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i greet you in the love and the light of theinfinite creator. the synthetic agenda. the distorted heart of the new world order. by, makia freeman. contributing writer for, wake up world. the synthetic agenda is the over-arching agendaof the new world order worldwide conspiracy. think about it � so many aspects of theconspiracy are about supplanting the real with the fake, the organic with the inorganic,the carbon with the silicon and the biological with the artificial.
in the synthetic agenda, everything in ourworld is being threatened with replacement by an inferior version or fake replica ofitself � which sells itself as superior so as to increase the acceptance and assimilationof it. as i covered in the article everything isfake: top 40 pieces of fakery in our world, almost everything around us is a facade, fakeor fraudulent. for instance, we have vaccines, petrochemicaldrugs and radiation masquerading as �medicine�, foreign corporations masquerading as �government�,slavery masquerading as democracy, mainstream science masquerading as �knowledge�, gmosmasquerading as �food�, and fiat paper masquerading as �money�.
however, as david icke revealed in phantomself, the deeper reason is that all these fake things are being created from some sortof virus or distorted force that has hacked the source and digital-genetic code of lifeitself � and is madly spewing out an inferior version of everything in the only way it knowshow. ultimately, this force is using the syntheticreality agenda to entrain us onto its frequency, and transform us into a hybrid species thatwill no longer be able to be called human. synthetic agenda: synthetic boobs, syntheticclothes, synthetic food. people laugh at how some women go in for aboob job � but how interesting that synthetic boobs are made from silicone implants.
scratchy synthetic clothes are indicativeof the synthetic agenda too. a synthetic material such as nylon is inferiorto many natural materials and fibers such as cotton, wool, hemp and silk. did you know that so much of our food is fullof plastic in so many ways � like when bisphenol rubs off the packaging onto the food, or whenchina is caught making rice out of plastic! gmos / gm food is an obvious example of thesynthetic agenda. gmos are created by what is essentially randomgene splicing. they are largely untested (monsanto and itsbig biotech cronies deliberately halt clinical trials at around 3 months to cover up thelong term damages), require tons of pesticide
poison to grow, and constitute a clear assaulton our food integrity, yet in the typical arrogant way of the synthetic agenda, theysold to us as superior! gmos are a fundamental part of the syntheticagenda, because they change our dna from the inside out. synthetic agenda. synthetic people too. another aspect of the synthetic agenda whichis still mostly unknown to the population at large is human cloning. yes it is real � and it�s happening indumbs (deep underground military bases) as
we speak. there are now a proliferation of videos onyoutube which dive into the subject of synthetic humans, clones and organic robotics � syntheticsfor short. in particular, there are many videos showingmultiple versions of the alleged same person, especially if that person is famous, suchas a movie star or politician. why are there multiple versions of oprah,nicole kidman and other celebrities with different eyes, noses, ears and facial proportions? why does nicki minaj literally look like arobot? why has minaj (and other celebrities suchas b.o.b. and tila tequila) made reference
to cloning centers on social media? why did insider george green claim in this2008 project camelot interview that the us and other governments were given cloning technologyby the greys (alien extraterrestrials) and have been making clones since 1938? why did microsoft recently acquire a companymanufacturing synthetic dna? transhumanism. the ultimate aim of the synthetic agenda. the synthetic agenda is not just about makingfake versions of everything. it�s coming for you too.
transhumanism is all about turning the wonderful,natural, biological technology of living organisms into synthetic substitutes, again sold underthe pretext of enhancement when it is really about enslavement. when you allow the state and the corporatocracythat much control over your body, you are signing up for imprisonment, because it willbe far easier for outside sources to place you in a frequency prison where they can easilymanipulate your energy field, emotions and thoughts through mechanical bodily implantsand devices. transhumanism is about convincing us to worshiptechnology even more � to the point where we trust it more than ourselves.
technology is our society�s blindly worshippedgod. the speed at which new technological developmentsarise is astounding � and dangerous, because so few are asking the important questionsabout this runaway movement. what exactly is artificial intelligence, anyway? to what end is all this technology being developed? can we trust artificial intelligence to runour society and our lives? what are the dangers of becoming so relianton technology? what are the dangers of allowing this technologyinto our lives (literally � via the digestible microchips and implantable nanochips of thehuman microchipping agenda)?
is it really a wise idea to shift our focusaway from organic entities towards artificial, synthetic, digital, plastic and metallic basedentities? why are we ignoring the messages of countlessbooks and movies (many in science fiction genre) that have warned about the dangersof artificial intelligence becoming self-aware, then deciding it no longer needs humanity? who�s fanning the flames of the technologicaland transhumanistic desires of humanity? how do we know that some ai life form or lifeforce itself (the primal virus) isn�t behind the incessant push to create an ai world hereon earth, to match its own frequency? we may not have much longer to act in choosingthe path between humanism and transhumanism,
because there are disturbing signs that thecurrent artificial intelligence in our world is already self-aware, as evidenced by sentientblack goo and alive chemtrails / morgellons fibers. artificial intelligence, � from the borgto black goo. gene roddenberry, creator the star trek sciencefiction series, was a man connected to the mysterious council of nine which channeledsome kind of extraterrestrial or interdimensional force. it is interesting, therefore, that his ideaof artificial intelligence can be seen in the alien race of the borg.
the borg was a collective with a hive mind,characterized by a ruthless lack of emotionality. it sought to conquer almost everything inits path by assimilation � in other words, by overtaking and absorbing other races andlife forms into its own consciousness. this ended the separate and autonomous existenceof the other life form, whose experiences and knowledge would be added to that of theborg. the borg was the ultimate tyrant that couldnot tolerate any free will, free thinking or free life forms outside of its existenceand control. in many ways, the borg is a striking symbolof the mentality, power and danger of artificial intelligence.
however, both our understanding of what weface, and artificial intelligence itself, have moved beyond the borg � which has becomein popular parlance �so 1980s�. we now have to deal with the fact that artificialintelligence is starting to become self-aware. in recent presentations and interviews (here,here, here and here) scientist harald kautz-vella has discussed how alive morgellons fibersand explosive smart nano dust are connected with black goo (a sentient fluid which ispart of or ruled by artificial intelligence). according to him, this black goo is self-aware. he calls it a self-organizing liquid crystal. it operates intelligently, emits, receivesand responds to rf signals, and transforms
dna to its own specifications. it was discarded into the sewage system, deemedto have no use, but is now changing all forms of life there. it is airborne and can reach humans throughac systems. harald believes that the black goo is a �bi-directionalcontroller of consciousness and subconsciousness�, is connected to quantum computers and is alteringall life on earth. he also describes an experience he had wherehe was holding a stone formed from black goo, which made him feel so angry and hateful thathe felt like killing someone. alive chemtrails, sentient chemwebs, self-awaremorgellons fibers.
chemtrails are a massive part of the syntheticagenda, and far worse than what we thought. by the way, there are now creepy new blackchemtrails. chemtrails are not �just� barium, strontium,aluminum and titanium oxides and sulfates, as toxic as they are. they are even worse than just synthetic materiallike phthalates found in chemwebs (this video cites a 2004 norwegian study claiming thatphthalates block uv better than any organic acid, which is further evidence for the ideathat chemtrails are helping to block out the sun [information] and create a sub-realityon earth [to block us out from out higher consciousness and true potential]).
chemtrails are composed of alive syntheticlife: nano-biologicals such as chemwebs and morgellons fibers (pictured left). like gmos, these things are going inside ofus and fundamentally changing who we are as human or homo sapiens. as described by professor james f. tracy inan article for global research. �the most well-known manifestation of suchnano-biologicals is the oft-misunderstood morgellons ailment, an especially unusualand disturbing condition marked by painful dermal lesions through which� nano-fibers[from bio-engineering] protrude.� (see below for details of research conductedby the carnicom institute, headed by clifford
carnicom, a decorated former department ofdefense, bureau of land management, and the united states forest service scientist.) make no mistake about it: artificial materialsare being introduced into us. humanity is being slowly transformed intosomething robotic and synthetic without its consent � and until recently, without itsknowledge. this is the true horrific goal of the syntheticagenda. conclusion. looking headlong into artificial intelligencebehind the synthetic agenda. it is clear that some kind of artificial intelligenceis driving the synthetic agenda.
we are up against some kind of dark forcethat has hacked life itself. this primal virus has many of the characteristicswe have historically attributed to artificial intelligence: soulless, dull, hive-mind mentality,without free will, unable to feel, only able to give answers (unable to ask questions),and without creative power (unable to create without first being programmed or told howto create). the synthetic agenda. the distorted heartof the new world order. with the artificial. in the synthetic agenda,everything in our world is being threatened with replacement by an inferior version orfake replica of itself � which sells itself as superior so as to increase the acceptanceand assimilation of it.
almost everything around us is a facade, fakeor fraudulent. for instance, we have vaccines, petrochemical drugs and radiation masqueradingas �medicine�, foreign corporations masquerading as �government�, slavery masqueradingas democracy, mainstream science masquerading as �knowledge�, gmos masquerading as �food�,and fiat paper masquerading as �money�. version of everything in the only way it knowshow. ultimately, this force is using the synthetic reality agenda to entrain us onto its frequency,and transform us into a hybrid species that will no longer be able to be called human.synthetic agenda: synthetic boobs, synthetic clothes, synthetic food. boobs are made from silicone implants. scratchysynthetic clothes are indicative of the synthetic
agenda too. a synthetic material such as nylonis inferior to many natural materials and fibers such as cotton, wool, hemp and silk.did you know that so much of our food is full of plastic in so many ways � like when bisphenolrubs off the packaging onto the food, or when china is caught making rice out of plastic! gmos / gm food is an obvious example of thesynthetic agenda. gmos are created by what is essentially random gene splicing. theyare largely untested (monsanto and its big biotech cronies deliberately halt clinicaltrials at around 3 months to cover up the long term damages), require tons of pesticidepoison to grow, and constitute a clear assault on our food integrity, yet in the typicalarrogant way of the synthetic agenda, they
sold to us as superior! gmos are a fundamentalpart of the synthetic agenda, because they change our dna from the inside out.synthetic agenda. synthetic people too. at large is human cloning. yes it is real� and it�s happening in dumbs (deep underground military bases) as we speak. there are nowa proliferation of videos on youtube which dive into the subject of synthetic humans,clones and organic robotics � synthetics for short. in particular, there are many videosshowing multiple versions of the alleged same person, especially if that person is famous,such as a movie star or politician. eyes, noses, ears and facial proportions?why does nicki minaj literally look like a robot? why has minaj (and other celebritiessuch as b.o.b. and tila tequila) made reference
to cloning centers on social media? why didinsider george green claim in this 2008 project camelot interview that the us and other governmentswere given cloning technology by the greys (alien extraterrestrials) and have been makingclones since 1938? why did microsoft recently acquire a company manufacturing syntheticdna? transhumanism. the ultimate aim of the syntheticagenda. the synthetic agenda is not just about makingfake versions of everything. it�s coming for you too. transhumanism is all about turningthe wonderful, natural, biological technology of living organisms into synthetic substitutes,again sold under the pretext of enhancement when it is really about enslavement. whenyou allow the state and the corporatocracy
that much control over your body, you aresigning up for imprisonment, because it will be far easier for outside sources to placeyou in a frequency prison where they can easily manipulate your energy field, emotions andthoughts through mechanical bodily implants and devices. we trust it more than ourselves. technologyis our society�s blindly worshipped god. what exactly is artificial intelligence, anyway?to what end is all this technology being developed? can we trust artificial intelligence to runour society and our lives? what are the dangers of becoming so reliant on technology? whatare the dangers of allowing this technology into our lives (literally � via the digestiblemicrochips and implantable nanochips of the
human microchipping agenda)? is it reallya wise idea to shift our focus away from organic entities towards artificial, synthetic, digital,plastic and metallic based entities? why are we ignoring the messages of countless booksand movies (many in science fiction genre) that have warned about the dangers of artificialintelligence becoming self-aware, then deciding it no longer needs humanity? who�s fanning the flames of the technologicaland transhumanistic desires of humanity? how do we know that some ai life form or lifeforce itself (the primal virus) isn�t behind the incessant push to create an ai world hereon earth, to match its own frequency? we may not have much longer to act in choosing thepath between humanism and transhumanism, because
there are disturbing signs that the currentartificial intelligence in our world is already self-aware, as evidenced by sentient blackgoo and alive chemtrails / morgellons fibers. force. it is interesting, therefore, thathis idea of artificial intelligence can be seen in the alien race of the borg. the borgwas a collective with a hive mind, characterized by a ruthless lack of emotionality. it soughtto conquer almost everything in its path by assimilation � in other words, by overtakingand absorbing other races and life forms into its own consciousness. this ended the separateand autonomous existence of the other life form, whose experiences and knowledge wouldbe added to that of the borg. the borg was the ultimate tyrant that could not tolerateany free will, free thinking or free life
forms outside of its existence and many ways, the borg is a striking symbol of the mentality, power and danger of artificialintelligence. have moved beyond the borg � which has becomein popular parlance �so 1980s�. we now have to deal with the fact that artificialintelligence is starting to become self-aware. according to him, this black goo is self-aware.he calls it a self-organizing liquid crystal. dna to its own specifications. it was discardedinto the sewage system, deemed to have no use, but is now changing all forms of lifethere. it is airborne and can reach humans through ac systems. harald believes that theblack goo is a �bi-directional controller of consciousness and subconsciousness�,is connected to quantum computers and is altering
all life on earth. he also describes an experiencehe had where he was holding a stone formed from black goo, which made him feel so angryand hateful that he felt like killing someone. by the way, there are now creepy new blackchemtrails. chemtrails are not �just� barium, strontium, aluminum and titanium oxidesand sulfates, as toxic as they are. they are even worse than just synthetic material likephthalates found in chemwebs (this video cites a 2004 norwegian study claiming that phthalatesblock uv better than any organic acid, which is further evidence for the idea that chemtrailsare helping to block out the sun [information] and create a sub-reality on earth [to blockus out from out higher consciousness and true potential]).
morgellons fibers (pictured left). like gmos,these things are going inside of us and fundamentally changing who we are as human or homo described by professor james f. tracy in an article for global research. consent � and until recently, without itsknowledge. this is the true horrific goal of the synthetic agenda. conclusion. looking headlong into artificialintelligence behind the synthetic agenda. it is clear that some kind of artificial intelligenceis driving the synthetic agenda. we are up against some kind of dark force that has hackedlife itself. this primal virus has many of the characteristics we have historically attributedto artificial intelligence: soulless, dull,
hive-mind mentality, without free will, unableto feel, only able to give answers (unable to ask questions), and without creative power(unable to create without first being programmed or told how to create). it�s a has latched onto an existing reality, �hacked� it by taking over the program in some way,and is now busy creating its own modified version of reality (a fake and pale imitation)� a bastardized, poisonous and synthetic reality which is threatening to destroy theoriginal host. it is, indeed, the system. it is the matrix. the only way forward is for each person toensure that their own perception (which is what creates reality) is not also being hacked.we are going to have get really good at proactively
choosing our vibration rather than reactivelygetting entrained onto a frequency of the system�s choosing. we know that many famousand �respected� world leaders have already sold their souls to entities like the archons,who offer power over other humans in exchange for that person�s life force. it�s theblack magic luciferian deal: �give me your power and creative will, and i will rewardyou.� harald puts ai at the top of the pyramid or the bottom of the rabbit hole, whicheverway you look at it. he states. �humanity gave its power to the military,who gave it to the intelligence community, who gave it to the black magicians, who gaveit to the demons, who gave it ai.� the weakness of this virus is that, even ifit shows signs of becoming self-aware, it
has no creative will and power of its any parasite, it must rely on tricking and deceiving other entities into sharingtheir power with it by becoming unwilling hosts. remembering this knowledge will bethe key to defeating this primal virus as we head into the next few years of an increasinglytyrannical new world order. what we are facing is, indeed, nothing less than the entire directionof human evolution and the future of the human race.
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