vitamin c for breast augmentation

welcome to health care at home we have received lots of emails from our viewers. they says that size of their breast is very small and they are asking some home remedies to improve their breast size, see, nature never differentiate with anyone . its perfect in its own rules nature has given perfect size to everyone to let their body organ to perform functioning. but what happened ? our life style gets changed, our food habits gets changed which started doing interference in our hormonal system. in result we got problem of hormonal imbalance and due to hormonal imbalance we face problem of flat chest or over developed chest
if you have perfect breast size, still your life style & food habits are not good then in future you might face sagging or shrinking of breast with home remedies we can stop hormonal imbalance and we can also control the problem of sagging or shrinking of breast. but, taking only oral medication will not help you even external massage won't help you or only doing exercise also won't be able to help you what we have to do is to follow all these 3 steps. we have to be very careful on what to eat? with what & how to do massage? along with this we have to do some exercises targeting breast muscles.
if you will do these steps then you will see that within few days your breast size will increase. basically size of your breast depends on the availability & non avaialbity of the harmones in your body your breast growth will be stopped, if male hormone means testosterone is available in your body similarly if hormone called estrogen is not available in your body, even then your breast growth will be stopped so, you have to eat estrogen rich food. now, you will ask what is estrogen rich food? let me tell you some easy tips to follow eat fennel seed. after every meal eat 1/2 tbsp of fennel seed as it will increase estrogen hormone in your body similarly, you can use sunflower seed
take 1-1 tbsp of sunflower seeds, as its also estrogen rich. you can also take 1 tbsp of flex seeds once in a day similarly you can use soya products, eat seasonal fruits & vegetables as they are estrogen rich also. along with this consumption of 1 tbsp sesame seed will also increase estrogen hormone in your body you can also do a massage. for this take 2 tbsp fennel seeds boil it in 1 cup water cook it unless its thick & then strain this water. let the water become lukewarm for 15 minutes you have to do massage with this water. how? clockwise on your right breast & anti-clockwise on left breast.
keep on doing the massage unless the water is completely absorbed in your breast. fennel seeds contains estrogenic compound which boost up breast tissues with which your breast size gets increased. along with this , you have to do some exercises which targets your breast muscles you can do push ups, wall pressing. push the bare wall & move your body further towards wall basically you have to do exercises targeting your breast muscles do sarpasan & dhanurasana along with this its important to take some vitamins
deficiency of vitamins too bring negative impact on breast size. every vitamin has its role to play. you need to have vitamin a, b6, d, c & e too. what type of role they play and with which food you will get these vitamins? that all i will tell you in my next episode. rest our wish is only that you stay healthy, busy, carefree and be with us. to meet us you have to subscribe this channel. tell to your friends & relatives to subscribe this channel. get the health benefits by sitting at home & do support us in our motive our motive is that maximum number of people should get the health benefits by sitting at home only so, don't forget to share & like our videos as much as you can. thank you…
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