after breast augmentation care
the breast surgery that dr. schlesinger performsis essentially a breast lift or a breast augmentation. breast lifts can be done with or without abreast augmentation as well. so the breast augmentation performs is the trans-axillarywhich means through the armpit, always underneath the muscle. nobody does them on top of themuscle anymore. and doing them through the armpit and underneath the muscle is the bestway to do it. when he does them through the armpit essentially he does them in the langerslines of the armpit so the natural crease of your armpit. and the good thing about doingthem in the armpit is that the armpit is the second finest skin on the body. so the finerthe skin the thinner the scar. when we do an incision at three months those scars completelyvanish. breast lifts fall into three different
categories. basically three different levelsof droops, so for pseudotosis, tosis means droop t-o-s-i-s for a droop that's not reallydroop may be its just deflation after breast feeding or something like that or um justnot not droopy enough to need a breast lift we do a dual plan mastopexy and that can bedone with implants through the armpits so no external scars, the only scars are thescars that would come about with a regular breast augmentation and we do a couple oflittle tricks that allow for the nipples to scar to a higher position. it's called aninternal lift or a dual plane mastopexy and it can be done with, it's always got to bedone with implants, essentially. but it can be done with just incisions through the armpits.the next type of lift is for moderate droop
or ptosis. not super very large breasts hangingon the chest wall all nipples pointing to the ground but a little bit more for extensivedroop than pseudo droop. what we do to treat that is called the vanelli mastopexy,it'skind of right in the middle. for a vanelli mastopexy the incisions are right around theedge of the areola and there's one permanent suture. that's what we do for moderate droop.the standard mastopexy is for the most extreme case of droop. and that's the breast liftthat most patients think of a breast lift. it's an incisions around the edge of the areolavertical and horizontal scar and thats for very large very droopy breasts. may be you'vehad multiple children and breast fed all of them, nipples pointing to the ground, breastshanging on the chest wall, no fullness in
the upper quadrant, probably the standardmastopexy is the best surgery for this type of breast.
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