vitamin e after breast augmentation

h: we have put out a lot of medical videos. h: and we know some of you might be tired of it h: or "oh has this channel become a medical channel." h: just think of them as extra twoplustwos where we try stuff. h: so that you know what those things are like. h: so we tried fillers, you got a rhinoplasty. h: and we need them, or we thought we need them. h: its not like we are getting breast implants. h: things like we've been kind of looking forward to
h: that we were insecure about and we did them h: and we were like: h: "well if we're going to do it, why don't we do it on video." h: because then it will be like h: a recorded experience that we can show h: anybody else in the world. h: i legitimately didn't really think the skin treatments really worked. h: i thought it was a big scam. h: today on twoplustwo
b: skincare in korea. h: not like face masks and like creams and stuff like that h: real skin treatment. b: real skin treatments at like a real dermatology clinic b: kinda thing. h: things that hurt. b: things that hurt! and its all the rage here. b: like its apparently really really popular. h: and now we're getting old
h: we're almost 30 aren't we. b: don't remind me, it was my birthday last week. b: i am not 28 you know. b: i guess we should start h: taking care of our skin b: but anyway, we digress. b: as you know, we've been doing some plastic surgery videos b: and other cosmetic things b: and they've all been done through seoul guide medical
b: thank you for tony medina for that. b: but this is a segment we haven't shown you yet. h: no. b: for the last few months, we've been getting skin treatment. h: yes. b: actual skin treatment. h: yes, like the modelas do. b: like the modelas. b: instead of just showing you these treatments
b: we thought we talk about it b: cause you know, we haven't been in the studio for such a long time. b: and we're going to talk about it. h: and we've done so many of those medical videos h: where its just footage and voice overs on top. b: yeah. h: we found it to be a little less personal h: so we're going to change it up a bit h: see what its like when we talk heart to heart.
b: so all our skin treatments were done at banobagi. b: which is near yeokksam station. b: we had some before pictures taken. b: this was a long time ago. b: our hair colours are completely different. h: yes, our fat content is a little bit different b: i think we definitly changed since b: regardless of the skin treatments b: we have some after pictures.
b: but we're not going to look at them yet. b: so we haven't seen how our results b: we see our faces everyday, but we haven't seen how much has changed.h: right. h: and then we will put them side to side at the end of the video. b: yeah.h: to see if there is- h: really that much of a difference. b: yeah, do these treatments actually do anything. b: as soon as you go into a clinic b: um, a skin clinic.
b: regardless if you had a problem, before you see a doctor, you'll get your face cleaned. b: get a nice little facial. b: and its actually very nice! h: it is very nice, its like a massage. h: that's what it really is.b: its like a massage on your face. b: and it feels very nice. b: i like the way, um, the girls do it. b: they're, um, very synchronized. b: they're perfectly, left and right...
b: yea exactly like this, b: it is relaxing you know b: um, because we usually wear make up anyways you know. h: oh yes, they do ask you if you worn any make up or sunscreen or anything like that h: and they wash your face just in case in order to get rid of all that stuff. b: so once your face is cleaned you will go get these before pictures b: and then you will have your consultation with a doctor. h: right, but, their not just like regular pictures. h: like with a really bright flash or something.
h: so like there are different level of pictures so they can see like h: the different types of messed up things on your face. h: and also it will highlight the pores and stuff. b: oh my god, my pores. b: my pores on my nose has always been huge. b: like that's always been one thing i have been conscious about. b: or self conscious about through growing up b: like my pores on my nose are huge. b: i don't get black heads though
b: their like just sebum.h: ah, so lucky. b: its just white. b: i mean, what? h: there's just bumps in his nose. b: they're just...i can just see them.h: they're just little dents. b: you can see them b: but they're not like dark or dirty or anything. h: i have blackheads on my nose. h: can't get rid of them.
h: sebum. h: and so that's why we came here. b: yes. h: i think our main concern were our pores when we first when in. b: totally. h: to our consultation, where we were like: h: " doctor, just get rid of my pores." h: "get rid of them all!"b: same. b: if anything to make my pores smaller on my nose or anything that would be really good. b: that doctor did suggest that we do some
b: "laser treatments" b: multiple different ones. h: we don't know the exact names of all of them h: but we do know one of them h: the ones that been most effective we think so far. h: was the fraxel laser. h: they frack your face. h: we're not doctors, we're not tony, we're not seoul guide medical h: so we haven't dont any deep research into this.
h: we just received the treatments, and then we are going to talk about them h: so from now on we're just going to give you vague names. b: if we make mistakes, then...whatever. b: we're going to talk about what happened to anyway b: so when we had these treatments, no one really said b: its going to hurt. b: but they do cover your face in like a numbing cream b: that you sit with this stuff on your face for about 45 minutes before your ready. b: ah, its a very strange sensation.
h: it feels like you know when you go to the dentist and they inject you h: and now you can like pinch your cheeks and stuff and it doesnt hurt? h: that's what it feels like. b: but all over the face. b: its very very strange. b: it feels like you don't have a face. h: but soon, that will be remedied b: yes. h: because...
h: can you imagine if they didn't put that stuff on us? b: oh my god. b: they give you...they can give you stress balls or like a little cuddly toy to hold. b: but actually this treatment is actually quite painful. b: basically what they do, as you can see in the video, they roll this thing along your face b: and it just feels like you are being burnt. h: so they way they explained it to me was h: pore will exist no matter what h: but its the way a pore looks is that its a cone
h: and this wider part is near the surface of your face. h: so what they do is, in order to make it look smaller h: they burn off the top layer. h: over and over again h: until obviously to a safe level. b: until your pores are visibility smaller. b: because the hole, the opening, is actually smaller. b: so that's how it works. b: and also, there's not just 1 level.
b: it starts off pretty easy. h: they do 2 levels. b: its starts of like: " okay its bearable." b: "okay, okay getting worse." b: and some areas are more sensitive than others. b: i don't know about you b: but i definitely had more sensitive areas on my face. h: yeah...forehead was okay. b: and then i'm like: "oh, okay, level 2."
b: and we're like: "what?"h: "what? its not done?" b: "what?" b: but its done quite quickly. h: yeah. b: we exaggerate a lot, like it does hurt b: but you can bear through it. b: you know? b: but if you didn't know... b: that's whats going to happen, like we didn't know it was going it hurt.
h: which is why we're telling you this now. b: skin treatments hurt, that's the way it is. b: i had a whitening... h: ah, yes.b: a whitening laser. b: or a "brightening laser" b: i don't know why they decided to do it on me. h: on the white guy too. b: pretty white, yeah exactly. h: i was just like: "i don't need it."
h: i'm white enough. b: that one was similiar to the fraxel i believe. b: but it hurt more. b: i only got that one done one time. h: and you were like: "i don't need it i'm white, why do i need to get more bright." b: i don't know if it was to even skin tone all across the face. h: oh that could be it. b: it might have been that, but i was like: b: "i'm already quite white" i decided to skip on that next time.
h: and i believe h: we don't show it on this video, because we didn't do it. h: but tony has freckles and spots on his face. b: yes h: and so he does...and he goes to these skin treatments. h: and its around kind of the same thing h: and they just burn off... b: he burns off the little frecklesh: he burns off the little pigments b: the little...i think he calls them "age dots"
b: i think that he-h: age spots maybe? b: age spots or age dots b: and he gets rid of them b: you can do that very easily at one of the skin clinics in korea. b: you can do that nearly anywhere. b: my nose was targeted with a different laser. h: yes.b: it wasn't a fraxel i believe. h: don't know what it was called.b: it was slightly different. h: its an extremely high tech and extremely expensive machine.
b: this one felt different from the fraxel b: because the fraxel was a rolley one right? b: but this one burns like a cross pattern. b: like a square. h: yeah, like a cube. b: sure it looks cool b: it feels like someone's got a cigarette b: and its-h: really? h: wowb: all on your face.
h: do you think that one hurt more than the fraxel? b: i would say targeted pain yes. h: oh... b: but because its shorter h: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm b: its not as bad b: like, when the fraxel is combined with the rolling too. b: so he's rolling this across your face b: but with the nose one its like little targeted spots.
b: and so that one you get a different pattern on your face. b: but that also does the same job. b: it just closes off the pores b: and or it cuts down the top of the pores b: and makes your pores apparently visibly smaller. b: but, we'll see at the end. h: we do have a disclaimer h: we didn't go all the way through with, like, as many treatments as we could possibly get. h: i think we got around 3 treatments.
b: yes.h: but the full course is about 6 times to 7 times. b: exactly, some-h: depending on... h: the severity of your skin. b: exactly, so if our results aren't exactly like amazing or stand out in the end b: its because we only did about half the treatments that we were meant to do. b: one bad thing b: i don't know if we want to leave that to the end. b: but... b: you will...
b: like going out with a red face h: mmmm. b: for the next 5 to 6 days b: i felt i had to stay inside. b: because my face was very red. b: it like a really bad sun burn. b: but only on the face b: and you get like these panda eye- h: yeah, so basically what happens is
h: they will go h: and the entire area that they laser, becomes then red. b: straight awayh: yeah. b: and you're not allowed to wear make-up b: you got to look after your skin, you are not allowed to wash your face on the first day. b: you've to be very careful with your skin b: um, you've got to watch what you eat as well because that can affect- b: how your-h: no drinking b: no drinking, no fatty foods, no bad carbs and stuff.
h: but you're paying for this. b: you are. h: so why do you want to throw your money away h: you know, potentially...reduce the h: the amount of returns for your investment. b: you had-h: i had a very special request. b: you did have a special requesth: i had a very special request because h: i hate shaving. h: and i can't grow a beard.
h: like a i can't grow a really nice sexy, like h: those iranian beards you know? h: the really nice layer. b: right? their so good, i can't even do it.h: i wish i was, i wish... h: i was that manly, but no. h: i have this thing where my hair goes like this. h: and it disconnects right here h: and i have this h: and it disconnects here.
h: and i can't even grow one of these ones either. h: cause it goes like this, and it disconnects. h: and it goes like that. h: i know there's something called hair removal h: laser hair removal h: but can you do it on your face. h: he said: "sure why not." h: so that's what i did. h: i got this area done.b: yeah.
h: and this area done. h: i haven't had to shave those areas. b: that's cool. h: and i only got it done twice. h: but i just wanted to do it to see like h: how few times could i do it h: to see an actual result h: and i did it 2 times. h: and i was able basically to not shave this area for...
h: till now really.b: yeah. h: what this is like...4 months and stuff.b: i've seen him when he doesn't shave b: i've seen him when he doesn't shave and he gets a stubble b: and its literally just- b: here and here.h: i look like a hobo. h: that one definitely works and... b: yeahh: can you imagine not having to shave ever? h: first of all, you save on your razors. b: yeah. h: you save on your time.
h: you don't ever get that irritation after you shave anymore. b: true.h: right? h: and for us... h: from morning to night we don't have to worry about reapplying make up b: oh yeah because it-h: around this area. b: doesn't grow out with the hair.h: because it grows out. h: now that you know it works on your face, you can get it anywhere on your body. b: down there.
b: oh yeah.h: your butt too! b: you had a special one b: which kind of plumped up your face for like a- b: couple of days.h: oh yeah! h: they did this thing where they like stuck it... h: although i didn't feel like it was needles. b oh yea you couldn't b: you couldn't see it because you had your eyes closedh: i couldn't really feel it. b: basically what it was, as you will see in the video.
b: its like a set of needles... b: and i think it's a green pack and they just injected you with some like b: liquid, moisturizing stuff underneath the skin.h: moisturizing stuff, that's suppose to be. h: a lot of women do get it. h: because it keeps their skin very, like, moisturized. h: i guess new like a baby's bottom. b: i had a strange one b: this is the second time i went in and the doctor was like: b: "how about some skin botox?"
b: and i was like b: botox.h:because botox here was great b: we've done botox before b: i know alot, i love botox. botox works great for me. b: i love it. b: this wasn't what i was expecting at all. b: this by for was the most painful treatment i've ever had. b: um, in the skin treatment range. b: its like someone blowing a bubble under your skin.
h: that's what their doing.b: you know when you get a blister on your foot... b: or something...or on your hands. b: having that feeling b: someone actually making that right there and then. b: and then, another second push and its got liquid in it. b: and then you feel it like pop, because i felt liquid spraying over my face. b: and i was like, i thought it was blood. h: i was very surprised how well you took it. h: for how much you say its hurts
b: oh my god.h: you were very good at it. h: i was screaming during my hair removal. h: i was going like: h: ugh! b: that was quite funny.h: every time. b: so you might think all of that was really bad and we have these red faces. b: they don't just kick you out b: they don't burn you and leave you. b: no.
b: you actually do have some after treatment. b: which is very nice. b: you get like a nice lotion massage b: with like minerals and stuffh: yes. b: vitamins and stuff, which is quite nice. b: and they give you a range of like...face packs h: those nurses are very impressive on how they apply itb: they are so good h: it was like h: with this like, tongue depressor thing.
h: its like h: and then you put this mask on and then you just sit there. h: and it cools your face and i guess it gives it nutrients h: i don't know what it does. b: yeah, it do-...we're so bad.h: i just know cools your face. b: yeah.h: it helps a lot. b: it definitely helps like...h: after the burn. b: five days later your skin is back to normal. b: well not back to normal
b: it should be better.h: back to slightly better than before. b: better than before. h: and then after about 6 treatments or more b: you would be completely done. h: apparently yes, your skin is suppose to be completely different. b: so we only did the three b: so we're probably about half way through b: but we thought that was enough for us b: maybe its time we should look at these pictures.
h: i think so. b: okay. h: i don't think there's really going to be that much of a difference b: no? h: i look at my self in the mirror right? h: so i don't...maybe the differences are like subtle. h: so to other people that might see my skin h: cause i've gotten a lot of remarks about how my skin is perfect h: my skin is really nice, but to me my skin is not nice at all
h: because i still have the pores h: still rough. b: i've had comments from people who've been like: "oh your skin looks nice." b: but i don't know if its because i wear make up or not, so i'm not sure. b: so lets look at yours first h: mkay. b: the first skin treatment we had was just after you had your filler done. b: so you have a filler plaster on your face b: so just bear that in mind.
b: this is amazing, i did not expect this. h: really? it's that big of a difference? b: ah b: i would say yes it is very very good.h: oooh! okay okay lets take a look. b: okay wait. b: three b: two b: one...go b: look at-
h: wow~! b: that is crazy. h: no.... h: wow~!b: yeah. h: what... b: that's crazy isn't it?h: that is... h: that is actually crazy b: especially on your umh: the pores b: your cheeksh: this side, the left side.
b: on your cheeks as well. yeah.h: the cheeks. yeah. b: your pores are so much smaller.h: oh! h: its not just that, they burned away the hair on my cheeks h: so the little black dots are gone. b: oh!!!h: that's what it is. h: cause look here, those little hairsb: yeah. h: their gone. b: there's another picture. h: that forehead is very different too.
b: which is um, this is a uv one.h: oh... h: oh wow that's a huge difference h: all those red dots b: all those little red dots are gone. b: that's amazing h: hey, maybe the pain was worth it h: maybe we should go back b: maybe we need more. h: oh yeah, look how smooth that one looksb: yeah.
h: much tighter that one looksb: that's really good. b: it really works! h: wow!b: wow i'm excited to see mine. b: i guess now we know that yours works. b: that's eerily cool, i didn't actually think it was going to-h: i didn't think it was going to be this... h: its funny because we're doing this skin treatment video and its a roast. h: its suppose to be promotional b: we're suppose to be promoting ith: lets not lie about it h: we're promoting seoul guide medical and tony because he's our friend ya know.
h: helped us hooks us up with this stuff h: but i legitimately didn't really think the skin treatments really worked. h: i thought it was a big scam. b: that's incredible.h: i guess not! h: three, two, one! h: yo...those cheeks bro!b: ah...okay! h: that forehead!b: why...i gained a lot of weight. b: i gained a lot of weight in the second picture b: but yo that is amazing.h: that forehead.
h: see that forehead and those creaseb: yes. h: wow and the pores!b: and my nose too! b: i had no idea that was going to be like that. h: i didn't think the difference would be that drastic b: and that's just after 3 times. b: and it's meant to be 6, maybe i would have gotten a matte face.h: right? b: definite more even skin tone for sureh: yes. b: and that whitening worked h: brighter.
b: the nose b: yeah, i mean... b: they're definitely smaller, i mean they could get smaller hopefully.h: oh yeah yeah. b: they're definitely smaller than what they were h: but your nose is a big problem area. h: its going to take lots of treatmentsb: yeah its huge. b: i think its a problem in my family to be honest. b: okay lets looks at the side. b: this is a very shiny one.
h: that cheek!b: yeah. b: the cheek, you can definitely tell on the cheek.h: its really only the cheek, all you guys have to do is focus on the cheek h: and you will see the difference b: and on the nose too. h: oh yeah, like those big pores on that ridge h: on the left one. h: you look at the same area along the ridge of his nose h: this is after 3 times, so its okay b: yeah.h: so i thought it was gonna...
h: i legitimately thought it was going to be a waste of money and a waste of time. b: but that is really good, i didn't actually imagine that it would actually change that much. b: but the evidence is clear here! b: that's insane. b: that's really good.h: these pictures are raw pictures h: their not edited. h: we wanted them...b: we wanted them... h: rawb: as straight out of the camera b: incredible
b: so there we go, laser treatments and stuff like that does actually work. h: now how much were these treatments? h: we have no idea. h: because we were hooked up h: ftc disclosure. h: if you are very curious, if you thought: "wow these treatments work!" h: "i trust bapmokja and haeppy." h: "i need to get them done in korea." h: contact tony at seoul guide medical, all his information will be in the description below.
b: when we were in the clinics, it was full nearly all the time. b: loads of people in there b: and not just women, there were men too b: we saw men get it too. h: because koreans take their skin care very seriously. b: very seriously.h: skin is like... h: one of their biggest beauty accessories, their skin. h: they spend thousands of dollars on their skin h: and it looks like it.
h: they have better skin than most people anywhere else in the world. b: exactly b: so if you are interested, contact tony b: and we hope that this video was useful or entertaining b: because to me i just learned a lot!h: and here's the thing h: after seeing the results of these skin treatments b: maybe we should go get some more. yeah.h: maybe i would actually start doing it again yeah. h: thank you very much for joining us on this episode of twoplustwo h: like the video, share it. subscribe
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