9 days post breast augmentation

♫ hey ♫ you're my forbidden fruit ♫ can't stay away from you ♫ and even though i should ♫ you'll probably taste so good ♫ you'll probably taste so good ♫ - good morning, huntys and huncles. so i'm just here flat-ironing my hair. - i have to drink a liter of water
because i have an ultrasoundappointment today. just checking up on my pumps, my baby boy! this is my pumps. so let me just flat-iron my hair. we'll be out the door. when you poo, do youleave doo-doo streaks? i don't. (laughs) i'm a flawless shitter.(magical chime rings) of course, adam kickedme out our bathroom.
so i'm in the hallway bathroom. how do you get a doo-doostreak right there? do guys sit backwards? do they sit like this? do guys sit like this? i mean, that's the only way doo-doo can get right there. - [voiceover] right. ♫ uh, i'm in love withthe coco, coco, coco ♫
- anyways, after myultrasound appointment, i'm meeting up with nay-nay. i miss her so much. i haven't seen her in like a damn month. that girl is steady working double-shifts and triple-shifts. so she's busy getting that money. you know what i'm saying?
i can't even complain because my girl getting her money right. allergies. y'all gonna help me think of s names, man. y'all are so annoying. god, help me! throw me some names thatare different, like sire. i like that name, like ♫ siya, siyak, siya, siyak
♫ boom, boom, boom, boom ♫ siya, siyak, aye ♫ sorry, i had french vanilla and a coffee earlier. so i'm hyped because ♫ baking soda!oh, soda! ♫ i got baking soda!i got baking soda! baking soda. ♫ whip it through the glass ♫i got (mumbling), whoo!
i have to pee! i have to pee! i have to pee! i have to pee, bro. god! i'm gonna pee my pants. the last time i peed my pants. i did. ♫ i have to take a pee ♫ oh, yay ♫ okay. so i just had my ultrasound.
they didn't let me record in the building. i don't know why because they're my requisitions. it's my information. (finger snaps) anyways, i have to go back again next week becausethis baby is stubborn. he does not wanna move his head. he's comfortable. they wanna take a ultrasound
of his head just to make sure that everything is okay, which it is. he got a big ass head. his head is perfectly fine and a big ass brain. he's smart. he's loyal. (laughs) - [voiceover] another one.
- faces by pureness justbeat my face, all right. hey, girl! - [facesbypureness] hey! - hey!- [facesbypureness] hi! - we just ordered some food. man, i just did my makeup earlier and you just put my face to shame. (laughing) oh, yeah, we just ordered food.
i got a poutine, salad, and then i gotchicken souvlaki dinner. - [man] you ordered everything. - yeah, everything. yeah. - [man] is this like a pregnancy thing or is this just a you thing? - it's not me. it's pumpkin. - [facesbypureness] it's the baby. - [man] (laughing) it's the baby.
- (chewing and mumbling) wait, hold up. where is your hand going? - [man] no, but...- [latoya] move. - [man] no, but i can't...- [latoya] move! - [man] no, but...- [latoya] move! - stay right there. don't cross this line, aye. - [man] listen. yo, you need to share. - [latoya] you see that bag?
don't pass that bag. - [man] how 'bout you share? how 'bout you share? - no, um-um. whoo! so you're doing sevenyears a slave on instagram? - it's not... (laughing) i'm actually mad. it's not seven years a slave.
it's called the "seven day style tryout." seven days i have to postan outfit on instagram and then just be creative as i can. - [latoya] yeah, i love this look. - thank you. - i love this purple jacket. - okay, so i'm at the mallwith my girl, nay-nay. i love your hair. she just spit out her gum.
- [nay-nay] my gum. - so what, are you gonnapick it up and eat it? (nay-nay's breath blowing) eww! - my breath still smells good, right? - yeah, it smells proper, still, but you didn't have togo "aha" in my face. but yeah, your hair's cute. spin around. little bob going on.
her mary jane bob. anyways, we're at the mall right now. i need to get some stockings for all of my friends and family, not all my friends andnot all my family members, but i need to get a few stockings. - for all the huntys andhuncles around the world. - can you imagine over 500,000.
- you can put it in my stocking. - a pile of coal? - what? (sizzling) - 'cause you were naughty, okay. - maybe i was. - you're so naughty. i'm only giving to the girls. - for the stockings.
- no, for everything.i'm not giving to guys. it's so many people. - so, do you guys like these stockings? - they're cute, right? they're fancy. - right, right. hey, hey, hey. - right, right. so i have nay-nay, obviously, shanell, rochelle, ayanna, dominique,
jessy, krystle, anna, myself, sister morgan, sis. milan, sis. paris, samia, aria, and mila. - whoo! - okay, did i miss-- - [nay-nay] i have 15 stockings. - did i miss anybody? did i miss anybody?gosh, that's the thing. - imagine that one person right now
that's like "bitch, youdidn't call my name." - i know. oh, my gosh. - maybe we should get like two more 'cause there's gonna be just a couple-- - just two more, just in case. - [nay-nay] that we don't realize. - all right. so i have to buy everything for everybody's stocking? - no, you don't.
that's not how it works. everybody gotta get each other stuff, whether that be candy cane, chocolate, lip stick vibrators, whatever works-- - you're such a freak! - for the holiday season, okay. it's the spirit of giving. - okay, so we'll do that.
let's go. how much are these? so i have to buy those? - yes, yes. you do. - wait. how about we just run out? - not like shoppers, okay. we're not bandulu. - oh, shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot. - the adventures of nay-nay and latoya.
- we're bad girls. so i totally forgot to say aunty jillian, but she's gonna get a special gift. so i'll have to get a giftbag for aunty jillian. i'll send my mom and sisters gifts because they're in boston. they can't celebrate the holidays with us. it's a blessing and a curse
having a big family and alot of fricking friends. i hate everybody. all right. my cart is totally full. - we look like we bought$100 worth of stuff. but it's dollarama, soit's probably like $25. - [latoya] i love dollarama. this my fricking store, huh? what are you doing? she bought ears.
- i have an idea. - so, okay, so since thisis the christmas holidays, i think it'd be really cool if we go and give away somethingto somebody in the mall. - like what? so like buy it. - i don't know let's go to like victoria's secret or maybe la senza. - no, victoria's secretis too expensive, honey.
- we're gonna be like giving reindeers 'cause 'tis the season of giving. we're just gonna find a lucky person-- - we're just gonna buy-- - and pay for whatever they have. - [latoya] oh, my gosh. - [nay-nay] it'll be just like it's on us. hi. - hey. hi.
do you guys like anything from la senza? - [nay-nay] did you buy anything? we're giving it to you today. - [latoya] i want tobuy something for you. - we're gonna get lingerie. - let me buy you some lingerie. yes, let me buy you some lingerie. let me buy you some lingerie. yes, yes, dirties.
neigh, neigh, neigh! is that the sound that a reindeer make? what do you ladies want? come on let's go. - [nay-nay] get yoursexy on for christmas. - [latoya] let's go shopping. - [nay-nay] okay, it's for your fiance. it's the christmas holidays. - [latoya] this is cute.
- [nay-nay] no, we need to find her some red sexy-type orchrismasie-type of stuff. - [ latoya] girl, you betterget yourself something cute. - [nay-nay] see, look. what about that? do you want it? yeah. yeah. (drowned out by music inbackground) it looks good? - why are you dressing up the poor girl? thank you so much for watching.
- thank you so much. oh, my god. thank you so much. thank you so much. thank you. - [latoya] here are your gifts, guys. - aww! that was so cute. - didn't that feel so nice to just give? - yeah, it felt really good. - and just expect nothing in return. - i know.
they were like-- - [nay-nay] they offered us - [latoya and nay-nay] starbucks. - "please, please, please, "can we buy you something?" no, it's okay. it's all right. - like, no, no, no. i feel good. - yeah, i feel so good.
- that made my day to know that i can have her get her sexy on for her fiance - trust me. we boughtthem sexy ass lingerie. - [both] aww. - [latoya] great idea, nay.- [nay-nay] see. (air kisses) - that's why i love you. (funky, upbeat jazz music)
yaas! you do not look childish in that dress. - no. - [latoya] no, girl. you looking so fly. - [voiceover] and i'mwearing it right after you. - oh, my god, girl! yaas, honey. yaas. oh, my god, so i can't go to the club
with y'all, though? - no, you can't. - i want to show off my titties. - [girl in dress] you havea baby in your stomach. - i wanna show off my belly and all that. - [girl in dress] thisis not showing enough. - [latoya] what the hell do you wanna do? - [voiceover] what do you want? - just take off the dress.
take the damn dress off and go. - take the damn dress off. she said it's not showing enough. - [voiceover] lord, jesus. it looks just perfect. can you fix the bottom? it looks stupid. fix the bottom. - 'cause i have on granny panties. - [voiceover] oh, okay, okay.
suck in your stomach a little bit. - [latoya] turn around. - [voiceover] suck it in. - [latoya] she's so cute. - [girl in dress] this does not go. - [voiceover] big bootiesis gonna go out of style. - [latoya] yes, it does go. - [latoya] are you serious?- [voiceover] are you insane? - this has turquoise (mumbling)
- [latoya] and it has like red and pink. - [voiceover] why do you talk like a deaf retarded american? - i mean, i been talking like aaliyah. - [aaliyah] okay, let me try this one on. - hi. - that's all i can show. that's it. that's it for me, y'all.
- rochelle is a clubhead. she always be up in the club. - the first time i wentwas for jayla's party which i barely wanted to go. - don't even lie, girl. don't even lie. - [rochelle] i don't. i don't. - she be turning up. - [rochelle] i was drinking water like...
girl! - [aaliyah] i gotta takemy granny panties off. - [latoya] oh, yaas, aaliya jay. that is so cute. - but this doesn't go. - [rochelle] it goes! shut up! - [latoya] girl, you can wear all that. - [rochelle] it's nude. - [latoya] you can wear that sparkly shoe.
- i feel like i'm going to prom. - [rochelle] you are going to prom. - [latoya] no, girl, i love this dress. - which one, latoya? - [latoya] can i try it on? am i gonna be able to fit that? - [rochelle] i don't like this one because it's showing every damn detail. - [latoya] i love it.
okay, turn around. let me see. yaas, girl! - you said it shows every detail? - [rochelle] yeah. - okay, i really do need band-aids. - [rochelle] you need the band-aids. - [latoya] you don't need band-aids. i like it just like that. it's winter, okay.
you don't need all that. ♫ it's winter ♫ - [aaliyah] you guys aregoing to see my nipples. - [latoya] samia, youwant (speaking baby talk). i like that a lot. aaron don't mind that at all. - [rochelle] no daughter of mine. - i'm not your daugher; i'm a grown ass lady, okay.
i'm my own independent woman. - [rochelle] then you're not going. - i'm a woman who's out. i'm gonna be like this. - [voiceover] geez! jesus christ! - [latoya] aaliyah, come on. - [rochelle] she's completely(mumbling) in this damn thing. - [latoya] she is, yo. - [rochelle] they shouldhave an age limit for this.
- [latoya] i know, right? - [rochelle] no kids. - aaliyah, man. - [aaliyah] what? - as soon as you got them titties done, they were all out. i know. everybody complained about it. - [rochelle] listen.this is the last year.
by 2016, you're gonnabe a different woman. 2016!- so more. yeah. - [latoya] you're getting ass shots? - no, i'm not gonna get ass shots. - [latoya] no, just get the-- - i like my booty. - [latoya] i love your booty. it's so cute, but take offthose granny panties, please. - i know. i got on grannypanties, but i like my butt.
i don't need ass shots. - [latoya] you're perfect. - i don't wanna die. - [rochelle] okay, letme see what it's like when you suck your stomach in. suck it in. in. - why? - [rochelle] you're notgonna be walking around
with your belly out. - [latoya] yes, aaron loves that shape. - [rochelle] aaron. - latoya? - [rochelle] what. - [latoya] she's gonnabe my my sister-in-law. you have a problem with that? - i'm not gonna be your sister-in-law. - [latoya] you're jealous?
- i don't want aaron. ain't nobody want that nigga. aaron, yeah, we're just up here. - [voiceover] where's upstairs? - nigga, up the stairs. that's where upstairs is. - why are you guys doing this? rochelle put on some damn pants. - hey, aaron.
- [aaron] hey. - [latoya] hey. - [rochelle] oh, my god.it's so good to see you. hey, have a seat. have a seat. no, no, no. i insist. - [latoya] (mumbling) how you been? - hey, how's it going? - [rochelle] what does fuca mean? - [aaliyah] hi, aaron.
- what's up? - [latoya] good, good. - so you guys tryingto put me on the spot? what's going on? - [rochelle] what's thereto be on the spot about? - i don't know. come on-- - i'm just getting onto video right now. - [aaron] let it happen natural.
- [rochelle] what? look (mumbling) - [latoya] it ishappening. it's happening. - [rochelle] we're just kiddingguys. we're really crazy. so you walk in the room, you can't even say hi to your niece? okay, cool. - [aaron] that's what i'm saying. - [rochelle] that's what i'm saying. - [latoya] okay, cool.you better recognize.
- [aaron] samia, how you doing, sweetie? hmm, you miss me? - [latoya] can you pull her head back? it makes it look too muchlike her father in you. - [rochelle] now i know why i hate this. - [latoya] god. - so what's the plan? what's the plan? where are you guys going? - rochelle is dragging me to the club.
- i'm not. stop saying that. - [aaron] club? - yeah, i don't wanna go, but-- - [latoya] so you're not draggingher to the club, clubhead? club rat. (laughing) - i told you guys, idon't go to these things. - so rochelle literally told me that she does not party at all.
- [rochelle] i don't. - [latoya] everyday. - what? i go to family events. i go to things like that. - [aaliyah] so you don't party then? - [rochelle] no! - [aaron] yeah, samia. - [aaliyah] man, lying. - hey, andrew, husband.
- [andrew] you're a liar. - [rochelle] shut the hell up. - [latoya] andrew! hey, andrew, you better get your wife. get your wife. - why are you sitting here lying? - [latoya and aaliyah] doesn't she party? - well, what happened in new york? - [latoya] what happened in new york?
- [everybody] what happened in new york? - [latoya] jayla's birthday? - [rochelle] what happens innew york, stays in new york. - [andrew] all right,enough said, enough said. - [aaron] i thought it was vegas. (laughs) - [rochelle] well, it'snew york this time. - [latoya] you all right? so basically, jordan'scock blocking right now. - [aaliyah] no, ain't no cock blocking.
i'm chilling. - [latoya] okay, sorry.- [aaliyah] no, latoya. - [latoya] jordan, come here. come here, bob. - go, jordan. - [latoya] i love you. i love you. - go. - [latoya] okay.
thanks for watching today's vlog. make sure you subscribe and tune in for our next vlog on wednesday. ♫ ooh, what's love ♫ no, no, no, um-hmm ♫ somebody tell me what's love ♫ i don't know whetherit's a son or brother ♫ your dad or your mother
♫ tell me what's love ♫
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