34 e breast augmentation

even before your consultation, there are thingsthat you can do beforehand to get a general ideain terms of implant size. probably the mostpopular thing to do, it's called the rice test. essentially what you do isyou get a measuring cup. okay? measuring cups havemillilitres on that. millilitresare roughly equivalent
to cc's of an implant. and what i would recommend is, you get about 250 to 300millilitres of dry rice, measure it in a measuring cup. and thenwhat you're gonna do is you're gonna pour thatinto a baggy, just like this. okay. now, make surewhen you seal the baggy you get rid ofall the extra air,
because if you leaveair in there it's gonna falselymake you larger. so get rid of all the air. seal off the bag. and then you'regoing to take that, you're going to put thatinto your non-padded bra. you put a tight t-shirtover top. have a look in the mirror. see what you think.
and then what you dois you're going to add 25 millilitres of riceat a time and have another look. and eventuallyyou'll get to a number that you're comfortable with. just remember that numberwhen you come in for the consultation. couple other thingsthat you could do is, you certainly can go online and look at beforeand after pictures.
just remember that everybody'sdimensions, height, weight, they're all different. so, it's very difficultto find somebody that is exactly like you. so, it's goodto look at pictures but don't drive yourself crazy trying to find somebodyidentical to you. the other thingthat you can do is, if you have friendsthat have had the surgery,
perhaps they'lllet you have a look. some of them may havesimilar dimensions to you. or at the very least you can, you can look at your friendsand you could say i like the waythat those breasts look. i don't like the waythose breasts look. and you can getan idea that way.
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