b to e breast augmentation

hi guys, my name is anna. for those of you who have been following my journey, i've been using naturaful. i've been usingnaturaful for a full five months. before this five months i can barely fit in a32 b. i can fit an a but i can barely have a full cup of 32 b. afterfive months i've been able to wear a 32 b. so now i'm wearing a push up bra butit's 32 b and it's actually full to every inches of the cup as youcan see right here. so, after five months i kind of stoppedbecause i had to go traveling a lot and moving a lot so i wasn't able tocontinue with my journey. my goal is to maybe get a bigger than 32 b. maybe alittle bit more in between b-c so from
today i'm going to start on to reusenaturaful. with that being said, i want to let everyone know, anyone who likes naturaful is that when you start when using for a long time, thenyou stop, your breasts are not going to shrink or getting smaller because i knowthat's something that every girl is afraid of. what i noticed is that i still havethe same, you know, size of breasts after like a month of not using naturaful. so that'll be all and i will just go ahead and start using my six jars which is for six months and let you guys know the update. well, bye!
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