how much is a breast augmentation

(water splashing) - that's so (beep) weird! it's like a little fish tank. (upbeat techno music) - i think most guys just like boobs. they can be big, they can be small, they can be fake, they can be real. they're good all around. - if you're not happy with your breasts
and you need to make them bigger to like feel more confident then, i mean, so be it. - it's gonna be likereally hard mochi, i think. - we're feeling somethingthat like goes in someone. which is kinda weird. (upbeat disco music) - oh, they're like liquid. that is not what i pictured at all.
- that's, i mean it's like a waterbed. - i can't get over that noise. - yeah, that noise-- - it's such a turn-off. - yeah, you can't sound like a dishwasher when you're having sex. - to me this feels significantly heavier than a regular breast. but i'm also not normally judging
the weight of regular breasts. - it's a little bit like hardened mochi. filled with water. - it kinda looks like a, like a jellyfish. - if i close my eyes, thatdoes sorta feel like fat. - it doesn't feel like a water balloon, it feels just like pure tissue. - this one feels nice to touch.
- yeah. - yeah, this feels more like a butt. - yeah, i ah, it passes the nestle test. - this is a balloon four daysafter the birthday party. - it's like the t-1000 in terminator, when he's like liquid metal. - it's not as perky as the other one. - it's like a pancake. - i feel like this is heavy.
- that's true, like theskin's gotta stretch because-- - this is a big addition to your chest. - feels like it's be areally good mouse pad. like a rest. - like a frisbee. - dude, i wanna have a waterballoon fight with these. just like whoosh! - it seems like the moralityof breast implant surgery is something that like women need
to decide amongst themselves. - if you wanna do something like that, just make sure you researcheverything about it, like to make sure that you're gonna be comfortable with what's gonna happen. because that's something thatyou're gonna have to live with for like the rest of your life. - it's not about howthe world perceives you, it's about how you perceive yourself.
- there are ways to feelbetter about yourself that don't involve surgery. - you also shouldn't feel pressured to have a certain size boob. because all boobs are beautiful. - but if they got like strandedin a desert or something, and they needed like alittle water supply just... - just pop your tittyand drink it. (laughs)
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