how much for breast augmentation

breast augmentation is the most shopped procedurethat plastic surgeons perform. you have to stay competitive but you have to bring 3 thingsinto it: what is the cause of the implant, what is the cause of the anesthesia and facility,and actually the surgical fee. so it is quoted as a global fee. it can range in some clinicsin miami under questionable circumstances for as low as $3500 to sound around $8,000or $10,000, for a simple saline or silicone implant augmentation. so the saline implantsare the least expensive by about $1000 compared to the silicone implants and then there isa new gummy bear implants ( form stable implants) can be up to $1700 more expensive than salineimplants. so just with implants allowing you have a wide range: ranging from $5,500 forsaline augmentation in our clinic to around
$7,000 for a form stable implant. the standardsilicone breast augmentation runs $6,500 to $6,700. but again shopping around for thisyou have to feel comfortable with your surgeon because you have to make sure that any complicationsare taking care of and medications were having year-old surgical facility can minimize anycost to the patient for any revision.
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