
3 weeks breast augmentation

hi everyone! here we are in o.r. 1, this isthe number one operating room here at the plastic surgery clinic, and what a lot ofpeople have asked me to talk about is implant projection. so, people want to know, whatis the difference between low projection, medium projection, moderate plus projection,and high projection? what does that mean? lots of people think that projection meanshow high the implant stands. it doesn't. projection means how far out the implant projects orsticks forward in the frontways direction. let me show you 2 different implants. so theseimplants, these 2 implants are both 400cc implants. but this implant is a high projectingimplant, and this implant is a moderate projecting implant. so you see this implant sticks outmore in the front to back direction than this implant does. but they're both 400cc's. now,if they're both 400cc's the higher projecting implant is also narrower. so if you look atthese 2 implants you see how this one is narrowe...

3 weeks breast augmentation post op

hi, this is dr. hourglass, and welcome toanother video in our channel wonder breasts. today we are going to discuss inframammarybreast augmentation. in this channel we discuss everything relatedto breast surgery. welcome back. previously, we discussed periareolar breast augmentation. this week we are going to talk about inframammary breast augmentation. the inframammary location is at the lower part of the breast and is also called the mammary fold. when breast augmentation is performed, an incision can be placed at the fold for breast implant insertion. when a surgeon takes this approach, the incision is placed at the inframammary fold or lower, depending on the distance between the nipple and fold, taking in consideration a shifting of the incision site once the implant is inserted. an incision is performed and dissection is continued until the muscle of the breast is identified. this muscle is detached and the implant is placed through this incision. the inframammary fold incis...

3 weeks after breast augmentation

is it possible to breastfeed with implants? given the well-documented benefits of breastfeedingto the long- and short- term health of children, the american academy of pediatrics (aap) recommendsexclusively breastfeeding infants for at least the first six months, and continuing to nurse,along with giving supplemental foods, throughout the first year of life. in fact, if one so chooses, babies can geteverything they need nutritionally from the mother’s milk up until about a year old,at which point their diet must be supplemented with solid foods. however, many women who have had breast implantsfear that they may not be able to breastfeed their children, assuming that their implantswill impair their ability to nurse, or at least do so effectively; luckily, this ismostly a myth, and, in fact, most women with implants who wish to do so are able to successfullybreastfeed their babies. the primary determinant in whether or nota woman with implants will be able to successfully nurse is...

3 months breast augmentation post op

hey everybody, dr. john connors here. we'recoming to you from outside my office here in atlanta, georgia, i'm really excited. ihad this crazy thought as i was watching television with my kids the other day. the televisionshow mythbusters came out and we were watching it and they were blowing up a bunch of stuffon television and i thought geez i have patients ask me all the time about the safety and theability of implants to take an impact, breast implants. breast implants that i use everyday to make patients look fantastic. i thought one thing that would be a reallycool experiment would be to take those breast implants that i use every day and run overthem with my car. my car weighs about 4000 pounds, the amount of impact from, let's say,an airbag or the amount of pressure when a patient would go diving or even in an airplanewhen it's pressurized. we're going to see what that pressure would do to an implantintact on the driveway as i roll over it with my car. i...

3 days after breast augmentation

is it possible to breastfeed with implants? given the well-documented benefits of breastfeedingto the long- and short- term health of children, the american academy of pediatrics (aap) recommendsexclusively breastfeeding infants for at least the first six months, and continuing to nurse,along with giving supplemental foods, throughout the first year of life. in fact, if one so chooses, babies can geteverything they need nutritionally from the mother’s milk up until about a year old,at which point their diet must be supplemented with solid foods. however, many women who have had breast implantsfear that they may not be able to breastfeed their children, assuming that their implantswill impair their ability to nurse, or at least do so effectively; luckily, this ismostly a myth, and, in fact, most women with implants who wish to do so are able to successfullybreastfeed their babies. the primary determinant in whether or nota woman with implants will be able to successfully nurse is...

3 breast implants

hi, this is dr. hourglass, and welcome toanother video in our channel wonder breasts. today we are going to discuss the differentaccess incisions for breast implant placement. in this channel we discuss everything relatedto breast surgery. welcome back! breast augmentation is the most commonly performed breast enhancement procedure in united states. one of the key factors duringyour consultation with a plastic surgeon is to determine which incision will be the mostappropriate for you. there are currently four different incisions for breast augmentation. first is the periareolar, which means that the incision is performed around the areola. as you can see in this video, an incision is made and dissection continues until the proper pocket is created for implant placement. there is what is called the inframammary fold incision. the inframammary fold anatomically is the most inferior part of the breast: the fold that is beneath your breast. an incision can be placed here for direct ac...

2 weeks post breast augmentation pain

hi, i'm dr. frank lista and welcome to operatingroom number 1 here at the plastic surgery clinic. so lots of patients ask me about implantshape. so, basically, there are 2 different shapes of implants. implants can either beround or they can teardrop shaped. how do we choose? well, first of all, the numberone rule is, and if you've seen any of our videos so far you know the number one ruleis, create a breast that looks beautiful, that has a beautiful shape and looks natural.so, every patient gets an implant that's been determined to be the right implant for them.how do we decide that? well, first of all, implants can either be round or teardrop solet me show you an example. here's a round implant and here's a teardrop-shaped implant.you notice this implant is perfectly round. this implant has a shape that looks like ateardrop. now, this implant, the teardrop implant, is really useful for patients whohave droopiness, or if they have what we call constricted lowe...

2 weeks breast augmentation

hi, this is dr. hourglass, and welcome toanother video in our channel wonder breasts. today we are going to discuss animation deformitiesafter a breast augmentation. in this channel we discuss everything relatedto breast surgery. welcome back. breast augmentation is a very common procedurein the united states, and there are different anatomical areas where breast implants can be placed. you can place the implant under the muscleor above the muscle. i prefer putting the implant under the musclebecause it is the best anatomical place for a foreign body like a silicone breast implant; it provides good coverage and helps prevent aesthetic complications. nevertheless, complications can occur withbreast augmentation surgery, and one of these is animation deformity after the procedure. when a breast augmentation is performed, themuscle of the chest is detached and an implant is placed under the muscle. the function of the pectoralis muscle is still going to be there, so when you compress...

2 weeks after breast augmentation surgery

hi, this is dr. hourglass, and welcome toanother video in our channel wonder breasts. today we are going to discuss the naturalhistory of breast augmentation. in this channel we discuss everything related to breast surgery. welcome back. when a breast augmentation is performed, you need to realize that the way your breasts are going to look right after surgery is not going to be the same as they are going to look a couple of months after surgery. in addition, depending on the type of breasts that you have and the firmness of your breast before surgery is going to be the look that you are going to have after surgery. so let me explain this to you. let us say that you are cup-a and you want to go to a cup-c. your breast pocket will be surgically dissected and an implant will be placed. typically, you are going to need around a 400 cc implants to go from an a-cup to a c-cup, but because the space where the implant was placed is small initially, your breast are going to look funny, v...

2 stage breast augmentation

there are a number of times where patients come to me requesting revision of previous breast surger. either they'relooking for an implant to be removed and replaced, maybe switching from saline to silicone, or they had a previous augmentation years ago and for example they are left with a little of asymmetry nipples are a little different in position orthe implant on one side may have migrated a little bit in terms of position, or maybe it was always a little bit asymmetric. it doesn't always mean that the previous surgeon did a bad job or made a mistake a lot of times it's just differences in the anatomy between the two sides, which are often very natural and exist in a lotof patients what i tell patients is if you can imagine that we all have some differences between our two sides none of us are perfectlysymmetrical imagine during surgery when you go inside, and people are also different on the inside as well and so that's one reason why a lot of times there ...