after breast augmentation recovery
welcome back. we already discussed capsular contracture and how this is the most common aesthetic complication of breast augmentation. one way to diminish the risk of having a capsular contracture is by performing breast massages after the surgery. my protocol includes not only breast massage, but also some breast exercises that will help with the following: 1. decrease swelling. 2. break the scar that is forming through the healing process. and 3. help the breast settle after surgery, so you do not have a high-riding breast. i recommend that the patient start doing breast massages within 24 hours after surgery. the first thing you need to do is stretch your arms all the way up with your elbows straight and touch each side of the hand above the head. you are going to go up and down multiple times for about 5 to 10 minutes. i like patients to take a shower with warm water to soften the tissues; you can do this in the shower. after stretching your arms, massage each breast with the ...