammary fold under the breast and remove and replacethe device. the pocket is already made so this experience should be infinitely betterthan your first go around. even if you had
a 24 hour recovery the first time, replacingimplants this time should be a lot easier because again the pockets already established. no one ever wants to wake up to a flat tireor have another operation, but remember a deflation is not going to hurt you and thesooner you take care of it the better. if you know of anyone who is dealing with andeflation issue, please share this video with them and you can always find out more at thebestbreast.com.
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