how long do breast augmentation last

hi. i'm dr. david reath. i'm here to talkwith you today about our truth-o-meter tuesday question.we're doing things a little differently this week because--i'm actually filming this ontuesday, tuesday afternoon--because tomorrow, wednesday, when i normally film this,i'm going to be at a meeting in chicago. but theresa, my patient care coordinator,will film the second part of this and she'll announce the winner our question was, "silicone breast implants--or any breast implant--hs to be replaced everyten years. and the answer to that is actually false.breast implants, saline or silicone, are probably going to last much longer than that.silicone implants such as these will probably
last at least 20-25 years, possibly longer.and saline implants almost as long. and as long as the implant's doing well youdon't need to have it replaced. as they say, "if it ain't broke, don't fixit." in fact, the most common reason we see someonereplace an implant is to change the size. so if you're worried that your implants aregoing to wear out in 10 years and you're going to have to have them replaced... not to worry.most--by and large--are going to last much now i'm going to turn it over to theresa wyatt to announce the winner of this week'sprice, the $100 gift card, and here's theresa. rachel burnette, you are the big winner thisweek.
so you can come by the office anytime andpick up your $100 gift card. yay!
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