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charlet duboc: hi. i'm charlet, the host of fashionweek international. [intro playing] [music playing] charlet duboc: i realize thatthere are fashion weeks going on all over the world all thetime that aren't paris, new york, london, milan. the episode you're about towatch is one of our favorites, colombia fashion week.
it's got everything in there,stroppy models, urban pole dancing, pablo escobar'sbrother's even in there, and a rather grisly bum implantoperation. so, yeah. here it is, fashion weekinternational, colombia. charlet duboc: welcome tofashion week international, a new show that reports on themost fabulous fashion weeks in the world and the culture andpolitics behind them. we were here for colombiafashion week, a celebration of
colombia's second most famousexport, beautiful girls. [music playing in foreignlanguage] male speaker 1:[speaking foreign language] female speaker 1:[speaking foreign language] male speaker 2:[speaking foreign language] male speaker 3:[speaking foreign language] charlet duboc: do youknow there's a fashion week going on? male speaker 4:[speaking foreign language]
charlet duboc: shh. most fashion weeks aresynonymous for cocaine. this fashion week is having anextra hard time totally trying to dispel that because medellinis the old stomping ground of pablo escobar. and yeah, we're just going tohave a big fashionable time and not take any cocaine. we started in the trade show. this wasn't so much high fashionas it was high street.
i couldn't help but notice thewomen perusing and working the stores all flauntingtheir latin curves. the girls all stuck to fairlymainstream, high street honey look. but there was some who wereat least making an effort. do you really think you'regoing to find the latest trends here? charlet duboc: wow. female speaker 2:[speaking foreign language]
charlet duboc: well, it'sreally weird that she obviously forgot that she hadbum implants and a boob job. but maybe there's a collectiveamnesia going on here. that night we attended the firstfashion show of the week held in a disused factoryacross town. it didn't take us longto make friends. i was pounced on by theinimitable diego who insisted on taking me under his wing. charlet duboc: yeah!
great walk! charlet duboc: no? charlet duboc: i have to bea little bit careful, ok. model 1:[speaking foreign language] charlet duboc: diego, whatare we doing here? diego: ok. give me one second. ok. hello, everyone.
we are in colombia moda. which is a very importantevent about money. i mean, about, you know,this kind of stuff. you know, this is veryimportant for us. charlet duboc: no. i had no idea what he wastalking about, but i knew it was all very important. diego:[speaking foreign language] john:[speaking foreign language]
charlet duboc: lostin translation again, thanks to diego. it was an odd show andsurprising first impression of colombian fashion. cocaine had gone from being theelephant in the corner of the room, to just a giant pileof prop drugs in the middle of the room. the vibe was very european, along way from what we'd seen at the trade show.
we skipped across townto the next show in search of some answers. charlet duboc: we're backstageat colombia moda. and the models are practicing. and they're really hot. but they don't look likecolombian girls. carlos:[speaking foreign language] model 2:[speaking foreign language] charlet duboc: narco beauty?
charlet duboc: would you saythat this fashion week and models like you representthe rest of colombia? charlet duboc: she didn'tlike that question then. the term narco beauty seemed tobe as much to do with class as fashion. after the show, someone tippedus off about a separate fashion event going onacross town called moda para el mundo. i wanted to find out the buzzfrom some of the girls at
colombia moda. have you heard of this otherfashion week, para el mundo? female speaker 3:[speaking foreign language] female speaker 4:[speaking foreign language] female speaker 5: modapara el mundo is more like for people that-- i don't want to say it. charlet duboc: the following daywe resolved to check out this other fashion weekto see for ourselves.
so we've just arrivedin, like, a really fun area of town. i guess you'd callit downtown. it's literally a stone's throwfrom the actual, fashion week but it's worlds apart. it's called moda para el mundo,fashion for the world. and it's supposedly goingto represent more of colombian fashion. model 3:[speaking foreign language]
charlet duboc: how do you feelabout the fact that the other fashion week, colombia moda,they're slowly phasing out colombian girls andgirls with curves? charlet duboc: although somegirls were natural, most definitely had some help toachieve those curves. the plastic surgery wasubiquitous on the cat walk. maria:[speaking foreign language] male speaker 1:[singing in foreign language] [speaking foreign language]
charlet duboc: it was unusualfor me to hear women's body parts referred to as bits,comparable to accessories such as sunglasses. charlet duboc: what was that? female speaker 5: he justsaid [inaudible]. charlet duboc: did he say thati need boobs or bum? charlet duboc: afterone of the shows, i made a new friend. one of medellin's most popularcommercial fashion
photographers, felipe. he offered to give me thecolombian model experience to gain some insight into colombiangirls' motives and feelings about the way theypresent themselves. felipe restrepo: here's isone of my makeup artists. felipe restrepo:[speaking foreign language] female speaker 6:[speaking foreign language] charlet duboc: i don'tthink that's good. what do you think?
how long is your pick? we're trying on various reallytraumatic things. and i don't think i'm evercoming out of this bathroom. i'm going to tryanother one on. bye. charlet duboc: so we've arrivedat the shoot location. it looks amazing. there's these cool old kind ofcarriages and stray dogs. and it's a bit cold.
no. liz: please! it's not happening. felipe's wife, ex-model, liz,was determined to star me in nothing but a bikini. i wasn't giving inwithout a fight. you can. you look-- [interposing voices]
i just don't want to bein my bikini top. yeah, but i'm not. i'm just not. i don't want thisfilmed either. i did my best diva impression,and we argued 'til nightfall. charlet duboc: i feltso at odds with myself in those clothes. i think i have the beginningsof an identity crisis. charlet duboc: we then movedlocation for the final shot
where, i have to say, thingsonly deteriorated. male speaker 5:[speaking foreign language] charlet duboc: oh. charlet duboc: let's face it. no amount of retouchingwas going to make a shakira out of me. for me, it would be off tothe operating table. we'd arranged to meet with oneof medellin's most revered plastic surgeons to talk aboutthe city's prolific cosmetic
surgery culture. dr. juan mejia:[speaking foreign language] charlet duboc: dr. juan isfinding himself performing more gluteoplastiesthan ever before. and it's no wonder, as the costin colombia is about a third of what we mightpay in the west. he gave us a tour of hisspotless office. and to my combined horror anddelight, invited us to shoot a live gluteoplasty procedurelater in the week.
charlet duboc: if i lived here,i'd probably want to look like that. charlet duboc: what changeshave you seen since you started practice? what's that? charlet duboc: oh, my god. what was that? go back. what is that?
is she dead? charlet duboc: do you think thata lot of young colombian girls think that if they haveplastic surgery, it's going to help them get a better qualityof life and a richer boyfriend, for example? charlet duboc: girlsobjectifying themselves to climb social laddersis nothing new. however, there was one group ofgirls in colombia who were taking their femininityinto their own hands.
i think they're up there. pin-up girls pole dancing schoolteaches that there are other ways of getting a greatfigure and boosting your self-esteem than goingunder the knife. zulli:[speaking foreign language] female speaker 6: but more thanthat, the goal of this place is to change girls inthe way they feel about themselves. charlet duboc: you're lean, oryou're curvy, or strong.
female speaker 6: like,we looked amazing because we feel amazing. like, you're real chunky and youcarry yourself up proud, you're going to look amazing. female speaker 7:[speaking foreign language] female speaker 6: whenshe first came here she had anorexia. charlet duboc: i'm about tolearn how to pole dance. charlet duboc: thisis really awkward.
what do you do if you fall? female speaker 6: somegirls do fall. and if you start to fall it'snot, like, a big deal. female speaker 6: run withyour feet first. really good for yourfirst lesson. charlet duboc: really? female speaker 6: yeah. charlet duboc: i don't knowhow we can go back to the fashion week now.
it's going to be [inaudible]. yes. let's go outside. zulli: ok. charlet duboc: the girls werepreparing to compete in the national pole dancingchampionships in bogota the following day. but before they left, theytreated us to a taster of a unique sport, urbanpole dancing.
i guess it's like a sexyversion of that most tragically uncool pursuit,parkour. [cheers and applause] male speaker 6:[speaking foreign language] charlet duboc: but, what if allthe pole dancing in the world isn't enough toplump your buns? we headed across town to meet44-year-old single mother, maria, the patient who we wouldwitness go under dr. juan's knife thefollowing day.
we've arrived at the house ofthe patient who's having the gluteoplasty tomorrow,aka bum implants. she lives up here somewhere. charlet duboc: you'reso beautiful. she's so beautiful, charlet duboc: are you datinganyone at the moment? charlet duboc: and whatdoes he think? charlet duboc: how are youhiding it from him? how are you gettingaway with it?
charlet duboc: whilst thefashion continued minute by minute, amazingly, i managedto wangle a meeting with roberto escobar, the latepablo's brother, accountant, and general right-hand man. i felt that if anyone couldshed some light on narco beauty, he might be the one. roberto escobar:[speaking foreign language] charlet duboc: can weplease come into your beautiful house?
charlet duboc: your brotherobviously was attracted to beautiful things. did that extend to the wayhe presented himself? charlet duboc: whatdo you think about this term, narco beauty? charlet duboc: we abandoned thatline of questioning and let this sweet, old, blind mancontinue to touch me up as he gave me the tour. charlet duboc: how do i look?
charlet duboc: ciao, roberto. charlet duboc: later on webattled against the traffic to make it in time formaria's surgery. sister alma:[speaking foreign language] charlet duboc: she'sobviously nervous. she's holding it together quitewell, unlike some of us. dr. juan mejia: we are goingto begin the surgical procedure at this moment. charlet duboc: when i see herlying there, it almost makes
me feel as if she's about 44. she's pretty gorgeous. it almost does seema bit unnecessary. charlet duboc: i just haveto try and stay calm. as soon as we feel a bit sick,we have to leave immediately, otherwise we will faint. dr. mejia's assistant:[speaking foreign language] dr. juan mejia: this is aregular kind of liposuction. charlet duboc: i'm justpretending i'm watching tv.
and if i feel like changing thechannel, i just look out the window. look at the skin without fat. this is the side thatwe have finished. charlet duboc: i think it's liketrying to get a square peg in a round hole. one implant's in, andone's halfway in. yay! that's the second implant in.
charlet duboc: yes. what's this? charlet duboc: i've justwitnessed my first gluteoplasty. and it looks amazing. it looks really natural. it looks so much better. i'm a bit jealousto be honest. we left maria in recoveryand moved on to the
final fashion show. announcer:[yelling in foreign language] charlet duboc: the leonisalingerie show is a combination of all the different beautyand style ideas we'd come across during our timein medellin. backstage was packed full ofworld class models, and yet the energy and atmosphere wasstill uniquely colombian. models:[speaking foreign language] charlet duboc: narco beauty isclearly a dying aesthetic, a
hangover from a time that was,in all seriousness, a fiercely unhealthy chapter incolombia's history. it's no surprise that the newfashion trends are looking towards a more sleek,european ideal. hopefully the latin spiritdoesn't become completely diluted in the nameof high fashion. charlet duboc: someone said tome when we were backstage, fashion in medellin'salways a fiesta. and i think that kindof summed it up.
so now we're going to goand have a fiesta. charlet duboc: the afterpartywas a bit of an anticlimax. inert models stood half-naked incold, shallow water, gawked at by gross men with bad hairand shirts, a depressing example of how quicklythe male gaze can turn sexy into seedy. it was getting late. and before my cameraman was lostforever to an elevator full of lingerie models, i feltwe'd probably come to the
end of our colombian jaunt. charlet duboc: we still had onelast person to catch up with before we left. charlet duboc: maria. charlet duboc: how did youfeel when you woke up? what was the first thing thatcame into your head? charlet duboc: you looklike a model. your figure looks incredible. charlet duboc: wheredoes it hurt?
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