breast augmentation 1 day post op pictures

i want to focus . . . doctor john tebbetts has been in practicein dallas, forth worth since 1979. he's seen his field of breast augmentation change dramaticallyduring those years and he's been key in many of the advancements. i just saw an opportunity in that particulararea. i thought that the operation, the way we educate patients, the way that we do theoperations, there was just an opportunity to take that particular one area and makea greater change within my practice lifetime than i could do anywhere else. one of the first ways he found to advancehis profession was to apply principles of
process engineering and proven business andindustry methods, and apply them to surgery. like uniform measurement of a breast and notjust generic cup size. to build a system that other surgeons canuse. build a system that makes you more consistent. then once you have the system then you getto go and execute the operation. and with the operation it's a matter of doing as muchplanning before you get in that operating room. you don't need to be planning, and thinking,and doing things in there that you could have done earlier. then your patient stays asleeplonger, gets more unnecessary drugs. it's refinement of all those things and you can'tdo just some of them. your doing great. everything went very, verysmoothly and your waking up.
another way doctor tebbetts has impacted hisindustry is by education of the patient. there are so many options and so many advancesthat patients really need to understand before they make critical decisions about havingan operation. your going to alter your body for your lifetime. so, whether it's wherewe make the incision, the implant shell type, or filler, the pocket location, all of thosethings are going to affect your overall long term results. the implant itself is of major importance. this is a round, smooth-shell, saline, implant.these implants were available when i started practice in 1979. this is a round, smooth,silicone, gel-filled, implant. it was also
available. and the basic characteristics ofthese implants are exactly the same today as they were then. this particular implant,you'll notice if i turn this implant upward, you see how the implant collapses vertically.if a shell folds, that fold can rub against itself on surfaces and in time wear throughthe shell. so, what we did was we just changed some things about the device. this happensto be a shaped device and in order to not have the excessive bulge at the upper partof the breast from more filler, we had to taper the upper pole. it is true that if youtake a pair of scissors and you cut a wedge out of this device, it's intact. and then, there's the surgery.
if we're going to improve the entire patientexperience we have to improve every part of it. and thinking about recovery, the obviousthought is the more drugs that a patient receives, the drowsier she's going to be, the more nauseatedshe's going to be. if we could look at what we're doing and shorten the length of thesurgery, the patient would get less drugs. and as we eliminated unnecessary stuff wewere doing, we also realized there were things we were doing that were causing more bleedingand more trauma. doctor tebbetts has now perfected and refinedhis technique to what he calls '24 hour recovery'. he can literally do a surgery in the morning,and see that same patient go out to dinner, or go shopping that same night.
it truly is amazing.
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