breast augmentation vegas
i perform hundreds of breastaugmentations every year and patients always ask me: is there going to be aspecial bra that i have to wear after surgery. what i typically recommend is weuse a soft surgical bra, only for about 24 to 48 hours right after theirsurgical procedure, that i provide patients with. very soon after, we switcha patient into a normal, full coverage underwire bra. patients find that it'svery comfortable. it almost never affects the healing incision, and it's going toact like a splint. so as a woman's implants are dropping, changing, and settlingbecause of gravity, the implants going to know where to go and know where to stop.patients prefer this type of bra style to a bulky sports bra or ace wrap orbandages because they can wear normal clothes or work uniforms and look greatin them. i also will have a patient wear this bra day and night for six to eight weeks. and the reason we have them use it at night is because there's a natural tendencyfor the ...