
Mayıs, 2017 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

8 weeks post breast augmentation

(water splashing) - that's so (beep) weird! it's like a little fish tank. (upbeat techno music) - i think most guys just like boobs. they can be big, they can be small, they can be fake, they can be real. they're good all around. - if you're not happy with your breasts and you need to make them bigger to like feel more confident then, i mean, so be it. - it's gonna be likereally hard mochi, i think. - we're feeling somethingthat like goes in someone. which is kinda weird. (upbeat disco music) - oh, they're like liquid. that is not what i pictured at all. - that's, i mean it's like a waterbed. - i can't get over that noise. - yeah, that noise-- - it's such a turn-off. - yeah, you can't sound like a dishwasher when you're having sex. - to me this feels significantly heavier than a regular breast. but i'm also not normally judging the weight of regular breasts. - it's a little bit like hardened mochi. filled with water. - ...

8 weeks after breast augmentation

hi, this is dr. hourglass, and welcome toanother video in our channel wonder breasts. today we are going to discuss the differentaccess incisions for breast implant placement. in this channel we discuss everything relatedto breast surgery. welcome back! breast augmentation is the most commonly performed breast enhancement procedure in united states. one of the key factors duringyour consultation with a plastic surgeon is to determine which incision will be the mostappropriate for you. there are currently four different incisions for breast augmentation. first is the periareolar, which means that the incision is performed around the areola. as you can see in this video, an incision is made and dissection continues until the proper pocket is created for implant placement. there is what is called the inframammary fold incision. the inframammary fold anatomically is the most inferior part of the breast: the fold that is beneath your breast. an incision can be placed here for direct ac...

8 weeks after breast augmentation surgery

hi, this is dr. hourglass, and welcome toanother video in our channel wonder breasts. today we are going to discuss the verticalbreast lift technique. in this channel we discuss everything relatedto breast surgery. welcome back. i am sure you have searched the internet looking for a surgeon who can provide you with a breast lift using the technique that suits you the best. i am sure you have noticed that different patients have different scars. you might wonder why some surgeons use a techniquewhere the scar is around the areola, while others use a technique where the scar goes down in a vertical fashion. it is not that the surgeon picks and chooses breast lift techniques. i am sure that if surgeons had a magic power or a way to always lift the breast with minimal scars, we would all do that, because ultimately the goal of the plastic surgeon is to provide the best result. unfortunately, that is not the case for most patients. one technique that is very useful to lift the breast i...

8 months post breast augmentation

i'm a mom. i have two kids,ages four and seven. so i'm going through the mommy syndrome. i have a stomach that's flabby and it won't go away if i exercise or go on a diet or do any type of activities. that's why i want the los angeles tummy tuck and breast augmentation procedure. i want to look good in a bathing suit. half of the clothes in my closeti can no longer wear because before i had my kids i was small. then my body changed when i had my kids. i know my kids will love me. theylove me the way i look now but they will love me even more causetheir friends will say "your mommy is fine". that's all i want. i had the opportunity to meet bonnie a few monthsago and when she came to my los angeles office she basically presented with complaints that her stomach was a little flabby. she'd had a couple ofkids. she had lost volume in her breasts. and despite diet and exercise she was not ableto really improve her abdominal area. when i saw her i f...

8 months after breast augmentation

hi, this is dr. hourglass, and welcome toanother video in our channel wonder breasts. today we are going to discuss changes in nipplesensation after breast augmentation. in this channel we discuss everything related to breast surgery. welcome back. changes in nipple sensation are not uncommon after breast augmentation. during this cosmetic surgery, an incisionis made in the breast, a pocket is dissected, and an implant is placed either above or belowthe muscle. one of the risks of breast augmentation is changes in the sensation of the nipple-areola complex. when an implant is placed, the nerves that provide sensation to the nipple are stretched due to the increasing size of the breast itself. when a nerve is stretched, it gets irritated. this is why some patients describe more sensation in the nipple and areola and some lose sensation either partially or completely after the procedure. so, what can we do to minimize the risk ofloss of sensation in the nipple-areola complex? well, ...

8 days post breast augmentation

top 10 strange studies with unexpected results 10. most of us have murder fantasies evolutionary psychologist david buss decidedto take a survey of his university of texas at austin students to see if any of them hadever fantasized about murder. he discovered 75 percent of them said that they had, sohe decided to do a formal survey of approximately 5,000 people around the world. his results showed that 91 percent of men,and 84 percent of women have had a fantasy about murdering someone. in addition to thesurvey, he reviewed and analyzed the fbi files of more than 400,000 murders. buss concluded that “killing is fundamentallyin our nature because over the eons of human evolution murder was so surprisingly beneficialin the intense game of reproductive competition.” additionally, buss concluded that men aremore likely to kill someone if they’ve become humiliated because it could hurt their abilityto attract a mate. 9. american breasts are getting bigger according to the lingeri...

7 weeks post breast augmentation

hi, this is dr. hourglass, and welcome toanother video in our channel wonder breasts. today we are going to discuss inframammarybreast augmentation. in this channel we discuss everything relatedto breast surgery. welcome back. previously, we discussed periareolar breast augmentation. this week we are going to talk about inframammary breast augmentation. the inframammary location is at the lower part of the breast and is also called the mammary fold. when breast augmentation is performed, an incision can be placed at the fold for breast implant insertion. when a surgeon takes this approach, the incision is placed at the inframammary fold or lower, depending on the distance between the nipple and fold, taking in consideration a shifting of the incision site once the implant is inserted. an incision is performed and dissection is continued until the muscle of the breast is identified. this muscle is detached and the implant is placed through this incision. the inframammary fold incis...

7 weeks breast augmentation

charlet duboc: hi. i'm charlet, the host of fashionweek international. [intro playing] [music playing] charlet duboc: i realize thatthere are fashion weeks going on all over the world all thetime that aren't paris, new york, london, milan. the episode you're about towatch is one of our favorites, colombia fashion week. it's got everything in there,stroppy models, urban pole dancing, pablo escobar'sbrother's even in there, and a rather grisly bum implantoperation. so, yeah. here it is, fashion weekinternational, colombia. charlet duboc: welcome tofashion week international, a new show that reports on themost fabulous fashion weeks in the world and the culture andpolitics behind them. we were here for colombiafashion week, a celebration of colombia's second most famousexport, beautiful girls. [music playing in foreignlanguage] male speaker 1:[speaking foreign language] female speaker 1:[speaking foreign language] male speaker 2:[speaking foreign language...

7 weeks after breast augmentation

hi, this is dr. hourglass, and welcome toanother video in our channel wonder breasts. today we are going to discuss the use of breaststraps to help accommodate your breast implants after a breast augmentation. in this channel we discuss everything related to breast surgery. welcome back. breast augmentation is one of the most commonly performed cosmetic procedures in the united states, but in certain patients, particularly those who have very tight skin or want to have implants that are bigger than the anatomy allows, many times after the surgery the implant will look high. as a matter of fact, because the skin needs to stretch to accommodate the implant size, your chest is going to look like a bodybuilder’s: very tight, unnatural, and many times not very pretty. but all of this will settle within the first month. one of the things i recommend to help thebreasts settle is breast massage. i already discussed this in another video, which youcan watch after you finish this educatio...

7 months post breast augmentation

hi, this is dr. hourglass, and welcome toanother video in our channel wonder breasts. today we are going to discuss the use of breaststraps to help accommodate your breast implants after a breast augmentation. in this channel we discuss everything related to breast surgery. welcome back. breast augmentation is one of the most commonly performed cosmetic procedures in the united states, but in certain patients, particularly those who have very tight skin or want to have implants that are bigger than the anatomy allows, many times after the surgery the implant will look high. as a matter of fact, because the skin needs to stretch to accommodate the implant size, your chest is going to look like a bodybuilder’s: very tight, unnatural, and many times not very pretty. but all of this will settle within the first month. one of the things i recommend to help thebreasts settle is breast massage. i already discussed this in another video, which youcan watch after you finish this educatio...

7 months after breast augmentation

hi, this is dr. hourglass, and welcome toanother video in our channel wonder breasts. today we are going to discuss the differentaccess incisions for breast implant placement. in this channel we discuss everything relatedto breast surgery. welcome back! breast augmentation is the most commonly performed breast enhancement procedure in united states. one of the key factors duringyour consultation with a plastic surgeon is to determine which incision will be the mostappropriate for you. there are currently four different incisions for breast augmentation. first is the periareolar, which means that the incision is performed around the areola. as you can see in this video, an incision is made and dissection continues until the proper pocket is created for implant placement. there is what is called the inframammary fold incision. the inframammary fold anatomically is the most inferior part of the breast: the fold that is beneath your breast. an incision can be placed here for direct ac...

7 days post op breast augmentation

if you've read the best breast or watchedany of our videos, you know how much importance we place on doing your research if you'regoing to have breast augmentation. let's say you've done your research. you'vepulled the trigger, and now you're scheduled for surgery. what about the night before andthe morning of? what do you do now? well here's a top five list of do's and don'ts to helpyou through what you shouldn't do the night before and what you certainly should do theday of surgery. the night before surgery contains all of thedon'ts. number one, don't eat spicy food the night before surgery. certainly try to eatan early dinner and nothing heavy after 9:00. number two, don't eat or drink anything aftermidnight. that means don't put that bottle of water beside the bed and absent mindedlythroughout the night or pop up in the morning and go for your favorite cup of coffee. havenothing to eat or drink after midnight. number thre...

7 days post breast augmentation

hi, this is dr. hourglass, and welcome toanother video in our channel bootyman. today we are going to discuss the post op care of buttock implants. in this channel, we will discuss everything you need to know about buttock enhancement procedures. welcome back! recovery for buttock implants is different from buttock augmentation with fat. buttock augmentation with implant is a procedure that is not performed by most plastic surgeons. this is mainly because specialists are limited and the procedure comes with high complications. in my practice, i have developed a technique that minimizes buttock augmentation complications significantly. strict protocols must be followed to avoid infections during the recovery process. patients are advised to refrain from sitting for roughly three weeks. this is in order to give time for the incisions to close, as well as for the patient to regain enough strength to avoid ripping the sutures open. sitting puts a lot of pressure on the buttocks, putti...

650cc breast augmentation

why her buttock is bigger? hi, this is dr. hourglass, and welcome toanother video in our channel bootyman. today we are going to discuss why some patients get bigger behinds than others. in this channel, we will discuss everything you need to know about buttock enhancement procedures. welcome back! the patients routinely compare the results with their friends or a family that has a buttock done already and they want to look the same. but the bottom line that when it comes to surgical procedure how big your buttock can get cannot be extrapolated to how big your friend's buttock was. if you compare 2 human beings, you will notice that everybody is different. there skin anatomy, their fat distribution, their skin tightness, the level of projection, and the abdominal wall. even some patients have surgery before while others have not had surgery before, so all these factors complement to create different types of body anatomy that allows different patients to have different results...

6 weeks post breast augmentation swelling

hi, this is dr. hourglass, and welcome toanother video in our channel wonder breasts. today we are going to discuss how a periareolarbreast augmentation is performed. in this channel we discuss everything relatedto breast surgery. welcome back. today, i am going to discuss and you are going to see me performing a periareolar breast augmentation. periareolar means around the areola. so, let’s start the surgery. when i perform the surgery, i make a cut inthe lower part of the areola. i then dissect vertically down through thebreast tissue, cauterizing any bleeders, until i identify the landmark of the pectoralis major muscle. in this diagram, you will see the dissectionuntil we reach the muscle of the chest. the pectoralis major muscle lies under thebreast. once i identify the pectoralis major muscle, i dissect over the muscle inferiorly and detach the muscle on the lower part from the midlineall the way to the side of the breast. i will then insert either a saline implantor a sil...

6 weeks post breast augmentation bra

hi, this is dr. hourglass, and welcome toanother video in our channel wonder breasts. today we are going to discuss implant volume. in this channel we discuss everything related to breast surgery. welcome back. choosing the most appropriate implant for you is the most important decision when performing a breast augmentation. i have previously discussed the different measurements that i use to determine the most appropriate implant for you. patients get confused regarding the number of cc and how this will translate into a cup size. breast implants are sized in cc, or cubic centimeters, which is a measurement of volume. for example, if you want a 400 cc implant, there is 400 ml of volume in that particular implant. now, to decide which implant is most appropriatefor you, i recommend watching the previous videos where i have discussed this. what i wanted to talk about today is the difference between different implant volumes and howthis translates into a breast cup size. let’s say...

6 weeks breast augmentation

hi, this is dr. hourglass, and welcome toanother video in our channel wonder breasts. today we are going to discuss the naturalhistory of breast augmentation. in this channel we discuss everything related to breast surgery. welcome back. when a breast augmentation is performed, you need to realize that the way your breasts are going to look right after surgery is not going to be the same as they are going to look a couple of months after surgery. in addition, depending on the type of breasts that you have and the firmness of your breast before surgery is going to be the look that you are going to have after surgery. so let me explain this to you. let us say that you are cup-a and you want to go to a cup-c. your breast pocket will be surgically dissected and an implant will be placed. typically, you are going to need around a 400 cc implants to go from an a-cup to a c-cup, but because the space where the implant was placed is small initially, your breast are going to look funny, v...

6 weeks after breast augmentation

hi, this is dr. hourglass, and welcome toanother video in our channel wonder breasts. today we are going to discuss animation deformitiesafter a breast augmentation. in this channel we discuss everything relatedto breast surgery. welcome back. breast augmentation is a very common procedurein the united states, and there are different anatomical areas where breast implants can be placed. you can place the implant under the muscleor above the muscle. i prefer putting the implant under the musclebecause it is the best anatomical place for a foreign body like a silicone breast implant; it provides good coverage and helps prevent aesthetic complications. nevertheless, complications can occur withbreast augmentation surgery, and one of these is animation deformity after the procedure. when a breast augmentation is performed, themuscle of the chest is detached and an implant is placed under the muscle. the function of the pectoralis muscle is still going to be there, so when you compress...

6 months post breast augmentation

hi, this is dr. hourglass, and welcome toanother video in our channel bootyman. today we are going to discuss the post op care of buttock implants. in this channel, we will discuss everything you need to know about buttock enhancement procedures. welcome back! recovery for buttock implants is different from buttock augmentation with fat. buttock augmentation with implant is a procedure that is not performed by most plastic surgeons. this is mainly because specialists are limited and the procedure comes with high complications. in my practice, i have developed a technique that minimizes buttock augmentation complications significantly. strict protocols must be followed to avoid infections during the recovery process. patients are advised to refrain from sitting for roughly three weeks. this is in order to give time for the incisions to close, as well as for the patient to regain enough strength to avoid ripping the sutures open. sitting puts a lot of pressure on the buttocks, putti...

6 foot tall breast augmentation

comm: meet the marshalls. britain's most surgically enhanced family. chantal: hi, i'm chantal, and these are my daughters. comm: between them, they have had an incredible, thirteen boob jobs. comm: chantal, a professional psychic, is a mother of nine. chantal: oh i'm very proud of my daughters. they just keep me going basically. i've hadfour boob jobs, my breast size is thirty two double g. i try to look as classy as i can.i would say classy, not trashy. comm: four of chantal's five daughters, have had breast surgery. thirty year old motherof one, emma is a thirty two double g. 00:47emma: they're not sagging, you can't tuck 'em over your shoulder or anything they'rethere aren't they. comm: terri, who's twenty eight, has the largest breasts in the family. a huge, thirty fourdouble h. terri: i just think big boobs are beautiful. comm: twenty six year old tara has had two surgeries, taking her to a thirty four f. tara: i always have a quic...

6 days till breast augmentation

cosmetic surgery is growing more popular,worldwide. more than 87 percent of all plastic surgery is performed on women, and the numberone is breast augmentation. let's bust this wide open. in the 1940s, japanese prostitutes would injectparaffin or sponge into their breasts to increase their bust line and attract american soldiersduring world war ii. then, in 1962, the first silicone breast implantation was performedin houston, texas. now, 50 years later,. in 2013, there were more than 23 million surgicaland nonsurgical cosmetic procedures performed worldwide and the most common, at 1.77 million,were breast implant surgeries! breasts are a collection of fat, milk-producinglobules, lymph nodes, and connective tissues. no two are alike, even on the same person!they sit on top of pectoral muscles, over the ribs and, as you likely know, exist forbreast feeding infants, but have other social purposes as well. they're continually developinguntil the age of 22, and their size is bo...

6 days post breast augmentation

hi, this is dr. hourglass, and welcome toanother video in our channel wonder breasts. today we are going to discuss the use of dermabondafter breast augmentation. in this channel we discuss everything relatedto breast surgery. welcome back. during a breast augmentation, an incisionis made to insert the implant. the implant is placed either above or below the muscle, and then the incision is closed in multiple layers. once the incision is closed, i like to use a product called dermabond, which is like a liquid suture. i do not necessarily use it to actually close the incision, but it is very convenient because it covers the incision to help prevent infectionswithin the first days after surgery. it acts like a dressing, seals the area, keepsit sterile once the healing process starts within 24 hours, and prevents bacteria frominvading the incision. the convenient thing is that because it actslike a surgical dressing, you will be able to take a shower right after surgery without being...