
5'10 breast augmentation

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5 weeks post breast augmentation

hi, this is dr. hourglass, and welcome toanother video in our channel wonder breasts. today we are going to discuss the naturalhistory of breast augmentation. in this channel we discuss everything related to breast surgery. welcome back. when a breast augmentation is performed, you need to realize that the way your breasts are going to look right after surgery is not going to be the same as they are going to look a couple of months after surgery. in addition, depending on the type of breasts that you have and the firmness of your breast before surgery is going to be the look that you are going to have after surgery. so let me explain this to you. let us say that you are cup-a and you want to go to a cup-c. your breast pocket will be surgically dissected and an implant will be placed. typically, you are going to need around a 400 cc implants to go from an a-cup to a c-cup, but because the space where the implant was placed is small initially, your breast are going to look funny, v...

5 days after breast augmentation

hi, this is dr. hourglass, and welcome toanother video in our channel wonder breasts. today we are going to discuss rippling afterbreast augmentation. in this channel, we discuss everything related to breast surgery. welcome back! rippling is an aesthetic complication thatcan occur after a breast augmentation. every type of breast implant will ripple excepthighly cohesive silicone breast implants. so what is rippling? if you look at this clip, when an implant is vertical, gravity and the cohesiveness of the implant filling material tend to deform the implant. when the implant is in the breast pocket, the interactions between the implant and the soft tissue cause traction, and the ripples of the implant can be seen through the skin. for example, if you look at this patient, when she is leaning forward you can see the rippling phenomenon. this is most often visible in patients who have very little soft tissue covering the implant. this patient has a silicone breast implantabove the ...

5 7 breast augmentation

hi, this is dr. hourglass, and welcome toanother video in our channel wonder breasts. today we are going to discuss implant volume. in this channel we discuss everything related to breast surgery. welcome back. choosing the most appropriate implant for you is the most important decision when performing a breast augmentation. i have previously discussed the different measurements that i use to determine the most appropriate implant for you. patients get confused regarding the number of cc and how this will translate into a cup size. breast implants are sized in cc, or cubic centimeters, which is a measurement of volume. for example, if you want a 400 cc implant, there is 400 ml of volume in that particular implant. now, to decide which implant is most appropriatefor you, i recommend watching the previous videos where i have discussed this. what i wanted to talk about today is the difference between different implant volumes and howthis translates into a breast cup size. let’s say...

5 2 breast augmentation

hi, this is dr. hourglass, and welcome toanother video in our channel wonder breasts. today we are going to discuss what are gummybear implants? in this channel we discuss everything relatedto breast surgery. welcome back! manufacturers continue to improve the consistency and quality of breast implant. recently, a new generation of implants called the gummy bear implant debuted into the market, offering more cohesiveness and essentially making it one of the best available implants today. a gummy bear implant has more cohesive silicone and crosslink to it, making an otherwise normally viscous gel look and feel firmer than usual. it still uses the same silicone material as its predecessors; the only difference is in the change in consistency. the allergan 410 is an example of a gummy bear implant. there are certain differences among generations of implants. for example, the implant shell or the actual bag plays a very important role in the function of an implant. the shell has a spe...

5 11 breast augmentation

hi viewrs here are some home remedies to enhance your brest size brest size doesn't increses due to harmonic imbalance you have to correct you a harmonic imbalance he are some home remedies to enhance your brest size first home remedy wheatgrass take some wheatgrass to prepare with grass you take some water in the bowl now cut the wheat grass into pieces put it in water and wash it thoroughly now take the blender jar place of weat grass in it add some water and blend well will diffuse into a bone take daily 50ml o f wheatgrass views on empty stomach every morning by doing this you can reduce hormonal imbalance and your brest size will automatically increase second hom e remedy astrogen rich food this would help increase your breast size estrogen is rich in food like apples ,papaya,promogante, grapes and cherries and it is also rich in vegetables like cucumbers pumpkin for that oh exit ramp after taking for you have to take two forms of flax seeds with water this will in...

4 weeks post breast augmentation

hi, this is dr. hourglass, and welcome toanother video in our channel bootyman. today we are going to discuss the recoveryafter buttock augmentation with implants. in this channel, we will discuss everythingyou need to know about buttock enhancement procedures. welcome back! if you had or are planning to have a buttockaugmentation with implant, there are certain things you need to understand in order to plan your postoperative care. for starters, you must allot at least three weeks’ recovery time. this procedure is one of those where patient compliance is extremely important. you will be unable to sit for up to three weeks, as this risks opening the incision and can cause the implant to become infected. prophylactic antibiotics must be taken to prevent infection. the incision and drain site must also be kept as clean as possible before and after the drains are removed. you can go back to exercising and heavy lifting in about three weeks. this procedure requires a patient’s ful...

4 months after breast augmentation

in this clip we will be talking about furtherafter care after breast argumentation. after the first visit a two days the patent willbe seen between ten days and two weeks for suture removal and that?s just a simple painlessprocess of removing usually one sliding suture or a stitch that?s placed beneath the skinto keep the incision as nice as possible and keep the scaring as minimal as possible. andthen the next visit is usually at one month and then six months and a year. and the patientis encouraged to resume all of their activities at that ten day or two week visit and thenwe start treating the patent with some scar treatments and there are various types oftopical applications that we unitize between vitamin a and silicone and some cortisonetype creams that are used in order to keep the scar as good as possible. to keep theredness out of the scar to keep them from getting thick. generally the scars from breastargumentation are quite small short and not usually not much of a prob...

4 days after breast augmentation

hi, this is dr. hourglass, and welcome toanother video in our channel wonder breasts. today we are going to discuss the use of dermabondafter breast augmentation. in this channel we discuss everything relatedto breast surgery. welcome back. during a breast augmentation, an incisionis made to insert the implant. the implant is placed either above or below the muscle, and then the incision is closed in multiple layers. once the incision is closed, i like to use a product called dermabond, which is like a liquid suture. i do not necessarily use it to actually close the incision, but it is very convenient because it covers the incision to help prevent infectionswithin the first days after surgery. it acts like a dressing, seals the area, keepsit sterile once the healing process starts within 24 hours, and prevents bacteria frominvading the incision. the convenient thing is that because it actslike a surgical dressing, you will be able to take a shower right after surgery without being...

36 f breast augmentation

well i came in and i had breast implants and i had some lipo done i've been very happy with the implants i mean they've just been fantastic they changed my life because of the confidence i gained from having them people can never tell that they're implants they're totally shocked when i tell them i have implants my whole life i was flat chested so i could never find bras that fit because you're breast are so small and when you wear clothing the rest of your body just looks big below you're not top heavy your bottom heavy after i got implants i felt like i was balanced i felt like i was just balanced i love the website i think there's a lot of good informationon there staffs very nice absolutely great personality good bedside manner hes a delightful person i feel i would be in safe hands with him