best incision for breast augmentation

best incision for breast augmentation

with regard to incision placement in breastaugmentation, i use all incision types. there are number of different incision placementlocations, including the inframammary, the periareolar, around the areola or nipple,and through the armpit or transaxillary. i use and incorporate all those incisions inmy patient population. at the time of your consultation, we will talk about all of them.we'll discuss which option for incision is best for goals in breast augmentation are to provide each patient with a very natural result. thereare a few things that i feel that i do somewhat differently than other surgeons. number one,i do like to place a majority of my implants under the muscle, in a subpectoral position.that allows me to sculpt the breast and the

breast pocket, to place an implant that'sgoing to achieve the most natural results. the other aspect that i think really contributesto the overall final result is at the time that i place that implant, i put in internalsupport stitches, almost an internal bra. those internal sutures allow support for theimplant while patients bodies and soft tissues form their own internal bra. that's critical.i feel that that allows each patient to have a result that is really as natural as possible.


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