video of breast augmentation surgery

video of breast augmentation surgery

terrye tebbetts: one of the most importantdecisions you'll make when you decide to have breast augmentation is which implant to use,saline or silicone. because of all the hoopla that happened around silicone implants manyyears ago, i think often patients jump to saline because they think it's safer. andon the surface it kind of seems like it, it's just saltwater. but when you dig a little bit deeper, thatmay not be the case. this is a silicone implant. silicone implants come to us prefilled, andthey've been used since the early 60s, and they rocked along just fine until the early1990s when a media report suggested that silicone had all these problems. everything from breastcancer to autoimmune disease, and it really

scared a lot of people. so the fda took themoff the market and put them under study. it's taken us over 16 years to get a new andimproved silicone product back on the market to use. so long story short, during that 16years the national institute of health compiled a report that said none of those scary thingscan really happen, but that they didn't like that the implants failed too often. and that'sreally the chink in the armor that all the plaintiff lawyers found when they filed allthese lawsuits, was that manufacturers and surgeons were not telling patients that implantsdon't last forever, that implants fail. so let's be clear. nd implant lasts's a thing and nothing lasts forever. however, the changes that they made during that studyover those 16 years, really gave us some new

and improved products that are really goodoptions for patients today. two of the things they changed that are themost important i think, they made the silicone gel much thicker. it's highly cohesive, hasmore cross linkers, is more viscous than it was before, and when it's thicker it doesn'thave the opportunity to have as much gel bleed, or be pushed through the shell as it did inthe early 90s. and by keeping it contained within its shell, then it helps reduce itscapsular contracturing. the second thing that they changed is thatthey added more filler to each shell, and by adding more fill, it protects the shelland keeps it from wrinkling and rubbing on itself, and therefore adds lifespan or longevityto each implant.

today silicone implants also come with warranties,and it will vary depending on the manufacturer that you choose, but your surgeon should giveyou a book that similar to this, and you should always keep these with your other importantpapers. on a lighter note patients will always tellme that they preferred the feel of silicone over saline. we also find that silicone implantstend to weigh less on your tissue, therefore they age better with you over time. this is a saline implant. it comes to us emptyand it's rolled up something like this, and inserted and then filled through this valvewhile it's inside your body. so a saline implant has to have a valve. so now we have two devicesin one that can fail. so you have the valve

that can fail and then the implant itself.and then you add to the fact that it's just filled with basically water, then you havetwo primary reasons that the longevity of this device is not as long as a silicone implantis. one it's filled with basically water, andtwo it has a valve that can wear out. so the deflation rate with saline implants is quitehigh, and when it leaks it's not going to hurt you, but it means that you have to haveanother operation. you have to go back into the operating room, more anesthesia, moretime off work, recovery, and more money. saline implants come with warranties too,but neither of these warranties is going to cover all the costs associated with anothersurgery. we also find that saline implants

don't age quite as gracefully as silicone,because the nature of the filler it tends to weigh more on your tissue and produce moresagging and stretch over time, and then that added weight especially in thin patients cancause more visible wrinkling. saline implants tend to be less expensivethan silicone, so that maybe another reason why some people jump to them in the beginning,but if they end up costing you more operations down the road, are they really cheaper? during the 16 years that we had nothing touse but saline implants, dr. tebbetts put in about 6 to 8 saline implants a week. nowwe see at least 3 to 4 deflations back a month. at least our patients knew that this was arisk going in, they're not terrified when

they just wake up with a flat tire and wehave a better option to offer them now. we have silicone. as a primary augmentation patient you havea ton of implant options today that we've never had before. fillers, shapes, shell types,profiles, just be sure you thoroughly discuss each implant option with your surgeon andunderstand the pros and cons. don't assume that something's safer, or buy it becauseit's cheaper. know the facts. if you found the information in this videohelpful, please subscribe to our channel and tell any of your friends who are looking intoany type of breast surgery about thank you.


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