b to d breast augmentation

b to d breast augmentation

hey everyone. today, i'd like to talk to youabout one of the most frequently asked questions i get about breast augmentation and breastimplants, besides how much it costs. the second biggest question i usually get is "how longdo breast implants last?" and i don't think there really is a pat answerto that, or a concrete answer to that, but somewhere, somebody said that breast implantsonly last ten years and boy did that stick. i get that call almost every week. somebodyreaches a point in time and they wonder, "should i have them replaced?" and my first questionis always, "is there anything wrong?" "no." "have you gotten good breast exams, self-exams,mammograms? have they aged gracefully with you?" and usually the answer to that is "yes."so, if everything is great, just because you

hit a certain point in time, a day on thecalendar, should you really have surgery? in texas we say, "if it ain't broke, don'tfix it." so, i don't think anybody can tell you exactly how long a breast implant devicewill last, but i do know that the decisions you make before surgery with your surgeonwill help your breast augmentation result last as long as possible. there are four basic things that affect howlong you can enjoy your breast augmentation result. the number one reason for re-operationin breast aug is size exchange. either somebody gets something too big or too small. if theyget something too big, then it causes excessive sagging, bottoming out, edge visibility, tractionrippling, and makes them need an operation

sooner rather than later. or they actually get something that belongson them and then they get greedy, and they go back in and say, "gosh doc, i love thesebut i wish they were bigger." so here they go, back into the operating room again, forwhat? i think they get into this situation because patients and surgeons tend to makedecisions based on subjective criteria, like what cup size do you want to be? 3d imaging is really popular right now, ormy favorite: the rice bag test, where you stick some rice in a baggie and put it inyour bra. that sounds really good, right? all of these things are really warm and fuzzy,but they're not very accurate. and it leads

patients and surgeons to make decisions thatthey end up regretting later. that's why we use dr. tebbetts' system ofmeasurements. the high five system is clinically objective and the patient's body makes thedecision, and when that happens it takes all the guesswork out of finding the right size.it's always perfect if your body makes the call. the second biggest reason for re-operationin breast aug is called capsular contracture. if you've ever hugged somebody and their implantswere rock hard, or you hear your friend say that their breast implant got hard, it's notthe implant that gets hard. it's scar tissue that develops around the implant. see, everybodyforms a lining. we just don't want that lining,

or capsule, to thicken. and there's no wayto test patients for that, so it really is a problem in breast augmentation. in 24-hour recovery patients in dr. tebbetts'practice, we've seen capsular contracture drop dramatically. dr. tebbetts has a 1.5percent published rate of capsular contracture in our 24-hour patients. when there's no bloodin the pocket, then there's less inflammation. when there's less inflammation, then there'sless capsular contracture. the third basic thing that affects the lifetime,or the longevity, of your breast augmentation result is actually the implant device itself.well we already know we don't know how long a breast implant is going to last, but giventhe current data that we have from the fda

and the manufacturers, it really looks likesilicone is going to last and outlive a saline implant. so, a silicone implant appears tobe the implant of choice at this time in terms of longevity. the longer the breast implantlasts, then the longer the result. but this data's going to change. it should change.hopefully everything gets better over time. so be sure and consult with your surgeon aboutwhat they feel is the best option that's going to last the longest for you, given your tissueand your decisions. the fourth basic thing that affects the longevityof your result is actually the quality of your tissue. and this one's kind of a trickyone, because you can't change what your tissue is like. if it's really thin and stretchy,that's going to test how long you can really

enjoy the weight of a breast implant and keepyour breasts looking firm and perky long-term. you see, we can operate on your tissue, butwe can't change the genetic quality of your tissue. so these are the four basic things:size, capsular contracture, the device itself, and the quality of your tissue, that affectthe longevity of your breast augmentation result. the better your decisions are beforeyou have surgery, the longer your result is likely to last. look at me, i'm going on 13 years with myvery first set of silicone implants. i'm really happy with the choices and the decisions imade back then, that have let me enjoy my implants so long.

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