best breast augmentation surgeons

best breast augmentation surgeons

[intro music] >> dr. bryan rubach: my passion was reallyat that time science, and my mother's background is in art, and i think i've inherited thatartistic side also. i realized right then that to be able to take art and use scienceand to make an impact into somebody's life and to be able to positively take them andimprove their life was something that i wanted to pursue for the rest of my life and nextthing i know here's where i am. it's up to me to provide the excellence of results, nowif you look at my personality i would say i'm a perfectionist, and i certainly translatethat into what i do and into my patients. i set expectations as high as i can possiblyset them for my patients, and they're putting

their trust in us and in me and i want tomake sure that when they walk in the door of this anxiety producing situation that weprovide a comfortable environment for people and that they go through this whole processand when they get done they say "wow that was a really easy thing to do". we hear thattime and time again, "wow you delivered more than i ever could've hoped for". i reallybelieve in the idea of specialize care. i believe that if you focus on something andyou do it day in and day out you get really, really, good at it. they decide that surgeryis the right thing for them, they're taken care of by the same staff that they see dayin and day out, and they're taken care of in our surgery center that is under our control,and all we do is the same procedures day in

and day out, and we're really good at it,and we've done a great job, and i think the results show. i think that when you talk toour patients, they talk about our practice because that is our number 1 referral sourcesatisfied patients.


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