9 weeks after breast augmentation

what happens 9 days past ovulation? for the average woman, that is day 25 of a28 day cycle. ovulation is usually day 14 plus or minustwo days, and menstrual cycles can be anywhere from 21 to 35 days long. regardless of how long your menstrual cycleis or when you ovulate, it is way too late for you to possibly get pregnant if you hadsex now. that much is obvious, though it is a matterof personal preference whether you do it when you have your period. you could have your period any day now.
it would be a few days now if i didn’t conceive. it is possible an early pregnancy test couldpick up the pregnancy hormones from your first morning urine if you used it now, though thevalidity of the test goes up with time. sure, because the pregnancy hormone levelsdouble every day or two. a blood test for the pregnancy hormones couldpick it up around now if you conceived. i was hoping for more information than todayyour blastocyst has 64 cells. the follicle that released the egg is shrinkingdown into a corpus albicans. and the uterine lining is in that secretoryphase where it grows thick and adds blood vessels, just in case an embryo implants.
the female hormone levels are going down totheir lowest point of the cycle, though there’s a slight peak around day 21. the female hormones are highest when you ovulate. that’s why women develop breast tendernessand have clear watery cervical mucus at that time. right now, the cervical mucus should be whiteand gooey again. what else is going on? the hormones that triggered ovulation wereat a high a week and a half ago; now their counter-hormones have peaked and are falling.
sure, to make sure the body doesn’t releaseany other eggs. if the hormone is low all of the time in bloodtests, it may mean the woman’s body isn’t making eggs at all. i’ve never even heard of that. that’s because it is more common for stress,illness, hard dieting or workout regimens to prevent the ovulation hormones from beingreleased. high levels of the counter hormone, though,can mean you’re in menopause. i haven’t even had a late period yet fromhormones winding down, much less something that permanent.
if you are pregnant, your basal body temperaturewon’t drop off as it would when your period is supposed to start. the lack of a period is a stronger indicator. but around day 23 or 25, the basal body temperatureor bbt that spiked after ovulation will start to come down. and all the other hormone levels will startto come down. anything else going on? your body’s state will be about like a weekbefore your ovulation date – steady state and normal, unless you’re pregnant or sickor stressed out.
which is why stressing about getting pregnantcan prevent you from getting pregnant even when the symptoms look like you are pregnant. you’re still a few days from the surer resultsof any pregnancy test, much less swelling breasts, stomach pain and other signs.
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