
good breast augmentation

hi, i'm dr. frank lista and welcome to operatingroom number 1 here at the plastic surgery clinic. so lots of patients ask me about implantshape. so, basically, there are 2 different shapes of implants. implants can either beround or they can teardrop shaped. how do we choose? well, first of all, the numberone rule is, and if you've seen any of our videos so far you know the number one ruleis, create a breast that looks beautiful, that has a beautiful shape and looks natural.so, every patient gets an implant that's been determined to be the right implant for them.how do we decide that? well, first of all, implants can either be round or teardrop solet me show you an example. here's a round implant and here's a teardrop-shaped implant.you notice this implant is perfectly round. this implant has a shape that looks like ateardrop. now, this implant, the teardrop implant, is really useful for patients whohave droopiness, or if they have what we call constricted lowe...

good breast augmentation before and after

[dr. craig jonov] hi, i'm dr. craig jonov.i am a board certified cosmetic surgeon, and i practice at the gallery of cosmetic surgeryin lynnwood, washington, just north of seattle. today we're going to discuss breast augmentation,or breast surgery. the questions become do we place the implants above the muscle, dothey go below the muscle? even a third is underneath the fascia. there's three potentiallyplaces to place the implant. the majority of the time above the muscle is limited, becauseall of the weight then is going to be added to the ligaments of the skin. the skin ligamentsare going to not be as strong, not hold up the breast over time, and it usually willfacilitate leading to more of a droopiness, or sagginess of the breast in a smaller periodof time. the move is to be putting under the muscleto give more support to minimize that dropping of the tissues. there's now people placingimplants underneath the fascia, which is in between. instead of just underneath...

gold coast breast augmentation

♪ music playing ♪ ♪ we have created a product that is the most deliberateevolution of our original founding design. an aluminum bodyand formed sheet of glass describe a singular shape, one made with very few, very precisely engineeredparts. our obsession remains to continuouslysimplify and improve. from sculptingthe camera housing directly out ofthe aluminum body to embedding the antennawithin the enclosure, essentially making it disappear, each refinement serves to bringabsolute unity and efficiency to the design. to define onetruly uninterrupted form, we've developeda whole new process to achievea high gloss black finish. this begins withrotational 3d polishing. a specialized compound flows over the intricategeometries of the housing, removing imperfections, establishing a seamlessnessbetween materials and producing a pristine,mirror-like surface. the enclosure then goesthrough an anodization process, which createsa protective oxide layer. a single component dye is a...

going back to work after breast augmentation

hi everyone! here we are in o.r. 1, this isthe number one operating room here at the plastic surgery clinic, and what a lot ofpeople have asked me to talk about is implant projection. so, people want to know, whatis the difference between low projection, medium projection, moderate plus projection,and high projection? what does that mean? lots of people think that projection meanshow high the implant stands. it doesn't. projection means how far out the implant projects orsticks forward in the frontways direction. let me show you 2 different implants. so theseimplants, these 2 implants are both 400cc implants. but this implant is a high projectingimplant, and this implant is a moderate projecting implant. so you see this implant sticks outmore in the front to back direction than this implant does. but they're both 400cc's. now,if they're both 400cc's the higher projecting implant is also narrower. so if you look atthese 2 implants you see how this one is narrowe...

girlfriends guide to breast augmentation

ancient of days, christian symposium on aliens “unholy communion, the spiritual nature of abduction reports” by joe jordan presented at the first christian symposium on aliens. filmed live, on location in roswell, new mexico. ⩠2009 christian symposium on aliens. copyright owners: guy and nicole malone and joe jordan. “squared productions videography”: dan and stephanie jordan all rights reserved. this video may not be copied or uploaded to the internet without written permission of the named presenter. presentations are owned and copyrighted by named speaker, contributor or moderator. guy malone: welcome back and good morningagain, thanks for supporting the first christian symposium on aliens here in roswell, new mexico. our next speaker, our first speaker, for saturdayjuly 4th, is joe jordan. we’ve been affiliated for 10 years together, along with chris ward.he’s been a huge help in my ministry and a good friend in my personal life. and he’sgot a talk that is rea...

getting pregnant after breast augmentation

what happens 2 days after ovulation? you start to realize you may have conceived. i’ve heard of women knowing they conceivedthe day after. they may have that feeling because they realizethe prior night was their fertile night, but unless you’re tracking cervical mucus orbasal body temperatures, you’d know by day two. that’s because the cervical mucus wouldhave shifted from clear and watery to thicker and white and gooey by day two. your body is shifting from the fertile phaseto standard phase, though the uterine lining is still preparing in case an embryo implants. that’s like a week away. when you ovulate, that is day 14 on averageof the menstrual cycle. day two after ovulation is day sixteen, whileimplantation is closer to day 21. when does the pregnancy test pick up the chemicalsignals that indicate pregnancy? the very expensive tests can pick up the pregnancyhormones an embryo puts out around day 28, a few days earlier depending on how loud itis shouting chemically w...

getting breast augmentation

- that is so nice. - okay, now i get whymen like breast implants. (upbeat electronic music) - it's a woman's discretion. if she wants them, get them,if she doesn't don't get 'em. - i think that breastimplants are unnecessary, unless you're a cancer survivorand you want that form back. - now i have a friend who got breast implants and one popped. - oh god. - i don't think it's any different than, you know, putting on makeup, or you know, changing the way you do your hair. - i imagine that they feeleither like jellyfish, or balloons filled with pudding. - well, i'm excited to feel 'em. - yeah, the bigger the better, right? whoa. - whoa. - oh, i didn't expect it to be like... - watery. - yeah. - doesn't have any give the way... - a boob does. - a normal boob does,it's more like tension. - i feel like i need to like compare. - i'm not gonna touch my boobs. - now, this doesn't feel like a boob. - wait, does this whole thing ...

getting a breast augmentation

if you've read the best breast or watchedany of our videos, you know how much importance we place on doing your research if you'regoing to have breast augmentation. let's say you've done your research. you'vepulled the trigger, and now you're scheduled for surgery. what about the night before andthe morning of? what do you do now? well here's a top five list of do's and don'ts to helpyou through what you shouldn't do the night before and what you certainly should do theday of surgery. the night before surgery contains all of thedon'ts. number one, don't eat spicy food the night before surgery. certainly try to eatan early dinner and nothing heavy after 9:00. number two, don't eat or drink anything aftermidnight. that means don't put that bottle of water beside the bed and absent mindedlythroughout the night or pop up in the morning and go for your favorite cup of coffee. havenothing to eat or drink after midnight. number thre...

general anesthesia for breast augmentation

what treatment would you recommend for undereye hollows? i'd like some help with what i can do withmy under eye area. i saw a plastic surgeon the other day and he said my under eye hollowsare due to naturally hollow cheek bones so my under eye area isn't supported, also thinunder eye skin and prominent brow. he said in his opinion i would need a number of surgeriesto correct this including cheek implants, fat transfer, brow and nose shaved too. couldn'ti just have a lower bleph to correct it to bring up the lower area and so there isn'tso much thin skin thank you for your question! you submitted a photo and you described ina pretty nice detail your recent consultation with a plastic surgeon about the puffinessand the appearance of your under eye area and interestingly, this plastic surgeon madean assessment of the relative prominence of your cheeks and the recommendations that camefrom that included cheek implants, nasal surgery etc and that’s quite a lot. and yo...

gaining weight after breast augmentation

00:03comm: how's this for being body conscious? plastic surgeon david matlock has createdhis ideal woman, suing plastic surgery. his driving himself, and wife veronica, to haveperfect bodies through surgery he performs and a gruelling daily diet and workout routine. 00:21comm: veronica met david when she came to him for a vaginoplasty after having her daughterisabella, but david offered more. 00:28veronica: he says, would you be interested in a wonder woman makeover? i'm like, what'sthat? and he's like, lipo of the chin and the arms and the thighs and the da, da dada. y'know, brazilian butt. 00:40david: she opted for everything i suggested. even marriage. 00:47veronica: yes, he proposed on the first date. 00:51comm: since then david has performed a number on procedures on veronica. 00:55veronica: i had the laser vaginal rejuvenation, liposuction of multiple areas, brazilian buttaugmentation. i feel like i'm a walking advertisement for him. 01:03comm: in his...