
after breast augmentation recovery

welcome back. we already discussed capsular contracture and how this is the most common aesthetic complication of breast augmentation. one way to diminish the risk of having a capsular contracture is by performing breast massages after the surgery. my protocol includes not only breast massage, but also some breast exercises that will help with the following: 1. decrease swelling. 2. break the scar that is forming through the healing process. and 3. help the breast settle after surgery, so you do not have a high-riding breast. i recommend that the patient start doing breast massages within 24 hours after surgery. the first thing you need to do is stretch your arms all the way up with your elbows straight and touch each side of the hand above the head. you are going to go up and down multiple times for about 5 to 10 minutes. i like patients to take a shower with warm water to soften the tissues; you can do this in the shower. after stretching your arms, massage each breast with the ...

after breast augmentation massage

in this clip we will talk about the initialrecovery and after care for my breast augmentation surgery. typically, a patient will returnto the office within two or three days for an initial examination to ensure that allis well, that the implants are in good position, that there has not been any excessive bleedingor swelling, and that the patient is comfortable. at that time, we discuss the specifics ofexactly what was decided at surgery, because sometimes there are some changes at the lastminute in terms of the size. but there really should not be any surprises for the patient.but at that time you, we let the patient know exactly what size they have and give theman information card so that they can have that for their records for the future, sothat if there is any problem, they can always refer back to what they have in their breasts.and then the patient is instructed to start showering and being as active as possible.and then generally we start the patient on a massage routine wh...

after breast augmentation care

the breast surgery that dr. schlesinger performsis essentially a breast lift or a breast augmentation. breast lifts can be done with or without abreast augmentation as well. so the breast augmentation performs is the trans-axillarywhich means through the armpit, always underneath the muscle. nobody does them on top of themuscle anymore. and doing them through the armpit and underneath the muscle is the bestway to do it. when he does them through the armpit essentially he does them in the langerslines of the armpit so the natural crease of your armpit. and the good thing about doingthem in the armpit is that the armpit is the second finest skin on the body. so the finerthe skin the thinner the scar. when we do an incision at three months those scars completelyvanish. breast lifts fall into three different categories. basically three different levelsof droops, so for pseudotosis, tosis means droop t-o-s-i-s for a droop that's not reallydroop may be its just deflation after breas...

after breast augmentation bra

hi, this is dr. hourglass, and welcome toanother video in our channel wonder breasts. today we are going to discuss breast cleavageduring a breast augmentation. in this channel we discuss everything related to breast surgery. welcome back! many times, patients come to my clinic andthe first thing they complain about is seeing pictures online where some patient has anextremely large gap between the breasts. they criticize that surgeon for what they considera less than satisfactory outcome, but i can tell you that the gap between the breastshas nothing to do with the surgeon and everything to do with the patient’s anatomy. if you look closely at a patient who has a gap between the breasts, they had this gap prior to the surgery. the origin of the breast starts significantly away from the midline, and when you insert an implant, it is placed at the center of the breast, from the origin of the breast all the way to the lateral fold of the breast. the surgeon cannot cut away your who...

after a breast augmentation

cleavage is a very, verycommon question that patients ask me about. i think that, you know,in clothing, in a bathing suit,there's a lot of femininity that goes along with thatsilhouette of nice cleavage. it's a very big concernfor a lot of my patients and i basically assume noweverybody wants nice cleavage. it's very rare thatsomebody comes in and goes, look, i want my breastswidely spaced apart please, just like tori spelling. okay. that just doesn't happen. the thing is-- is thatcleavage is very dependent on your own anatomy. for example, if you putthe implant under the muscle, the muscle comes across andit inserts into the chest bone. so, if you have musclesthat insert close together, you're gonna gettighter cleavage. if you have musclesthat insert wider apart, the cleavageis gonna be wider. wheneveri get under the muscle, i'm always tryingto bring the implants as close togetheras possible. i actually liftthe muscle a little bit. but you can't strip...

after a breast augmentation recovery

hi, this is dr. hourglass, and welcome toanother video in our channel bootyman. today we are going to discuss the recoveryafter buttock augmentation with implants. in this channel, we will discuss everythingyou need to know about buttock enhancement procedures. welcome back! if you had or are planning to have a buttockaugmentation with implant, there are certain things you need to understand in order to plan your postoperative care. for starters, you must allot at least three weeks’ recovery time. this procedure is one of those where patient compliance is extremely important. you will be unable to sit for up to three weeks, as this risks opening the incision and can cause the implant to become infected. prophylactic antibiotics must be taken to prevent infection. the incision and drain site must also be kept as clean as possible before and after the drains are removed. you can go back to exercising and heavy lifting in about three weeks. this procedure requires a patient’s ful...

after a breast augmentation massage

hi, this is dr. hourglass, and welcome toanother video in our channel wonder breasts. today we are going to discuss changes in nipplesensation after breast augmentation. in this channel we discuss everything related to breast surgery. welcome back. changes in nipple sensation are not uncommon after breast augmentation. during this cosmetic surgery, an incisionis made in the breast, a pocket is dissected, and an implant is placed either above or belowthe muscle. one of the risks of breast augmentation is changes in the sensation of the nipple-areola complex. when an implant is placed, the nerves that provide sensation to the nipple are stretched due to the increasing size of the breast itself. when a nerve is stretched, it gets irritated. this is why some patients describe more sensation in the nipple and areola and some lose sensation either partially or completely after the procedure. so, what can we do to minimize the risk ofloss of sensation in the nipple-areola complex? well, ...

after a breast augmentation care

cosmetic surgery is growing more popular,worldwide. more than 87 percent of all plastic surgery is performed on women, and the numberone is breast augmentation. let's bust this wide open. in the 1940s, japanese prostitutes would injectparaffin or sponge into their breasts to increase their bust line and attract american soldiersduring world war ii. then, in 1962, the first silicone breast implantation was performedin houston, texas. now, 50 years later,. in 2013, there were more than 23 million surgicaland nonsurgical cosmetic procedures performed worldwide and the most common, at 1.77 million,were breast implant surgeries! breasts are a collection of fat, milk-producinglobules, lymph nodes, and connective tissues. no two are alike, even on the same person!they sit on top of pectoral muscles, over the ribs and, as you likely know, exist forbreast feeding infants, but have other social purposes as well. they're continually developinguntil the age of 22, and their size is bo...

affordable breast augmentation

dr. khalil is simply the best dr for breastaugmentation in beverly hills he's the type of plastic surgeon that makesyou feel comfortable and he's friendly. i went to several consultations around belair with different surgeons and i didn’t feel comfortable.i went to dr.khalil and i knew i had found my surgeon.thank you so much dr. a.j. khalil! i feel and my natural looking implants look great!!i am more than satisfied with my results.

actresses who had breast augmentation

5.denise richards: approx $25,000 she admitted it with no shame. denise richards underwent breast augmentation procedures because she had tiny boobs.she first went under the knife when she was just 19. later, the former bond girlwent on to have two other surgeries to correct the set. she was flat-chested andthought breast implants would make her look better and more feminine. she was right, her new breasts opened the path to stardom. afterwards, she thought her implants were too big, so she had her breasts reduced. it wasn’t until her third procedure that she got it right but finally she is pleased with her look. 4.heidi montag: approx $30,000. while most celebrities deny ortry to cover up their plastic procedures, heidi montag, the former the hills star, went fully public, sharing her complete story with the world. in 2009, she underwent not one, not two, but ten plastic surgery procedures in just one day. she went all the way from a small a-cup size to a triple d, a change th...