how much does breast augmentation cost

in this clip, we'll talk about the cost ofbreast augmentation. the cost of breast augmentation is that it varies from of course geographicallyfrom area to area. and from center or doctor to center. some areas offer a very, very lowprice. and, one needs to be cautious about that. and, that would be my prejudice is thathealth care and taking a chance at an elective operation and saving of money may not be thesmartest thing. so, it's not always right to spend the most money. but, it's clearlynot always right to spend the least money. you need to feel very comfortable with whoyou go to. and, as far as the cost range is concerned there's a fee generally for thedoctor himself. then, there's a fee for the anesthesiologist that's involved. and, myfeeling is there should be a anesthesiologist
or anesthesia provider involved. and thenthe facility fee. sometimes, that's all incorporated if it's an all-in-one office type surgery.or, in a surgery center or hospital than the fees can be broken down separately. the rangeof fees would be anywhere from for example thirty-five hundred dollars up to maybe eightthousand dollars, depending on where you are in the country and adding all the fees togetheror individually.
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