virtual breast augmentation

virtual breast augmentation

this question comes frommina in massashuets.... [laughing] i don't know how topronounce this name dear bambiana, i havefinally decided to get a boob job. i want to getbig like you. but is there adownside to double d's? yes you will get looked atas a sex object for the

rest of your lifewhich is great. you go to the gas station,you go to the bank, you go to the hospital, youcan cut the line. you can be treated likethe queen that you've always wanted to be. being a sex object is oneof the greatest things that i've everexperienced. because being a feministdoesn't mean that i need to look like a trucker.

it means i'm gonna takeadvantage from every ----- ---hole that i want. so my double d's letme cut the line in any situation i ever want to. so honey, you go for thosedouble d's because they're gonna make yourlife a lot easier.


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