bras n things breast augmentation
do you have one of these? i got a little obsessed with mine. in fact i got a little obsessed withall my stuff. have you ever wondered where all thestuff we buy, comes from and where it goeswhen we throw it out? i couldn't stop wondering about i looked it up. and what the text book said,is that stuff moves through a system from extraction to productionto distribution to consumption to disposal. all together, it is called the materials economy.well, i looked into it a little bit more. in fact, i spent 10 years traveling the world, tracking where our stuff comesfrom and where it goes. and you know what i found out?that is not the whole story. there's a lot missing fromthis explanation. for one thing,this system looks like it's fine. no problem. but the truth is it’s a system in crisis. and the reason it is in crisisis that it is a linear system and we live on a finite planet and you can not run a linear systemon a finite planet indefinitely. every step along th...